Reality of Gun Ownership


Well-Known Member
Exactly!! Shooting someone with rocksalt is not very deadly unless they are within arms reach or something. Might hurt like a sumbich though at ten feet.

Wonder how legal the law considers it though? :confused: I would think that if they want to be ass holes, they can say that you still fired a projectile from a shotgun, not get any more specific than that, and charge you with assault with a deadly weapon? Same weapon, different projectile, obviously :shrug:

Novus Collectus

New Member
And I do.

So you can leave it at a difference of opinion, or you can bring shoplifting schoolchildren into the mix.

Shooting to kill is murder or intentional homicide. You are only allowed to shoot to stop the threat or the attack.....and if they die while you are defending yourself, then so be it, but you cannot shoot to intentionally kill anymore than the criminals we send to prison can.

I mean think about it, do you think it would be ok to shoot a burglar that was a threat and then when they are on the ground bleeding and squiriming in pain no longer being a valid threa, to walk up to them, put the gun to their head and then put a bullet in their brain?
We are better than the criminal scum, remember that.

Novus Collectus

New Member
Wonder how legal the law considers it though? :confused: I would think that if they want to be ass holes, they can say that you still fired a projectile from a shotgun, not get any more specific than that, and charge you with assault with a deadly weapon? Same weapon, different projectile, obviously :shrug:

First degree ("aggravated") assault is not attempted murder....but it still carries 25 years max though.


New Member
And, what defensive actions do you feel the homeowner is allowed to take against this non-violent crime?

There are a myriad of defensive actions for a homeowner to take. Because of the endless hypothetical situations, it would be impossible to list them all.


New Member
I asked a similar question but got the run around, IMO.

As someone who has been in multiple violent situations in my home and felt my life was threatened on multiple occasions, I personally still don't want a gun in my home. This is only my feelings, I do not feel that I could kill someone. I have had guns pointed to my head and still don't feel that if I got the gun I would be able to kill someone. I would feel more comfortable with a taser or mace. This is only what I would do. If someone does feel comfortable killing someone than they should be able to defend their home.

I didn't give you the runaround.

Novus Collectus

New Member
There are a myriad of defensive actions for a homeowner to take. Because of the endless hypothetical situations, it would be impossible to list them all.
If the homeowner validly feared for their safety, then it really does not matter what other means there is, they can use deadly force to defend against an attack upon their dwelling.


New Member
If the homeowner validly feared for their safety, then it really does not matter what other means there is, they can use deadly force to defend against an attack upon their dwelling.

Thank you for finally agreeing with me. I knew eventually you would see it my way.


New Member
I am not a self defense expert. I have provided my opinion as to how I feel about someone killing a person who is running away from a home they have burglarized. I will go further and state I don't believe you should kill that same burgular if they surrender. You should defend your home in a manner in which you are comfortable.

IMO, this was not answering the question directly. I actually agree that someone shouldn't be killed if they are running out the house. I just think maybe you would get your point across better with examples of ways to defend ourselves.


New Member
IMO, this was not answering the question directly. I actually agree that someone shouldn't be killed if they are running out the house. I just think maybe you would get your point across better with examples of ways to defend ourselves.

My point is, every situation is going to be different. If I were to tell you that you should kill them with a knife, and you tried that and were killed, then I would in my mind assume some responsibility for that. If I were to tell you that you should get a gun and kill them, and you couldn't live with yourself afterward then I would assume some responsibility for that.

The point is, you have to do whatever you feel is necessary and what you can live with to defend yourself.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I mean think about it, do you think it would be ok to shoot a burglar that was a threat and then when they are on the ground bleeding and squiriming in pain no longer being a valid threa, to walk up to them, put the gun to their head and then put a bullet in their brain?

I already said yes, I see no problem with this.

I understand what the law is, but I do not agree with it.