restaurants smoking


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Christy
:wah: :wah:

Kids are resilient. I've yet to see one lose a lung due to being around second hand smoke. :duh:

Thank you DR. Christy for that wealth of useless information, please tell us more things that you haven’t seen in your years of working in the health profession.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Danzig
Thank you DR. Christy for that wealth of useless information, please tell us more things that you haven’t seen in your years of working in the health profession.

Why most certainly I will. :diva:

1. I've yet to see a man who sissy whines about second hand smoke, have a penis larger than a peanut.

2. I've yet to see any non-smoker drop dead in a restaurant or any public area where secondhand smoke was reported as the cause.


Look, I used to be a kind, considerate, courteous smoker, who went out of her way to accomodate the anti-smoking species, and here is what I've learned:

1. The more you accomodate anti-smokers, the more powerful they feel. I think it's an ego trip, I really do.

2. The more you accomodate anti-smokers, the less they have to complain about, thus putting them in a conundrum, since their sole reason for living is to complain, they sniff around (litterally) to find where the smokers are hanging out. When the vile smoker species is found, Voila! More to complain about, the void has been filled.

Whatever shall the anti-smoker species do when the smoker species has been banished from this Earth? :confused: My guess is they shall begin sniffing each other's hind ends looking for yet another smelly cause to fill that empty void. :shocking:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
Why most certainly I will. :diva:

1. I've yet to see a man who sissy whines about second hand smoke, have a penis larger than a peanut.

2. I've yet to see any non-smoker drop dead in a restaurant or any public area where secondhand smoke was reported as the cause.


Look, I used to be a kind, considerate, courteous smoker, who went out of her way to accomodate the anti-smoking species, and here is what I've learned:

1. The more you accomodate anti-smokers, the more powerful they feel. I think it's an ego trip, I really do.

2. The more you accomodate anti-smokers, the less they have to complain about, thus putting them in a conundrum, since their sole reason for living is to complain, they sniff around (litterally) to find where the smokers are hanging out. When the vile smoker species is found, Voila! More to complain about, the void has been filled.

Whatever shall the anti-smoker species do when the smoker species has been banished from this Earth? :confused: My guess is they shall begin sniffing each other's hind ends looking for yet another smelly cause to fill that empty void. :shocking:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Christy
Why most certainly I will...................

Just what I expected from you.

I pointless, useless, and uneducated response, and another failed attempt at humor.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Danzig
Just what I expected from you.

I pointless, useless, and uneducated response, and another failed attempt at humor.

Ooooh, ouch, that soooooo hurt my feelings. :duh: :lmao:

Did you happen to have a Freudian slip "I pointless, useless, and uneducated.." :poorbaby:

Admit it crankypoo, I give your life meaning, don't I? :love:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Are you a guy?
Found his portrait on the internet.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Kyle
Found his portrait on the internet.


Yep, that looks like the type of stuff someone like you would look for and find on the internet. I'm sure you have a nice collection of gay porn also, but there is no need to share it here.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Danzig
Yep, that looks like the type of stuff someone like you would look for and find on the internet. I'm sure you have a nice collection of gay porn also, but there is no need to share it here.
And just what, exactly, is wrong with gay people? :tap:


Yo Gabba Gabba
Wow Danzig, I thought for sure you would have stopped laughing at my history and heritage by now. You must now get out much.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Ehesef
Wow Danzig, I thought for sure you would have stopped laughing at my history and heritage by now. You must now get out much.

Oh, no don't cut your'e heritage short. There are tons of things about it to laugh at.


The Smart Hooker
Here in the great state of Florida (yeah right) you can't smoke at all in food establishments (even places like Applebee's.) I use to smoke but after having one child and now due with another I quit. I don't have a problem with people smoking at food establishments, I just say "non smoking please." That is of course smoking was allowed here in Florida. If I were to be seated in the nonsmoking section and I could still smell smoke, I would just kindly ask the waitress to move me farther away.

We look our daughter to Sea World over the weekend. All over these parks have "designated" smoking areas. What burns me up is that people obviously can't a) read or b) just don't give a crap and still smoke where every they want. People smoking at the parks don't bother me if they did it in the designated areas (which are all over the damn place) but walking around and blowing it in my face is another story.


New Member
I have worked in restaurants/bars for a number of years. Screaming kids are much higher on the intolerance scale than second-hand smoke. How about the annoying person who is so starved for attention, s/he must talk loud enough for the people in the next county to hear?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
sunflower said:
if i had to choose id rather smell smoke then hear someone blow their nose.
OMG! I HATE that!!! There is nothing more disgusting than someone blowing their nose at the table. Or you get some old person who's hacking up a lung next to you, then they pull out their yellow hanky and spit in it.


Makes me want to fire up a ciggy and give them something to hack about. :twitch: