Redskins talkin smack thread


Active Member
I'm not a big skins fan but if they are playing good ball, they are playing good ball.

The Skins beat the all mighty Cowboys that were allegedly the best in the NFL.

And the Eagles get whooped by the so so Bears.

So whats up with the Eagles being favored by 6?
And why don't the Skins get any respect?



Football addict
Clinton Portis' 100 yard rushing effort was his 20th and ranks #1 all time in Redskins history.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
I don't think you've been watching the games.

I also believe the Iggles throw the same 3 yard screens. Heard of the West Coast offense much?
I'm not the one bragging about how great my QB is. Cowboys secondary sucks. Yeah 3 yard screens to Westy who takes it 65 yards to the house. Fedex last year.
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Football addict
I'm not the one bragging about how great my QB is. Cowboys secondary sucks. Yeah 3 yard screens to Westy who takes it 65 yards to the house. Fedex last year.
Bragging? Hardly. Post me some stats and the like that prove me otherwise, that's all I've done.


Football addict
Yeah 3 yard screens to Westy who takes it 65 yards to the house. Fedex last year.
Ah yes, that was bittersweet. Bitter because we were at home and because we stoned you for most of the game. Sweet because we stoned you in Week two in your house.:pete:


Football addict
October 5, 2008 2:46 PM

Posted by's Matt Mosley

PHILADELPHIA, Pa. -- In the first half, quarterback Jason Campbell broke the Redskins' all-time record for most consecutive passes without an interception. Joe Theismann previously held the record with 161 passes in 1983.

Dating back to last season, Campbell has now gone 166 passes without an interception. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->


Stretch's Mom
I went from screaming and snarling at the tv and wanting to give the entire team one of these :smack:

To whooping and hollering and :yahoo:

Well done you scared the bejezuz out of me.

Now I can relax and have a few :buddies: before the work week.

Man does it feel good. 4-1 BAYBEEEE!!


Football addict
Just reported on ESPN...

Zorn wanted to give the guys off tomorrow for their stellar play. The team told him "No".

Gotta love the moxie.