

JPC sr said:
Our Heavenly Father on Judgement Day will not force anyone to be saved as that is a worldly concept, instead everyone will accept it with glee.

Why would there be a need for Judgement Day if everyone is already saved? And who is God talking about in Revelations 20:15 where "Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the pool of fire." Who are these "anyone" God is talking about?

The scriptures do say that some will be stubborn and resistant but it only means that the old addictions and egoes must be overcome but that is to be a big part of the fun.

A big part of the fun? That part must've slipped past me in the Bible. :rolleyes:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

PsyOps said:
Why would there be a need for Judgement Day if everyone is already saved?
:coffee: Because "Judgement" does not mean like worldly Courts and punishments.

The Judgements are shown best in the Old Testiment of the Bible,

link HERE 2 Chronicles 19:5-7

and this link HERE for Judges 2:17-19.
PsyOps said:
And who is God talking about in Revelations 20:15 where "Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the pool of fire." Who are these "anyone" God is talking about?
:popcorn: The lake of fire is for the weaker persons but the fire is not pain and or torture.

In the scriptures "fire" is a symbol for the spirit of God on his ministers that help people to repentance,

Link HERE Hebrews 1:7,

and another reference link HERE to Acts 2:3-4

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

MMDad said:
As usual, you ignored the content and focused on the part you want to see. I don't believe you when you say you've read the Bible. There is no way you could interpret it so poorly if you had actually read it.

It's kind of easy Jimmy. You can't find anything in the Bible that supports your view. Therefore you are either making it up, or you know what you are saying is wrong yet say it anyway. Either way, it doesn't change the basic fact that you are wrong.
:coffee: I see the confusion here is that I can act independently because I have an actual personal relationship with God, while other have to follow the commands of their worldly masters in the churches.

A "personal relationship" means one to one and not as a group relationship like all Catholics go together and all Pentecostals go together and all Baptist must believe the same basic doctrine, or else any individual must hide the personal relationship in servitude to the dominating group doctrine.

I am able to see and accept the unconditional love from God but the Churches tell others that they will burn in Hell or go to the mystical Heaven and so others can not accept the truth without turning from their Orthodox religious beliefs that have been told to them by their worldly masters.

In Christ I am free but others are trapped in their unGodly doctrines.

Rock and roll. :larry:


JPC sr said:
Because "Judgement" does not mean like worldly Courts and punishments.

The Judgements are shown best in the Old Testiment of the Bible

Wrong JPC! I never a thing about "worldly Courts and punishments". Judgements as stated in the New Testament. Not surprisingly you have completely dismissed every verse I provided you.


JPC sr said:
:coffee: I see the confusion here is that I can act independently because I have an actual personal relationship with God, while other have to follow the commands of their worldly masters in the churches.

Which God JPC. You have said you follow all religions. Are you telling me you have a personal relationship with all of them?

[QUOTE-JPC sr]A "personal relationship" means one to one and not as a group relationship like all Catholics go together and all Pentecostals go together and all Baptist must believe the same basic doctrine, or else any individual must hide the personal relationship in servitude to the dominating group doctrine.[/QUOTE]

So you do not associate with other Christians or Muslims or Hindus, or whatever faith you are observing at the moment, in the capacity of sharing your faith?

Then I guess when Jesus said “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20), this doesn’t have any meaning to you.

God wants us to be together and support each other:
Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved… Acts 2:46-47

“that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith”… Romans 1:12

“that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith”… Galatians 6:2

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin”… 1 John 1:7

God does want us to have a personal relationship with Him, but he also realized that when there are more of us together (in a congregation) we encourage each other on a straight road.

It's pretty arrogant to assume billions of people congregating together, nearly every day, have it all wrong and you have it right. But you seem little interested in the truth of the Bible and seem bent on your own judgements and justifications.

JPC sr said:
I am able to see and accept the unconditional love from God but the Churches tell others that they will burn in Hell or go to the mystical Heaven and so others can not accept the truth without turning from their Orthodox religious beliefs that have been told to them by their worldly masters.

In Christ I am free but others are trapped in their unGodly doctrines.

All you are saying here JPC is the entire Bible and its references to Heaven and Hell are lies. You should remember that there is one sin that is unforgivable and that is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. I believe you walk a fine line.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

PsyOps said:
Wrong JPC! I never a thing about "worldly Courts and punishments". Judgements as stated in the New Testament. Not surprisingly you have completely dismissed every verse I provided you.
:coffee: You might not consider Judgement Day like as worldly Courts and punishments and I am happy for you if that is true, but Orthodox Christianity does it that wrong way still.

I did not miss any verse given or not given as I am only giving a more accurate interpretation to those verses. :howdy:


2ndAmendment said:
JPC has posted that even satan is saved in the end; that no one goes to hell. Any appeal to him on the grounds that that notion completely disagrees with the Bible is totally ignored. Good luck. Both pastors of a church and I have confronted JPC face to face and told him that not everyone gets saved and he just said he does not believe that. My advise is to shake the dust from your feet.


JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

PsyOps said:
Which God JPC. You have said you follow all religions. Are you telling me you have a personal relationship with all of them?
:coffee: Oh yes, absolutely. And I recommend it to anyone or everyone.
PsyOps said:
So you do not associate with other Christians or Muslims or Hindus, or whatever faith you are observing at the moment, in the capacity of sharing your faith?
:coffee: Yes, I associate with all religion of all kinds but I do not participate in their errors.

I have in the past and I go now to many religions and I would do more if it was accessable for me.
PsyOps said:
Then I guess when Jesus said “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20), this doesn’t have any meaning to you.
:popcorn: I find that verse to be more physically correct then spiritually, because when I am gathered with others in that way then we use the Bible or at least quote scripture to back up our positions and so God is there in our scripture usage.

Even here on this forum you quote Matthew 18:20 and thereby you put Christ in our midst.
PsyOps said:
God wants us to be together and support each other:

God does want us to have a personal relationship with Him, but he also realized that when there are more of us together (in a congregation) we encourage each other on a straight road.
:popcorn: That is said to be the idea and the ideal but I have found it seldom to be true.
PsyOps said:
It's pretty arrogant to assume billions of people congregating together, nearly every day, have it all wrong and you have it right. But you seem little interested in the truth of the Bible and seem bent on your own judgements and justifications.
:popcorn: I hate quoting Revelations but it has an odd verse that Satan deceives the whole world, link HERE Rev 12:9 but in my own opinion - if the majority were not wrong about God and scripture then we would not have the mess of a world that we have now.

Plus the idea of the kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven includes bringing the truth here because it is not plentiful at this time.
PsyOps said:
All you are saying here JPC is the entire Bible and its references to Heaven and Hell are lies. You should remember that there is one sin that is unforgivable and that is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. I believe you walk a fine line.
:jameo: I am not saying the scriptures are a lie,

I am saying the Orthodox interpretation of the Bible is very incorrect.

The "hell" is from the Greek mythology of "Hades" and not from the person of Christ.

And God might be in Heaven but people will not go there ever. :popcorn:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Your interpretations of Biblical scripture are nonsense just like your understanding of human law. You are an anarchist in the human and Biblical sense. You rebel against mans laws and against God's word. I pray that God humbles your heart and opens your eyes and ears, because right now, you look but do not see and you listen but do not hear. You are a liar and a tool of satan; you don't even recognize it.