Religious vs. Atheist "converters"

What best describes your experiences?

  • I'm a believer and I've handed out religious info.

    Votes: 6 15.4%
  • I'm a believer and have verbally promoted religion.

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • I'm an athiest and have handed out atheist info.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm an athiest and have verbally promoted atheism.

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • I've been given (or listened to) religious info.

    Votes: 20 51.3%
  • I've been given (or listened) to atheist info.

    Votes: 5 12.8%

  • Total voters


Cleopatra Jones
How was His visit? Because its obvious either you are lying or He dropped by.

The word "WRONG" in caps above certainly seems to contradict you.

The definition of Christianity is a logical one, not a theological one so there is a right and wrong answer.

I'm not "pushing" anything and its unfortunate that you see me defending my beliefs which were attacked first if you care to go back and look as pushing my beliefs upon you. :huggy:


New Member
A requirement of Christianity is belief in Jesus NOT belief in the bible word for word. :yay:
True. I know several Christians who don't believe in Inerrancy.

What they consider authoritative though always puzzles me. For instance, how can they know anything about what Jesus taught is true. They can be swayed by any wind of doctrine that comes along. Eh...who knows. Not a battle I'm willing to fight right now. I'm tired.


New Member
The definition of Christianity is a logical one, not a theological one so there is a right and wrong answer.

I'm not "pushing" anything and its unfortunate that you see me defending my beliefs which were attacked first if you care to go back and look as pushing my beliefs upon you. :huggy:
You are the one who said that sharing your faith is just for insecure people right?

And I answered and said "No, that's not why we share our faith."

You then have proceeded to take an accusatory and defensive tone, at least that is how it appears to me.

But if you feel like I attacked you, I apologize.


I don't find people "promoting" their faith (or lack thereof) any more or less annoying than a Billy Mays commerical.


I bowl overhand
Studying the Scripture through self-study and group-study as well as personal research on other faiths has taught me many things. Including the old axiom "In essentials unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity."

Check out chapter six from the book Reasons for Faith by Norman Geisler.

It talks about these biblical "essentials" for salvation that are held by the orthodox (lower case o ) church.

Hence I believe Mormons are in error because they believe baptism by immersion is necessary for salvation.

taken from an address to the Harvard Divinity School in March 2001 by Robert L. Millet, former dean of religious education at Brigham Young University.
What Mormons Believe About Jesus Christ - LDS Newsroom

To be honest, there website is very vague. I do not find that they adequately flesh out their beliefs and instead ask you to pray about it, which in itself is fine, if you know what to ask God about!

7th day Adventists? I know several. I believe them to be Christians as far as I know. I disagree with their doctrine on the Sabbath. Other than that, I haven't really studied them too much.

DId did you ever think to ask WHY does your church studies others so much?

I've been to Catholic churches.. not once have they EVER discussed, let alone actively study other churches more than saying, We Are the Only Church.. Same can be said of Mormons..

Why do the Baptists spend so much time and energy not only studying other churches, but actively seeking out and trying to disrupt other churches?? I don't like, nor believe in organized religion, but Baptists, out of all of them, is the ONLY I know that actively trys to drive members of other churches away, even going so far as to picket other churches national and regional events. I never hear of Catholics doing that, or Mormons, or 7th days.. or ANY other..


professional daydreamer
So do any of you believe the sign "don't believe in god? you're not alone" was an attack on your belief?


New Member
DId did you ever think to ask WHY does your church studies others so much?

I've been to Catholic churches.. not once have they EVER discussed, let alone actively study other churches more than saying, We Are the Only Church.. Same can be said of Mormons..

Why do the Baptists spend so much time and energy not only studying other churches, but actively seeking out and trying to disrupt other churches?? I don't like, nor believe in organized religion, but Baptists, out of all of them, is the ONLY I know that actively trys to drive members of other churches away, even going so far as to picket other churches national and regional events. I never hear of Catholics doing that, or Mormons, or 7th days.. or ANY other..
What the heck are you talking about?

Westboro "Baptist" Church are not followers of Christ. They are full of hate and their fruits are evil. Not to mention that they are scam lawyers looking to cash in.

I know many Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, Anglicans, etc. All of these I consider Christians. I think that could probably be said for most of the congregation at LBC that they feel the same way.

I also know that we disagree on certain doctrines of the church, but they are not the essentials for salvation. Those we agree on. We also agree on the doctrine of the Trinity, as outlined in the Council of Nicaea (which separates us from Mormonism).


F*** Socialism!
I was curious because of a comment this_person made in another thread. I've never had an atheist try to promote atheism. Ever. I've had TONS of believers try to promote their religion.

And Sonsie, I don't exactly agree with you that religious people are happier. :lmao:

My sister (a looney liberal lesbian) is a proud atheist and I have read a book byesteemed atheist Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion).

Both my nutty sister and Dawkins seem to believe and want to convince you there is no God. They say repeatedly, that lots of smart people are and have been atheists, and if you were smart, you would be, too.

Well, as everyone here knows, I'm certainly not very smart. But I realize faith is a concept that is completely alien to them.

The God Delusion actually was a good read, except it tries too hard to sway over the the atheist "religion."

I refer to my sister as the loonry liberal and she calls me the right-wing nut job. Yep, Thanksgivings are fun at our get togethers.


Well-Known Member
The God Delusion actually was a good read, except it tries too hard to sway over the the atheist "religion."
Well, isn't that the point of the book? I mean, look at the title. :lol:

I wouldn't really count reading the book in the poll though, because that's voluntary.


Cool Dude
So do any of you believe the sign "don't believe in god? you're not alone" was an attack on your belief?

I'm an agnostic, so of course that sign wouldn't bother me. I'm sure it would bother most people of "faith" though.

The problem is that we live in a world where mass delusion is the accepted norm. If I passed out magazines that made people feel guilty about being who they are, or that tried to pass a work of fiction off as being more important than any observable truth about the universe, that would be alright. Sure, most people would roll their eyes and throw the material away, but they'd be perfectly polite to the fanatic that handed it to them. If I tried to pass out magazines that showed people how ignorant their medieval beliefs are... I'd get punched in the face.

I would agree though, that people of faith general at least...happier than more secular individuals. They say ignorance is bliss...

Also, being surrounded by people who base their reality on their interpretation of old books doesn't exactly improve my happiness level.


I'm an agnostic, so of course that sign wouldn't bother me. I'm sure it would bother most people of "faith" though.

The problem is that we live in a world where mass delusion is the accepted norm. If I passed out magazines that made people feel guilty about being who they are, or that tried to pass a work of fiction off as being more important than any observable truth about the universe, that would be alright. Sure, most people would roll their eyes and throw the material away, but they'd be perfectly polite to the fanatic that handed it to them. If I tried to pass out magazines that showed people how ignorant their medieval beliefs are... I'd get punched in the face.

I would agree though, that people of faith general at least...happier than more secular individuals. They say ignorance is bliss...

Also, being surrounded by people who base their reality on their interpretation of old books doesn't exactly improve my happiness level.

You claim to be agnostic.

Then you refer to faith as mass-delusion.
You refer to faith as ignorant and medieval.
Then you refer to people of faith as ignorant.
With one good pinch on the ass out the door with a knock on the bible.

That doesn't sound "agnostic" to me.

Just grow a pair, and call yourself an atheist. It's cool. I won't punch you in the face.

I swear.

To God.


Or maybe you're just more inclined to ignore people who ask questions that you don't know the answer to.

Don't make me side with atheists in a religion forum?

1) mAlice isn't ignorant. The above accusation is baseless.

2) I think she could figure out the answer to the question since it's a hypothetical question about her own emotion.

3) Let's keep this respectful. Please.


'95 ZX6R
And Sonsie, I don't exactly agree with you that "religious people" are happier. :lmao:

part of the problem is the broad definition of "religious people"

there are a lot of people who claim religious affiliation and do nothing more than go to church a few times a year, some are very "religious" without being spiritual in the least, there are those that are very spiritual but are anti-establishment, and there are those that are spiritual and still outwardly "religious".

I would say that spiritual people are typically happier, but wouldn't take it any farther than that.