Raised Itchy Welts?


Adopt me please !
Well.....now I can scale a wall like "Spidey." THAT'S kinda kewl.

I THINK I have poison ivy :cds:

I knew a guy who had it once and didn't know it was on his hands .. well, he um ... used the bathroom and it got his privates .... Ended up he was also allergic to poison ivy, so ended up at the ER also. OMG was he going insane for like a week.


Well-Known Member

What's the question?

You remind me of a certain female parental unit-type; who will ask you a question if non-disclosure is suspected; then answer it in the same breath.
One time I said, 'Well, if you're gonna answer your own question WHY ASK?'
The rest of that day is a haze.
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Well-Known Member
I heard it gets purple paint off of the puppy too!

I just thought of the stuff that was supposedly "the shiznit" for removing sticker adhesive, and curing bug bites and getting you better gas mileage.....it was Skin-So-Soft.....or however it's spelled on the label.
What's the perfect age to be young enough to still "have it" and old enough to be wise(r) ......?

That's the question LOL

You remind me of a certain female parental unit-type; who will ask you a question if non-disclosure is suspected; then answer it in the same breath.
One time I said, 'Well, if you're gonna answer your own question WHY ASK?'
The rest of that day is a haze.

Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything (42)

Phrases from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia