

I bowl overhand
pixiegirl said:
What makes you think this? What about police officers, firefighters and such? The only reason I ask is because you stressed the fact by italicizing "the most" and said "no exceptions."

I would say that the military is one of the most but wouldn't give them exclusive rights.
Military in General.. but the guys that volunteer for the tough jobs.. the Marine and Army infantryman, the Rangers, the Navy's corpsmen.. they KNOW how dangerous it's going to be, it's not IF they get shot at, but WHEN... A cop may never have to unholster his weapon, or ever be shot at, but the kid that volunteers today to be an infantryman KNOWs where he is going, and that his life WILL be in danger.. And I'm not out to denegrate other jobs in the military, or a cop in LP but the guy sitting on an aircraft carrier, or on an airfield in Guam, or in his police cruiser at the Donut connection REALLLY aren't in as much danger as Pvt Snuffy 11B 3rd ID.. Downtown Baghdad.


New Member
pixiegirl said:
What makes you think this? What about police officers, firefighters and such? The only reason I ask is because you stressed the fact by italicizing "the most" and said "no exceptions."

I would say that the military is one of the most but wouldn't give them exclusive rights.
I would. The guys over there get shot at almost on a daily basis. They have nuts driving car bombs at them. They have roadside bombs blowing up their convoys. The chances of a soldier over there losing his life on any given day far exceeds that of of anyone over here.

Police and firefighters (God bless them) over here have the 2nd most dangerous jobs right behind our soldiers over there.


New Member
virgovictoria said:
Share common goals with those you support in power, those fighting for freedom, those with your ideals at stake, not the tards... sorry for the grammatic confusion...
It's ok. :huggy: I have a great respect for the way you portray your views!! :flowers:


Cleopatra Jones
Mikeinsmd said:
I would. The guys over there get shot at almost on a daily basis. They have nuts driving car bombs at them. They have roadside bombs blowing up their convoys. The chances of a soldier over there losing his life on any given day far exceeds that of of anyone over here.

Police and firefighters (God bless them) over here have the 2nd most dangerous jobs right behind our soldiers over there.

But you and Bob both just stated our soilders over there. Percentage wise how much of our military is over there. Our military over here is in much less danger then our police or fire force.

A very very good friend of mine is "over there" and will be coming home this fall. I have the utmost respect for the amount of danger he's in. But the fact of the matter is there's one year out of his life when he's been in significant danger. He'll come back and sit at a desk just like you and I. A cop is in potential danger his entire career.

My point was as a whole (not just soldiers that are deployed overseas durning wartime) that the military is no more nobel, selfless, etc then our police or firefighters.


New Member
pixiegirl said:
But you and Bob both just stated our soilders over there. Percentage wise how much of our military is over there. Our military over here is in much less danger then our police or fire force.

A very very good friend of mine is "over there" and will be coming home this fall. I have the utmost respect for the amount of danger he's in. But the fact of the matter is there's one year out of his life when he's been in significant danger. He'll come back and sit at a desk just like you and I. A cop is in potential danger his entire career.

My point was as a whole (not just soldiers that are deployed overseas durning wartime) that the military is no more nobel, selfless, etc then our police or firefighters.
Good point! :love:


Pitty Party
vraiblonde said:
Nothing burns my ass more than some whiney punk complaining about the poor widdle soldiers who are fighting this war. Do these people think they're so sophisticated and smart that they know more about what's good for American adults than they themselves do? Do they think they're cool sitting on their asses while others are freeing a nation? Do they think they're being "compassionate" by giving patronizing pity to people who neither want nor need it?

There is nothing I hate more than an elitist liberal. Nothing. I get so damn sick and tired of listening to them thinking they're smarter and better than the men and women who are devoting themselves to democracy. 50 years from now, our soliders can look at a liberated Iraq and say, "We did that. We did." And all these pissers and moaners can say is that they sat on their fat asses and complained while others did the work.

Our ancestors fought and died to make the United States a sovreign nation. They fought and died to free black slaves in this country. They fought and died to defeat Hitler's regime. All throughout history, our men and women have looked at injustice and said, "That's not right and you can't do that", and they've gone off to right the wrong.

And now they're going off to right the wrong in Iraq and what do they get in return? Sneering condescension from some tard who watches reality TV shows and downloads naked pictures of Teri Hatcher off the internet.

They should feel completely humiliated and ashamed of themselves because they are an embarrassment to this country.

Saw a kid.. Prolly 16, wearing a shirt that said, "Draft Beer not Soldiers".
First of all kid your not even old enough :shutup: to drink beer, secondly is what Vrai is sayin'... :smoochy:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Nothing burns my ass more than some whiney punk complaining about the poor widdle soldiers who are fighting this war. Do these people think they're so sophisticated and smart that they know more about what's good for American adults than they themselves do? Do they think they're cool sitting on their asses while others are freeing a nation? Do they think they're being "compassionate" by giving patronizing pity to people who neither want nor need it?

There is nothing I hate more than an elitist liberal. Nothing. I get so damn sick and tired of listening to them thinking they're smarter and better than the men and women who are devoting themselves to democracy. 50 years from now, our soliders can look at a liberated Iraq and say, "We did that. We did." And all these pissers and moaners can say is that they sat on their fat asses and complained while others did the work.

Our ancestors fought and died to make the United States a sovreign nation. They fought and died to free black slaves in this country. They fought and died to defeat Hitler's regime. All throughout history, our men and women have looked at injustice and said, "That's not right and you can't do that", and they've gone off to right the wrong.

And now they're going off to right the wrong in Iraq and what do they get in return? Sneering condescension from some tard who watches reality TV shows and downloads naked pictures of Teri Hatcher off the internet.

They should feel completely humiliated and ashamed of themselves because they are an embarrassment to this country.
From a military point of view, I pretty much ignore everyone.


Cleopatra Jones
Mikeinsmd said:
Good point! :love:

:love: I was in no way dowing the military. There are plenty of people in the military that deserve our utmost respect and admiration. That one guy that gave up his football career only to get killed over there comes to mind. But those firefighters and police that died 9-11 just doing their daily job shouldn't be forgotten. They are protecting our streets and lives every day of their career.

I don't discriminate.... I LOVE all men in uniform. :lol:


I bowl overhand
Mikeinsmd said:
Good point! :love:
You're just agreeing with her because she's cute!!!

And in a way she's right, but she's leaving out the comabat arms guys that are over their on their second or THIRD tour.. Granted clerks and the like do a lot of sitting around, but the combat arms guys are in danger every time they go the field(train). AND only about 15% of the Army is combat Arms, so they Spend a crap load of time either in the line of fire, or training to be in the line of fire. A clerk may only go overseas once in a 5 year period.. an infantryman will be rotated back and forth 3 or even 4 times.. so there would be no more.. "WHEW, did my year, never have to go back there again." for him (or her).

And to give you an idea HOW dangerous it is.. TRAINING in an Infantry Division, they go to the field to train for two weeks, they RARELY come back without at least ONE fatality, and remember numerous occasoins where there were multiple fatalities.. Tanks are killing machines, and they don't have a conscience they don't care who they kill.. They train with live weapons, live explosives, it can't get anymore dangerous then going downrange with a tank (or Bradley) platoon at 2AM firing live ammuniton at targets downrange, and then throw in the fact the infantry dismounts and are on foot, and then throw in rain, fog, cold, snow.. freezing rain.. and this is ongoing throughout their careers... THEN they get depoyed and it gets real.


I bowl overhand
pixiegirl said:
:love: I was in no way dowing the military. There are plenty of people in the military that deserve our utmost respect and admiration. That one guy that gave up his football career only to get killed over there comes to mind. But those firefighters and police that died 9-11 just doing their daily job shouldn't be forgotten. They are protecting our streets and lives every day of their career.

Totally agree.. Have the utmost respect for Police and Fireman... but most of their job, is mundane and routine.. 99% boredom followed by 1% hair raising terror.. and to those that give their lives in the line of duty, they deserve and should receive all the honor and endowments we could bestow upon them..


My Sweetest Boy
itsbob said:
Totally agree.. Have the utmost respect for Police and Fireman... but most of their job, is mundane and routine.. 99% boredom followed by 1% hair raising terror.. and to those that give their lives in the line of duty, they deserve and should receive all the honor and endowments we could bestow upon them..


I am in no way dimishing the military at all. HOWEVER, there are many fire departments and police departments in inner cities all over this county...hell, PG County Cops, whose jobs are far from mundane and routine.


Cleopatra Jones
cattitude said:

I am in no way dimishing the military at all. HOWEVER, there are many fire departments and police departments in inner cities all over this county...hell, PG County Cops, whose jobs are far from mundane and routine.

And there are also MANY MANY places where their ONLY fire dept is volunteer. They may not run a lot of calls but when they do they get no compensation for it.


I bowl overhand
cattitude said:

I am in no way dimishing the military at all. HOWEVER, there are many fire departments and police departments in inner cities all over this county...hell, PG County Cops, whose jobs are far from mundane and routine.

Don't disagree.. but what you and I would consider hair-raising, would be routine for them. That's where they get in trouble.. for example.. Domestic Disputes are the most dangerous calls for them to go on.. but after going on 200 of them to find two drunks yelling at each other you tend to find it routine.. then #201 one of them pulls a weapon.. they're caught off guard, and are in trouble quick.

I give them the utmost respect, i wouldn't do what they do for the money they make.


I bowl overhand
pixiegirl said:
And there are also MANY MANY places where their ONLY fire dept is volunteer. They may not run a lot of calls but when they do they get no compensation for it.
I'm not familiar with MD, but in NH we had volunteer FD's.. and they DID get paid if they got a call. Or were to watch the firehouse, or man the phones..

But I think we are comparing apples to oranges. You really can't compare a volunteer fireman in Solomons to a Marine in Baghdad.. other then they BOTH volunteered, they don't have much in common.


FromTexas said:
There are naked pictures of Teri Hatcher on the internet? Excuse me for a bit.

"Yes they're real, and they're spectacular!"