Religious vs. Atheist "converters"

What best describes your experiences?

  • I'm a believer and I've handed out religious info.

    Votes: 6 15.4%
  • I'm a believer and have verbally promoted religion.

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • I'm an athiest and have handed out atheist info.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm an athiest and have verbally promoted atheism.

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • I've been given (or listened to) religious info.

    Votes: 20 51.3%
  • I've been given (or listened) to atheist info.

    Votes: 5 12.8%

  • Total voters


professional daydreamer
That's exactly why I put it in there. This_person made a comment about when atheists try to "rob him of his religious beliefs" and I wondered how many people have actually been approched by atheists. :shrug: I didn't think it was all that common, but he made it sound like it was.

Thank you.


I'd honestly like to hear from the people who have been given atheist material, or had an atheist accost them on the sidewalk, or knock on their door.

How about being in, say, a religious forum and getting confronted by atheists who opine that "Contradiction X, Contradiction Y, and Contradiction Z are proof positive that your bible isn't worth the paper it's printed on. And all religion is merely a crutch for the mentally and emotionally weak". (Paraphrased, of course)

Does that count as "listening to atheist info"? Or do I HAVE to be accosted on the sidewalk, or have my door knocked?


professional daydreamer
How about being in, say, a religious forum and getting confronted by atheists who opine that "Contradiction X, Contradiction Y, and Contradiction Z are proof positive that your bible isn't worth the paper it's printed on. And all religion is merely a crutch for the mentally and emotionally weak". (Paraphrased, of course)

Does that count as "listening to atheist info"? Or do I HAVE to be accosted on the sidewalk, or have my door knocked?

What? We can only discuss it if we agree with you? Why would you have a problem with that, but not have a problem with someone of a different faith discussing it? I mean, if you think about it, if someone's belief is different than yours, they're heretics and going to hell anyway. I've read it many times in the Religion Forums.

I think you should be accosted IRL for it to count.


New Member
Kinda' like people telling me that I'll like venison, if I just try it the way they prepare it? I keep tryin' it, but I still don't like it. :shrug:

That's because you're calling "venison". Call it DEER MEAT and growl when you say it. Tastes much better that way. :drool:


New Member
I don't think there's anyone in America who hasn't listened to or been given religious materials.

I thought this was pretty funny:

Like there's some club of atheists who come knocking at your door to tell you you shouldn't believe in God or else something bad will happen to you. Maybe slip you a few tracts at the county fair. :lol:

It never occurred to me to make a big issue out of my religious beliefs (or lack thereof). I don't try to convert others because I don't really care what they believe, as long as they don't bug me about it. It's fun and interesting to have conversations with fundies who know what they're talking about and who don't get all kirked out when you question them. But there's no real desire to make them believe what I believe.

Maybe it's part of the "religion" to CARE about others. When people honestly feel that you go to hell if you're not a believer, they may feel compelled to tell you in hopes that you will listen and believe. There is no atheist creed saying you have to care about others. There's nowhere to go according to an atheist, so why bother?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There's nowhere to go according to an atheist, so why bother?

If you need to have God looking over you to make sure you do the right thing, it's a fraud. You should do the right thing because of your personal morals and ethics, not because you're afraid of getting in trouble.


What? We can only discuss it if we agree with you?

Did I say that?

Why would you have a problem with that, but not have a problem with someone of a different faith discussing it?

I'm missing the part where I said I have a problem with anyone for anything?

I'm suggesting that listening to atheist's info should count as "Listening to Atheists Info".

That's all.

There is no intended subtext in what I wrote at all.

I think you should be accosted IRL for it to count.

Well.... I guess I have nothing to add to this branch of the conversation then.


Well-Known Member
We don't need someone to tell us to care about others. We just do it.

:yeahthat: I don't need someone telling me what to do. I'm sorry, but I think morals are pretty black and white. :shrug: Do I need someone telling me it's bad to kill? To cheat? To steal? Nope. I already know those things are bad, and I figured it out all by myself (well, and with my parents' help). :smile:


Well-Known Member
Would anyone who checked the last option be willing to share their experiences? I'm curious to know what was said or done. :smile:


New Member
I totally agree. I'm plenty, plenty faithful but people have totally turned me off towards any type of organized religion. I think promoting religion/faith or lack there of is the works of insecure people. Your faith is personal and if you feel the need to go out and recruit others to your cause it's only because your personal beliefs aren't as strong as you'd like to think they are and you need the support of others. It's not about making others "see the light" it's about making yourself feel better because someone else shares your views. That pendelum swings both ways.
Considering that the foundational teaching of Christianity is to make disciples (AKA the Great Commission)...I disagree with you.

Christians (at least the one's I know at Leonardtown Baptist Church) share their faith out of obedience to what Jesus taught and out of love for people who are outside of God's Kingdom.

That's just biblical Christianity. I'm sorry you don't see it that way.


New Member
I don't think there's anyone in America who hasn't listened to or been given religious materials.

I thought this was pretty funny:
I think you'd be surprised. I run into people a lot in St. Mary's who haven't ever gotten a tract or had somebody talk to them about God or their beliefs before.

Like there's some club of atheists who come knocking at your door to tell you you shouldn't believe in God or else something bad will happen to you. Maybe slip you a few tracts at the county fair. :lol:
Well there is that whole billboard fiasco...