Rethinking our Union


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99% of the time when the bots are coughing up hairballs over Donald Trump or MTG, I have no idea why they think that's so "extreme". Every time I've seen MTG on a news show she's been sane and pragmatic, not extreme in the slightest unless you think being against political corruption and fascism is "extreme".

Like the whole ice cream debacle, when the newsbots were apoplectic that Trump got TWO SCOOPS! Because, OMG, TWO scoops! TWO!!! It's the end of our democracy!

Energy independence and bringing manufacturing back to the US - MAN is that extreme! What a right winger that guy is, eh?

MTG - "OMG, she thinks there was cheating in the 2020 election!!!" Yeah, well, me too. And plenty of other people. To me it's crazy extreme to think Joe Biden got that many votes.

Tucker Carlson - you're gonna have to help me here. He's like the exact opposite of extreme. The least extreme person on TV. I type this as I'm listening to Mark Levin on Hannity in the background - THAT is extreme. But Tucker Carlson?? (pause while I turn off Hannity)

So no, it's not always a matter of perspective. The guy who murders people and eats their hearts doesn't think he's crazy, but he is. His opinion on the matter means nothing because he's still crazy and that's that. When you're so extreme Left that you think Tucker Carlson or Joe Rogan is extreme Right, now you're pure flat batshit and definitely an extremist.

Normaally I'd do the idiot thing and cut and paste and parse, but I see what you did and it's easier.

Agree with what you say about people who are PORTRAYED as nuts but when I hear them speak - at length - not only "not so much" but really not at all. I learned way back during the 94 House win when Newt started appearing on the screens - and about the same, regarding Rush - two people I had hitherto regarded as blowhard jerks -

When I actually took the time to listen to what they said, at length - I realized I didn't think that at all. I had wholeheartedly succumbed to the things SAID ABOUT THEM, and not what they actually said.

I absolutely cannot say the same about the persons on The View - or late night personalities - or Jon Stewart (when he was ON) - any of the major MSNBC hosts (in 94-95, I actually LIKED Scarborough) or any of the CNN hosts. I HAVE listened to them, for years. I watched The View way back when it was Barbara Walters hosting it - and she used to introduce the idea as having women from different backgrounds express their different views.

Hannity - I just shrug. I am sure he's a nice person, but he's a squeaky wheel, a dripping faucet. Night after night he trots out the same stuff, repeats stuff on air I see online and adds nothing to the discussion. He's sensationalist. He's not insightful. I only ever watch him for the same reason I ever listened to his radio broadcasts - he gets the best guests, even if he never brings on a guest who disagrees with him.

Rogan isn't extreme at all. Most of the time, he's either talking about ANYTHING - or he lets his callers talk. If I hadn't seen his face, it wouldn't be hard to believe he was CGI. He's not "extreme" at all but he does challenge the status quo ideas -----

SOMETHING THEY ARE ALL **SUPPOSED** to DO. Challenge. Make you think. THIS IS WHAT these guys are supposed to do - upset the apple cart, maybe lampoon those in charge. MAKE YOU QUESTION what they tell you. NOT make you question what the challengers say. NOT support the status quo.

Try to think of what kind of nations squash challenges to established ideas because they're "dangerous". Go ahead, think - I'll still be here.

Tucker is probably the one person who makes me rethink things the most. Him, and maybe Gutfeld. He's just too damned funny - in fact, he's so funny I wonder how much is original or spontaneous.


Well-Known Member
Hannity - I just shrug. I am sure he's a nice person, but he's a squeaky wheel, a dripping faucet.

I quit on Hannity before he got on TV..Used to listen to his radio show and it was irritating as hell cuz he never let his guests talk. He talked over them constantly and the little bit I've seen of him on Fox, he hasn't changed.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The one thing missed in all of this is that the left has moved progressively leftward, as has the nation as a whole.

Many of the "conservative" positions now would not have been conservative positions just 20-30 years ago.

The difference is, where the nation has moved slightly left "toward the center" the Democratic Party mashed the gas pedal to the floor on a full tank of gas and want to hit the wall... Hard.

Consider: Could Jack Kennedy, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson ever rise to any prominence in the Democrat #### show these days?

The DNC IS extreme and the leadership of their party on the hill and white house shows it. Nancy, Chuck, Joe... Where do any of them show "MODERATION" in the positions or actions they take?

The Democratic Party is in a tenuous position now - the socialists - "progressives" - the woke - they were a nuisance rabble that the larger part of the party threw the occasional bone to. To quiet them. Then they did the same to other groups. Before long, these fringe elements had such a large piece of the party they could no longer afford to simply appease them.

They realize - and this is not just my opinion, you can find opinion articles written by DEMOCRATS - if they don't rein in these guys and stifle their influence, people will say to hell with them and vote Republican. This is why they are losing Hispanics and losing many African Americans, who are not on board with all of their latest loonie issues. This is why they are losing independents. Probably more than half their party would rather stay home than vote for the squad's idea (as an example).

Democrat leaders HAVE to appear "woke" - but voters don't have to be.

Recently there was a recall for three school board members - who were removed - in their words "because they were fighting for racial justice". The voters spoke differently - they'd rather the school focus on TEACHING their kids than advancing an agenda.

The response from the defeated school board members was that they were ousted by "white supremacists".

Each of them was defeated by greater than 70 percent, against. In San Francisco.

SERIOUSLY. I mean, can you NAME a more left-leaning, Democrat bastion as San Francisco. You three board members - 70% plus of the voters said get the hell out and let someone TEACH our kids. What does that say to me? No, it doesn't mean right-wingers won - hell are there ANY right-wingers in the whole city? It means people are sick of your stupid agenda. Start teaching the kids, stop with your crusade. Take your mission elsewhere.

And I have strong feelings about school related issues for one thing - school lasts, from beginning to end, a meager 12 years - 13 if you include kindergarten. In politics, 12 years is a blip - it's how long they'll discuss the Jan 6 thing. But it is a lifetime of school those kids can't get back. Don't eff with school. Life is too short. We have kids in pre-school, kindergarten and first grade who have never known school outside the pandemic. It's been their LIFE. Kids grow up fast, don't mess with their childhood for a political stunt.
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I quit on Hannity before he got on TV..Used to listen to his radio show and it was irritating as hell cuz he never let his guests talk. He talked over them constantly and the little bit I've seen of him on Fox, he hasn't changed.
I listened to him after Rush for one thing Rush almost NEVER did - have guests on, like the Vice President or the Secretary of State. Or Secretary of Defense or Chairman of the JCS. Stuff like that. It was the one time I could hear them be candid. Rush was always interesting, and he had insights into things I would never have thought of. But he rarely had guests of the administration. Mostly, he had callers.

After a while, I just tired of him. It's like watching the same movie - even one you like - after a hundred watches, nothing will tempt you to watch it again. (e.g. I can't watch Harry Potter or most of the Marvel movies again - just seen them way too much). It's not that he is irritating - it's that it's always the same.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The one thing missed in all of this is that the left has moved progressively leftward, as has the nation as a whole.

Many of the "conservative" positions now would not have been conservative positions just 20-30 years ago.

The difference is, where the nation has moved slightly left "toward the center" the Democratic Party mashed the gas pedal to the floor on a full tank of gas and want to hit the wall... Hard.

Consider: Could Jack Kennedy, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson ever rise to any prominence in the Democrat #### show these days?

The DNC IS extreme and the leadership of their party on the hill and white house shows it. Nancy, Chuck, Joe... Where do any of them show "MODERATION" in the positions or actions they take?

To me it's like teenagers. When they have everything they want or need, so they have to dig deep to find something to bitch about.

Democrats, because they're emotion based, are in a perpetual state of teen angst.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Democrats WANT to vote Democrat. It's like religion - Catholics aren't going to stop being Catholic because their priests get busted raping children and the Church did nothing about it. They will literally sacrifice their children, they are that entrenched.

So I'm pretty sure the Democrat Party can do whatever it wants and still get half this country to vote for them. They'll gripe and complain about it, but they'll vote the Democrat into power anyway.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Catholics are entrenched enough to sacrifice their kids. That's just BS.
Actually many are leaving and going to other Church's and that is the fault of the Church.
It isn't like 100 years ago when priests got away with this crap and were hidden and the word didn't get out. Now people know and are watching for it. Not all priests are child molester's , but the Church was wrong to hide them and in fact they still do, but it's gotten harder. The bad goes all the way to the top also, but the hierarchy of those doing foul deeds does not change the belief that the Church was the first and is still the true Church. It is the belief that keeps Catholics in the Church in spite of the bad that has been done over the years.
But even so , many are leaving. And no one is to blame but the higher ups in the Church who have sold out the Church for their own selfish bad deeds.

I urge any Catholic who suspects their priest of child abuse to call the Sherriff and not their Bishop.
Call the Sherriff and swear out a warrant for their arrest.
Do not let them hide it and try to convince you not to insist on their arrest and trial.
Treat a child molesting priest like you would any other child molester and don't let the Church or it's representatives talk you out of it. Men who abuse children belong in jail Not hidden in some other Parish.


Active Member
The one thing missed in all of this is that the left has moved progressively leftward, as has the nation as a whole.

Many of the "conservative" positions now would not have been conservative positions just 20-30 years ago.

The difference is, where the nation has moved slightly left "toward the center" the Democratic Party mashed the gas pedal to the floor on a full tank of gas and want to hit the wall... Hard.

Consider: Could Jack Kennedy, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson ever rise to any prominence in the Democrat #### show these days?

The DNC IS extreme and the leadership of their party on the hill and white house shows it. Nancy, Chuck, Joe... Where do any of them show "MODERATION" in the positions or actions they take?
Depends on the issue, gun control is the least popular it’s been in decades.

But everyone seems to be fine with pot legalization, a bunch of high folks with guns, hold on all!


Well-Known Member
I don't think Catholics are entrenched enough to sacrifice their kids. That's just BS.
Actually many are leaving and going to other Church's and that is the fault of the Church.
It isn't like 100 years ago when priests got away with this crap and were hidden and the word didn't get out. Now people know and are watching for it. Not all priests are child molester's , but the Church was wrong to hide them and in fact they still do, but it's gotten harder. The bad goes all the way to the top also, but the hierarchy of those doing foul deeds does not change the belief that the Church was the first and is still the true Church. It is the belief that keeps Catholics in the Church in spite of the bad that has been done over the years.
But even so , many are leaving. And no one is to blame but the higher ups in the Church who have sold out the Church for their own selfish bad deeds.

I urge any Catholic who suspects their priest of child abuse to call the Sherriff and not their Bishop.
Call the Sherriff and swear out a warrant for their arrest.
Do not let them hide it and try to convince you not to insist on their arrest and trial.
Treat a child molesting priest like you would any other child molester and don't let the Church or it's representatives talk you out of it. Men who abuse children belong in jail Not hidden in some other Parish.
Child molestation is the least of the Catholic church's sins, from what I've read they didn't MURDER any of the children. However, the church has MURDERED countless numbers and stood by and condoned MURDERING even more. I pretty much just laugh when any Catholic tells me all about the good that the church has achieved.