restaurants smoking


My 401K is now a 201K
Re: Re: Re: special dedication...

Originally posted by Danzig
The main problem is the stink azz smokers that think it's a god given right to blow smoke wherever they want and with no regard to others around them. They have done this to them selves and I for one can’t wait till the law is passed in restaurants, I do think they should allow smoking in bars but the way it looks now that won’t be happening. Like it’s my fault you addicted and weak and can’t wait ten minutes to go outside to smoke? Well soon I won’t have to put up with it.:clap:

You better move, the market is good right now.


New Member
Originally posted by willie
Yep, Vrai and Toxic, you're right. It's all about ME! Pure selfish. You're just on the wrong side of the fence on who is selfish. You are telling us to find someplace else to eat and I'm merely asking you to wait and take your smoke outside after dinner. I doubt if this would be any where near the problem it is if there wasn't so many "in your face" smokers. People that appear to go out of their way to aggravate the crowd.
i for one wait when i go to eat we sit in the non smoking section. as a smoker i dont like to be around it while im eating i can wait i guess im not as addicted to smoking as others are?? but you guys can do what ever you want its america!!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: restaurants smoking

Originally posted by SEABREEZE 1957
Honestly, if I had a child with asthma, I would NOT take them to smoking resturants. I'd call beforehand and inquire. That would be the responsible thing to do. I wouldn't take them to the zoo either, too much dander. I wouldn't take them to Burger King, don't they flame broil and doesn't that create smoke?? And while I'm at it, doesn't that smoke go outside into the air? Probably shouldn't let them ride the school bus either...too much exhaust. Nor for that matter let them out the house, I mean the Ozone levels are horrendous. Sheesh....sorry, I had to rant. This is a major pet peeve.....:burning:
:yay: :lmao:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by White88Lightnin
i for one wait when i go to eat we sit in the non smoking section. as a smoker i dont like to be around it while im eating i can wait i guess im not as addicted to smoking as others are?? but you guys can do what ever you want its america!!
I am the same unless I am eating alone, like the last couple of nights, I sit at the bar.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I don't see how it is that bothersome. If you're stuck in a 12'X16' room with a half-dozen folks firing up and no ventilation maybe you'd have something to gripe about. But I've yet to visit any restaurant that didn't have ventilation sufficient to keep the place clear.

Personally I think if it weren't smokers, the whiners would be whining about someone’s aftershave, shirt color or some other ridicules crap.


Originally posted by RoseRed
I am the same unless I am eating alone, like the last couple of nights, I sit at the bar.
Well you shouldn't eat alone...


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: special dedication...

Originally posted by SEABREEZE 1957
You better move, the market is good right now.

I will be fine next year when the BAN goes into effect, and it will.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, Doesn't necessarily mean it's right.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Sharon
Exactly how old is RR's child? Because I have a real problem with people feeding their kids junk food and might take it upon myself to berate RR and tell her how to raise her daughter.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Exactly how old is RR's child? Because I have a real problem with people feeding their kids junk food and might take it upon myself to berate RR and tell her how to raise her daughter.
Cut and Paste saves time. :yay:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Exactly how old is RR's child? Because I have a real problem with people feeding their kids junk food and might take it upon myself to berate RR and tell her how to raise her daughter.
She's 5. :lol: @ you and Sharon! :lmao:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by willie
I have more of a problem with the soccer mom in the van full of kids, windows up and puffing away. The heavy smoking grandparents babysitting the grandkids and the parents blowing smoke at them at home. Is this my problem? Nope but I can understand why it would upset the "activist" type.

:wah: :wah:

Kids are resilient. I've yet to see one lose a lung due to being around second hand smoke. :duh:

I've said this a bazillion times, but it simply amazes me the child coddling that goes on these days. I fear we are raising a generation of schizoid sissies.