

PREMO Member
Seattle Antifa Hate Group Threatens to Burn Down Church Over Event With Charlie Kirk

It’s unclear how the terror threats were communicated to the church leadership, but Pastor Archer said the fact that the cops don’t have the manpower to help and the governor doesn’t have the political will to fight back means the church would have been left to the antifa arsonists and vandals of antifa and BLM.

In the video, Archer said the threats targeted not just the church properties but the homes and properties around them.

Radical terrorist mobs, like the ones who rioted on Seattle’s Capitol Hill, they sprung into action. They sprung with threatening declarations.They vowed to not only burn our properties to the ground, they but also brought threats of physical threats against our church leadership, our neighbors, their property, and basically wreak havoc in our community – this precious community that we love.
I’m sitting here wondering what to do. What recent history has taught us is there’s an apparent lack of interest at the state level of leadership to protect decent, taxpaying citizens. Those terrorist mobs know that there is no consequence for their lawlessness.They have nothing to lose and nothing to fear.


PREMO Member
Working-class people of color hate the riots the lefty elite keeps cheering

The Daily Caller recently sent a video correspondent to Brooklyn Center, Minn., scene of many police-shooting-related riots, and to Washington, DC, home of America’s ruling class, and asked people in both places when and if rioting was justified. The answers differed sharply.


At one level, the gap is surprising: The “oppressed” seem less enthusiastic about riots than those who worry about their oppression. At another level, it’s not surprising: The people whose neighborhoods are being destroyed are less sanguine about the destruction than are those who observe it from the comfortable environs of our nation’s capital.

(The Caller did manage to interview one black man in DC who commented that “peaceful protest has more impact on what’s going on.”)

But this is mostly a class divide. The women interviewed in DC share the up-talk and vocal fry that characterize well-off, college-educated young women today. They aren’t people who run or depend on small businesses that can be ruined by one night of destruction; they aren’t people whose wages might suffer from business closures following mass violence. They speak in the most abstract of tones.

We saw this in the 1960s with the rise of “radical chic,” in which (as the writer Tom Wolfe memorably noted), tony Upper-East-Side types shared cocktails with Black Panthers. Many of the most violent New Left revolutionaries of the 1960s and ’70s were the privileged children of wealthy parents. And even today, there’s a lot of voyeurism among those encouraging violence.

Last year, sports reporter Chris Martin Palmer became the face of this sort of thing when he tweeted a photo of a burning building in Minneapolis with the caption “Burn that s–t down!” (The burning structure giving him voyeuristic tingles was, it turned out, a low-income housing project, the Minnehaha Commons affordable-housing project.)


PREMO Member
'I Thought I Was Going to Die' – Man Held at Gunpoint and Beaten by Portland's Antifa/BLM Terrorists Talks From Hospital Trauma Center


As PJ Media reported there is video of Hall getting the stuffing beaten out of him by BLM and antifa “security” thugs who boxed in his vehicle and then surrounded him with their AR15s and AK-style weapons at him. His wasn’t the only car stopped by the militants at gunpoint. See the other video of the incident below.

His offense? He got cut off in traffic by a moped, flipped off the moped driver, and the next thing he knew he was surrounded and blocked by drivers providing cover for a Black Lives Matter march. He didn’t drive through a crowd. It appears that his only offense was to try to drive on the one side of the street where there were no protesters. He later told me that didn’t even know there was a march going on.

Hall told Portland’s Lars Larson Radio Show on Friday that when the mob surrounded him with guns, they began yelling racist epithets, calling him a racist and a Nazi. Why? There was the matter of the Trump and U.S. Marine stickers on his red truck as well. Oh, and he’s white. That’s a killing offense in these parts apparently.
“All of a sudden I heard a thump like I hit somebody. And I look up and there’s a guy standing with an AR-15 in front of me, one to the right, two to the left. I decided at that point that my life was in danger. I got out. I needed to clear the way to get my vehicle out of the area. So, I just bought a non-lethal device and told them I was going to use it. His non lethal device were pepper balls he bought off Amazon.


PREMO Member
Portland BLM/Antifa Draw Guns on Drivers to Enforce No-Go Zone in Broad Daylight

Portland’s revolutionaries from Black Lives Matter and antifa took over a busy street at noon on Wednesday and pulled guns on drivers who dared try to dart past the mob. The groups were holding a rally for a gangland shooter who was killed by police in 2018. That shooting was ruled justified (more below).

The chaotic scene included guns being drawn on white drivers by the multiracial BLM and antifa protesters and one driver drew his own weapon in reply. Someone deployed pepper spray.


A video taken of the event doesn’t tell the whole story, of course, and details are few. But you don’t need to see video to know that this looks like another act of terrorism on the streets of Portland by antifa thugs. It also highlights again that BLM and their antifa “security” are armed, dangerous, and willing to confront people who get in their way. As the Left is fond of saying, “by any means necessary.”

This is the banana republic encouraged by Democrats who have run Portland for decades. While city leaders spend time and money on defunding police and diversity-intersectional-art-tax projects and throwing away millions on its nearly 15th year of “ending homelessness in ten years,” actual law-abiding people are being harmed by the scourge of these thugs.

Expect more clashes like this.


Well-Known Member
Sooner or later these people are going to kill someone .
This needs to be stopped. If the police cannot or will not do it others need to band together and stop it.
ANTIFA appears to want war.


If I may ...
If I may ...

ANTIFA appears to want war.
If that happens, many of them will wind up bleeding out on the streets. Absent any known combat tactics, they really don't know, or realize, the position they are putting themselves in. Or maybe they are thinking life is like video game where can can simply "re-spawn".


PREMO Member
Capitol attackers are higher priority for prosecution than summer rioters, Garland says

Attorney General Merrick Garland acknowledged Wednesday that the Justice Department is prioritizing prosecuting those who participated in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol over those who rioted and looted during last summer’s social justice demonstrations.

“I think it’s fair to say in my career as a judge and in law enforcement, I have not seen a more dangerous threat to democracy than the invasion of the Capitol,” Mr. Garland said in testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee. “There was an attempt to interfere with the fundamental element of our democracy — the peaceful transfer of power.

“If there has to be a hierarchy of things that we prioritize, this would be the one we would prioritize because it is the most dangerous threat to our democracy,” he continued.


Well-Known Member
Capitol attackers are higher priority for prosecution than summer rioters, Garland says

Attorney General Merrick Garland acknowledged Wednesday that the Justice Department is prioritizing prosecuting those who participated in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol over those who rioted and looted during last summer’s social justice demonstrations.

“I think it’s fair to say in my career as a judge and in law enforcement, I have not seen a more dangerous threat to democracy than the invasion of the Capitol,” Mr. Garland said in testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee. “There was an attempt to interfere with the fundamental element of our democracy — the peaceful transfer of power.

“If there has to be a hierarchy of things that we prioritize, this would be the one we would prioritize because it is the most dangerous threat to our democracy,” he continued.

The peaceful transfer of power in the United States was destroyed by the Democrats after Trump was Inaugurated.
Garland proves every day that the republicans were right for keeping this POS off of the SCOTUS.


PREMO Member
Townhall Reporter Levels 'The Intercept' After It Attacks Conservative Reporting on BLM/Antifa

It basically accuses the reporters of selective coverage. Meanwhile, the report itself cherry-picks and spins various incidents that have happened over the past year. They’re disturbed that Rosas would cover what would otherwise be a “local news story.” Why? Because you say so? Because you don’t want it covered? Come on, man (in my best Joe Biden voice)! At every turn, “The Intercept” report puts in spin words – such as “handful of activists” and “isolated images” – to downplay those hundreds of images that we’ve seen. Apparently, we didn’t see those hundreds of law enforcement and/or federal agents assaulted, including those assaulted in Portland, it was really those evil characters attacking those poor innocent “protesters.” “And in many cases in which there was violence, it was inflicted on protesters, either by the police or right-wing vigilantes.”

“The Intercept” piece of course also tries to suggest the reporters are racist. “This coverage has come to dominate the right-wing narrative in a new way, flipping the script to suggest that Black protesters — demonstrating because they fear police violence — are themselves a threat to white people,” it says quoting a “media scholar.” This again is a ridiculous canard and shows ignorance of the BLM movement as well, as these reporters and most who cover it, know BLM folks on the ground are largely white radicals. So this doesn’t even make sense, in addition to the fact that it’s a smear job.


PREMO Member
Lefty Rag Goes After Reporters Who Covered BLM/Antifa Riots for Committing Acts of Journalism. And For Another, More Dangerous Reason

Forget everything you’ve seen about the Black Lives Matter and antifa riots of 2020. The destruction, cracked heads, lasers pointed in cops’ eyes, burned buildings – forget it all. The “summer of love” riots weren’t that bad. That was fake news. Gaslighting. And we know this because the left-wing publication called The Intercept says that accurate riot stories, reported by a small cadre of reporters working for right-of-center publications, don’t really count. Somehow the violence of 2020 was magically less violent because these reporters were the ones who witnessed it and reported it.

The Intercept, in a piece called “MEET THE RIOT SQUAD: RIGHT-WING REPORTERS WHOSE VIRAL VIDEOS ARE USED TO SMEAR BLM” in ALL CAPS IN 50-POINT FONT!!!! on the front of the website reports that Townhall’s Julio Rosas and other videographers who work for such publications as The Daily Caller and The Blaze “smeared” BLM with their coverage of the riots.

Because they covered them.

This smacks of the same kind of excuses leftists in Seattle and Portland have been making about their pet rioters. It goes something like this: Oh, sure, they burned the cop shop, terrorized the neighbors, people died, and I couldn’t drive in those parts of the city for months, and I’m still afraid to go there, but was it really that bad? I mean, they didn’t terrorize the whole city or anything.