Religious vs. Atheist "converters"

What best describes your experiences?

  • I'm a believer and I've handed out religious info.

    Votes: 6 15.4%
  • I'm a believer and have verbally promoted religion.

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • I'm an athiest and have handed out atheist info.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm an athiest and have verbally promoted atheism.

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • I've been given (or listened to) religious info.

    Votes: 20 51.3%
  • I've been given (or listened) to atheist info.

    Votes: 5 12.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
What about them? Are you speaking of the crusades? I'm talking about current systems of belief. Christianity isn't exactly aggressively expanding it's influence by war and conquest. If anything it's doing it by medical care and charity along with it's missionary message of love and redemption.

It was just a joke. :shrug:


I bowl overhand
I'm pretty ambivalent about the whole God issue myself but I see no harm in religious people trying to get people to accept God into their lives. I believe religious people are happier and more content. I wish I had the ability to have faith, for some reason it didn't take with me. :lol:

However, if some freakin' atheist came up and tried to undo my kid's fledgling belief in God I'd kick them right in the ass. :mad: I want my children to have the opportunity to have faith and belief without some pissy nutcase with an axe to grind trying to undo the faith and morals I'm trying to ensue they get.

It's not faith and belief if it's the ONLY thing they've been told their entire lives.

Heaven forbid (get the irony??) that your children get a complete education with ALL the facts, and when the time comes they can make in informed decision.

I would NEVER approach someones child to promote either religion or atheism as it's the parents business, but to shut off your child to the whole story, and only sharing them the one acceptable to you isn't doing your child justice, and their belief wouldn't be based on faith.

How can it be faith if it's the only thing they know?? I think that would more fit the brainwashing model then the faith model.

And BTW, my children have had religious education, and know the Bible stories, have read the bible.. I don't have that much hate in me to keep them sheltered from the rest of the world, and I know I've raised smart kids that can make up their own minds if given all the information to be able to do so.


I bowl overhand
What about them? Are you speaking of the crusades? I'm talking about current systems of belief. Christianity isn't exactly aggressively expanding it's influence by war and conquest. If anything it's doing it by medical care and charity along with it's missionary message of love and redemption.

WOW, the same model the Taliban, AL Queada, and even the Drug Lords in South America use.

AMazing how many suicide bombers a community can produce if you do the EXACT same things., it's proper term is RECRUITING!!


How convenient that you have an excuse to badger people.

Do you think it's easy to go and knock on doors of people you don't even know? Most people will tell you that it's a bit scary, not knowing who is going to answer the door. Some people actually dread it. You might ask, then why do it? It certainly isn't to badger people, but for every ten people that shut the door on the conversation, there's someone willing to listen and perhaps get saved. Jesus went looking for lost sheep, that's all these people are doing.


Its one thing if that's what they believe. But how many of them "really" believe that? I can't say and neither can you. It's my opinion. It's also one thing to go out and share what you believe it's another to try to "convince" someone who doesn't want to be convinced. That's where the insecurity in belief comes in. I'm of the opinion that more than less of the people going out door to door don't have faith as strong as they'd like you to believe. Again, my opinion.

More than you think, I imagine, but that's my opinion.


professional daydreamer
Do you think it's easy to go and knock on doors of people you don't even know? Most people will tell you that it's a bit scary, not knowing who is going to answer the door. Some people actually dread it. You might ask, then why do it? It certainly isn't to badger people, but for every ten people that shut the door on the conversation, there's someone willing to listen and perhaps get saved. Jesus went looking for lost sheep, that's all these people are doing.

Not being sarcastic here, but where in the bible does it say Jesus knocked on doors? To my knowledge he only gave public sermons, and private discussions with his disciples.


New Member
Do you think it's easy to go and knock on doors of people you don't even know? Most people will tell you that it's a bit scary, not knowing who is going to answer the door. Some people actually dread it. You might ask, then why do it? It certainly isn't to badger people, but for every ten people that shut the door on the conversation, there's someone willing to listen and perhaps get saved. Jesus went looking for lost sheep, that's all these people are doing.

What church do you go to?


Not being sarcastic here, but where in the bible does it say Jesus knocked on doors? To my knowledge he only gave public sermons, and private discussions with his disciples.

He sent out his disciples two by two to every household (Luke 10:1-7).

The point is He took pains to go out and meet people where they are.

Or if you want to get technical, try this:

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" - Revelation 3:20


professional daydreamer
He sent out his disciples two by two to every household (Luke 10:1-7).

The point is He took pains to go out and meet people where they are.

Or if you want to get technical, try this:

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" - Revelation 3:20

Okay. Thanks. I still don't want some religious nutty knockin' on my door tryin' to convince me to believe something that they believe in. How do you feel about someone of a religion other than your own knockin' on doors and spreadin' what you believe to false teachings?


Well-Known Member
Okay. Thanks. I still don't want some religious nutty knockin' on my door tryin' to convince me to believe something that they believe in. How do you feel about someone of a religion other than your own knockin' on doors and spreadin' what you believe to false teachings?

Don't believers realize that people can see their churches? It's not like they're in some super secret hidden location. :lol:


professional daydreamer
Don't believers realize that people can see their churches? It's not like they're in some super secret hidden location. :lol:

They want you to come to their church, not some random church on the side o' the road. Not the wrong church.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't think there's anyone in America who hasn't listened to or been given religious materials.

I thought this was pretty funny:

I've been given (or listened) to atheist info.

Like there's some club of atheists who come knocking at your door to tell you you shouldn't believe in God or else something bad will happen to you. Maybe slip you a few tracts at the county fair. :lol:

It never occurred to me to make a big issue out of my religious beliefs (or lack thereof). I don't try to convert others because I don't really care what they believe, as long as they don't bug me about it. It's fun and interesting to have conversations with fundies who know what they're talking about and who don't get all kirked out when you question them. But there's no real desire to make them believe what I believe.


professional daydreamer
I don't think there's anyone in America who hasn't listened to or been given religious materials.

I thought this was pretty funny:

Like there's some club of atheists who come knocking at your door to tell you you shouldn't believe in God or else something bad will happen to you. Maybe slip you a few tracts at the county fair. :lol:

It never occurred to me to make a big issue out of my religious beliefs (or lack thereof). I don't try to convert others because I don't really care what they believe, as long as they don't bug me about it. It's fun and interesting to have conversations with fundies who know what they're talking about and who don't get all kirked out when you question them. But there's no real desire to make them believe what I believe.

I'd honestly like to hear from the people who have been given atheist material, or had an atheist accost them on the sidewalk, or knock on their door.


New Member
I don't think there's anyone in America who hasn't listened to or been given religious materials.

I thought this was pretty funny:

Like there's some club of atheists who come knocking at your door to tell you you shouldn't believe in God or else something bad will happen to you. Maybe slip you a few tracts at the county fair. :lol:

Normal Bob Smith has some printable pamplets at their site.

mAlice, you should print up some to pass out when they come to your door. :roflmao:
Free Downloadable Flyers/


Well-Known Member
Like there's some club of atheists who come knocking at your door to tell you you shouldn't believe in God or else something bad will happen to you. Maybe slip you a few tracts at the county fair. :lol:

That's exactly why I put it in there. This_person made a comment about when atheists try to "rob him of his religious beliefs" and I wondered how many people have actually been approched by atheists. :shrug: I didn't think it was all that common, but he made it sound like it was.