restaurants smoking


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Then make the argument. Exercise your brain and tell me why all restaurants should cater to non-smokers and none should cater to smokers.

Never said they should, and I do not believe it should be banned. I would like better ventilation, but could care less if people want to smoke or not...I really do not go out to eat much, but most places in this area are not non-smoking facilities. Personally, I am used to smelling smoke and for the most part it all smells the same, but perfume and BO are much more of an issue for me, two extremes of over-doing the cleanliness process, and under-doing it as well...:barf:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by valentino
Never said they should
Well, you said the argument could go both ways so I was just hoping someone could come up with a sensible reason why all restaurants should cater to non-smokers and none should cater to smokers.


Insert Lame Innuendo Here
Originally posted by Sharon
Spoken like a true selfish person... you want to ban all smoking in restaurants.

It should be up to the owner what the rules in his/her private establishment will be, not the government.

Excellent point- what should be so hard to understand about this?

It's really infuriating how selfish people can be, and they EXPECT everyone to cater to them.

**sweet, I found the Dennis Leary rant "Smoke":
link to the whole thing

5 - Smoke

I love to smoke. I smoke seven thousand packs a day, ok. And I am never f'ing quitting! I don't care how many laws they make. What's the law now? You can only smoke in your apartment, under a blanket, with all the lights out? Is that the rule now, huh?! The cops are outside, "We know you have the cigarettes. Come out of the house with the cigarettes above your head." "You'll never get me copper! I'm never coming out, you hear? I got a cigarette machine right here in my bedroom. Yeah!"

I don't know. Personally, I think Billy Martin said it best when he said, "Hey! I can drive!" Because we tried to be nice to you non-smokers. We f'ing tried. Okay? You wanted your own sections in the restaurants. We gave you that, huh. But that wasn't enough for you. Then you wanted the airplanes. We gave you the whole God damn plane! You happy now? You own the f'ing plane! I'd like an explanation about that one folks because I will guarantee you if the plane is going down, the first announcement you're gonna hear is, "Folks, this is your Captain speaking. Look, uhm, light 'em up, 'cause we're going down, okay. I got a carton of Camels non-filters, I'll see you on the ground. Take it easy." Actually, it'd be more like this, "[VB] This is your Captain speaking. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em. Rrrr Rrrr"
Yeah, we tried to be nice to you non-smokers. We tried. But you just fing badger us, you know? You won't leave us alone! You got all your little speeches you're always giving to us. All these little facts that you dig out of a newspaper or pamphlet and you store that little nugget in your little f'ing head, and we light up and you spew 'em out at us, don't ya? I love these little facts. "Well you know. Smoking takes ten years off your life." Well it's the ten worst years, isn't it folks? It's the ones at the end! It's the wheelchair kidney dialysis f'ing years. You can have those years! We don't want 'em, alright!? And I guarantee if I'm still alive, I'll be smoking then. I'll be in my wheelchair, with my adult diapers on and my twenty-five year old non- smoking born again christian son behind me. I'll be going, "Hey! Make sure you wipe this time. I was itching all week for Christ's sake! And get me some more wippets. I'm almost out, you f'ing p###y! Come on!"

Because you're always telling us, "You know, ever cigarette takes six minutes off your life. If you quit now you can live an extra ten years. If you quit now, you can live an extra twenty years." Hey, I got two words for you, ok. Jim Fix. Remember Jim Fix? The big famous jogging guy? Jogged fifteen miles a day. Did a jogging book. Did a jogging video. Dropped out of a heart attack when? When he was ####ing jogging, that's when! What do you wanna bet it was two smokers who found the body the next morning and went, "Hey! That's Jim Fix, isn't it?" "Wow, what a f'ing tragedy. Come on, lets go buy some buds."

It's always the yogurt sprout eating mother f'ers who get run over buy a bus drive by a guy who smokes three and a half packs a day. "Sorry officer, I didn't see him. I was too busy smoking!"


b*tch rocket
:lmao: You know, before all the anti-smoking nazis came out of the woodwork I used to be a courteous smoker. And for the most part I still am, but when you're constantly bombarded with their crap, all courtesy goes out the window. I probably would have quit smoking years ago if it weren't for the jackasses trying to FORCE me to quit smoking. It's now my mission in life to piss them all off. :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:


Well-Known Member
You poor abused smokers are making me think about my personal motives. I'm selfish. Maybe things are going too fast and hard against smokers and since we non smokers have the upper hand, lets go for the kill. Tax it the max and prohibit it in public. That's where it's heading and fair or not, I like it.:biteme:


Originally posted by willie
You poor abused smokers are making me think about my personal motives. I'm selfish. Maybe things are going too fast and hard against smokers and since we non smokers have the upper hand, lets go for the kill. Tax it the max and prohibit it in public. That's where it's heading and fair or not, I like it.:biteme:
And then everyone will quit and the $1 a pack in taxes can be added to double latte's, gas, white chocolate chunk macadamia nut cookies and technogeek magazines.


Well-Known Member
Or................nobody will quit and we'll have our next Al Capone running cigarettes north from Mexico


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by donbarzini
Or................nobody will quit and we'll have our next Al Capone running cigarettes north from Mexico
As long as they can't smoke in public......mission accomplished. As soon as my severe law is enacted, I'm going back to the Frying Pan on old RT 4 for liver and onions.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Thank you for Not Smoking. Cigarette smoke is the residue of your pleasure. It contaminates the air, pollutes my hair and clothes, not to mention my lungs. This takes place without my consent.

I have a pleasure, also. I like a beer now and then. The residue of my pleasure is urine. Would you be annoyed if I stood on a chair and pissed on your head and your clothes without your consent?

~ Sign from Ken's Magic Shop



Originally posted by willie
Maybe things are going too fast and hard against smokers and since we non smokers have the upper hand, lets go for the kill.


You got a mouse in your pocket?

I am a non-smoker, and I found your little diatribe to be sickening, selfish, ignorant, elitist, and fascist.

I will thank you not to refer to "Us non-smokers", as I am unfairly included in that sniveling elitism, but further refer to yourselves as "us anti-smoking nazis/fascists/commies".


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Toxick

You got a mouse in your pocket?

I am a non-smoker, and I found your little diatribe to be sickening, selfish, ignorant, elitist, and fascist.

I will thank you not to refer to "Us non-smokers", as I am unfairly included in that sniveling elitism, but further refer to yourselves as "us anti-smoking nazis/fascists/commies".

Thank you. That was some big words for you but you did OK.


Originally posted by willie
Thank you. That was some big words for you but you did OK.

Yup. I gots me one a them Dee-By-Gawd hi-skool diplomer type dealies. I can even tawk in two sillaboo words too.

So, all the real arguments are gone, so a patronizing tone and a diminutive remark are all that's left?


Sad - but cute.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Toxick
Yup. I gots me one a them Dee-By-Gawd hi-skool diplomer type dealies. I can even tawk in two sillaboo words too.

So, all the real arguments are gone, so a patronizing tone and a diminutive remark are all that's left?


Sad - but cute.
Sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. Actually, I don't really have a problem with smokers in restaurants, in fact when we visit the Bob Evans in Germantown we choose the smoking section believe it or not. It is extremely well ventilated and has half the patrons then the non smoking area. Last week in Applebees we were next to the smoking section but I don't actually remember seeing anyone smoking. I have more of a problem with the soccer mom in the van full of kids, windows up and puffing away. The heavy smoking grandparents babysitting the grandkids and the parents blowing smoke at them at home. Is this my problem? Nope but I can understand why it would upset the "activist" type.


My 401K is now a 201K
Originally posted by Christy
:lmao: You know, before all the anti-smoking nazis came out of the woodwork I used to be a courteous smoker. And for the most part I still am, but when you're constantly bombarded with their crap, all courtesy goes out the window. I probably would have quit smoking years ago if it weren't for the jackasses trying to FORCE me to quit smoking. It's now my mission in life to piss them all off. :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

If I were rich enough, I'd buy my own airline and name it Smokers Only....

I'd be a zillionaire with lung disease, but who cares?


My 401K is now a 201K
Re: Re: Re: restaurants smoking

Originally posted by Christy
:yeahthat: And when that day comes I'm starting my campaign to ban ALL children from restaurants. Whiny kids are far more obnoxious than cigarette smoke. :mad:


Whiny Kids should stay at home....:clap: I'd rather gag on some smoke than put up with crying kids with parents who think it's cute or just ignore them thinking they'll just stop if they are ignored.

To me, that is the epitome of rudeness.

Honestly, if I had a child with asthma, I would NOT take them to smoking resturants. I'd call beforehand and inquire. That would be the responsible thing to do. I wouldn't take them to the zoo either, too much dander. I wouldn't take them to Burger King, don't they flame broil and doesn't that create smoke?? And while I'm at it, doesn't that smoke go outside into the air? Probably shouldn't let them ride the school bus either...too much exhaust. Nor for that matter let them out the house, I mean the Ozone levels are horrendous. Sheesh....sorry, I had to rant. This is a major pet peeve.....:burning:


My 401K is now a 201K
Originally posted by DLBENENATI
Original message:
I notice that you state that the child “could be impacted” not that it “will be” or “has been” impacted. I guess this means that you are unsure if it’s a problem or not. I further surmise that it can’t be that significant of a health problem for the child or you would not be patronizing these establishments. What kind of a parent would subject their child to this environment if they knew it would or could cause health problems? As has been pointed out there are such things as smoke-free restaurants, I too recommend that you start using them.

First off if you don't have enough concern for children then I guess you don't have any. My child has asthma and smoke can and does provoke attacks. And further I DO NOT patronize establishments but that doesn't mean that I've never (at least once) walked into one before I realized what it was like. I never stated in my posting or implied I take my children there; however, why should I be limited? After all isn't that your argument? The difference is non-smoking in a restaurant for maybe an hour is not a great impact on your life. Not being able to even visit a restaurant at all impacts more than that. And I don't need YOUR recomindation on where I should take my business. People who have no reguard for others shouldn't be allowed outside at all!!!!

Your lack of spell check impacts my brain.:cool: