I hesitate to ask this, but have any of you had existential thoughts on future retirement? I'm really struggling. My husband is looking forward to retirement, and here I am thinking my life will be wasted waiting and doing nothing. For context, I am driven. I have trouble relaxing. I overschedule myself and then get overwhelmed. While he is looking forward to not having to work and to make bullets and go shooting and play video games until the wee hours, I'm afraid I will be terribly bored an unmotivated. I love to travel and read but you can't do that ALL the time. And if I'm not working, I don't see how we will have enough money to travel as much as I'd like. We can't afford that even now. We splurged last year and went on 4 fantastic trips, and I'm still trying to save up enough to get back to where we were before. Without an job, we will have a finite amount of income from retirement. I have lots of things I like to do, but struggle with the WHY? part of it. I mean, I can do my hobbies, start sewing, creating my photos books, but if I don't do any of it, no one cares. I can't seem to get past being needed to get stuff done. Currently work fills that feeling, but what is the point if I'm not needed? I watched my grandmother do the EXACT same routine daily for 40 years and I just can't fathom wondering WHY BOTHER. I dread the thought of retirement. I guess I've spent so much time doing things for others that I just can't see the importance of doing something just for me. I need to work this out in the next few years because I doubt I can keep working forever. I'd love to be looking forward to retirement life.