Rate The Last Film You Watched


God bless the USA
Fly Boys. 5/5. Just finished watching. Based on true story from WWI. I think it has a whole new meaning in present time; considering present time events.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Infinity War.

... Still very good, exciting, definitely need a scorecard.

Netflix had it for free so I killed a couple hours watching it.

The movie was ok but it left me with the question... Why are they fighting Thanos?

Seemed to me he's on the right path. :shrug:


Raisin cane
Bird Box

It was ok. I was left with 2 questions:
1) How did those birds not drown in the rapids?
2) Why does Sandra Bullock look more and more like Michael Jackson?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The Mule

Clint's still got it. He plays pretty much the same character he's been playing for about a decade now: grumpy old cuss, estranged from his family. But it's an entertaining movie and I didn't fall asleep.


Well-Known Member
A Star is Born. Finally watched it yesterday. It was...okay. Maybe with all the hype it got, I was expecting more. Lady Gaga and Bradley did a great job with the music, but, I knew what was going to happen 20 minutes into the movie. Not a bad movie, but, imho, not Oscar worthy.


Well-Known Member
Infinity War.

Missing some details leading into this film. Thought I had seen all the pre-reqs, but I guess not. Anyway, they tried to mix the comedic with the serious and I'm not sure it always worked. Still very good, exciting, definitely need a scorecard.

Captain Marvel - 4.5/5


Power with Control
"He's Out There", Netflix 2018. One out of five. Description I saw somehwere said "An even better Cabin in The Woods" than Cabin in The Woods. Pretty sure that person knows nothing about Cabin in The Woods beyond the title, because this movie, unlike Cabin in The Woods, SUCKED. This movie sucked SOOOOOOOOO BAD. If you have axe murdered a convent full of nuns and then moved on to the local orphanage and need penance, then watch this, it should get you right into heaven.
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

For the millionth time. I put it on and promptly fell asleep. Woke up to the credits. :yay:


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
The Mule - 3.75/5. Based on a true story. Not sure how many more movies Clint has in him.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Got a free sneak preview of 'The Best of Enemies' last weekend at the theater on base. It won't be released until April 5th, but it is well worth seeing.

Based on a true story, THE BEST OF ENEMIES centers on the unlikely relationship between Ann Atwater (Henson), an outspoken civil rights activist, and C.P. Ellis (Rockwell), a local Ku Klux Klan leader who reluctantly co-chaired a community summit, battling over the desegregation of schools in Durham, North Carolina during the racially-charged summer of 1971. The incredible events that unfolded would change Durham and the lives of Atwater and Ellis forever.

Very well acted and highlights the racial tensions in the early 70s, especially as incited by the KKK. I also learned a new word: charrette. It means "a meeting in which all stakeholders in a project attempt to resolve conflicts and map solutions."

I give it 4 out of 5 stars.


happy to be living
Rented from Netflix "Same kind of Different as Me". Based on a true story. It is the kind of movie I will think about for a couple of days.
5 out of 5.