Oregon Gave Antifa Your CARES Act COVID Relief Tax Dollars During the Riots. Wait, It Gets Worse
In case you’re skeptical about characterization of the group’s purpose, the local press knows exactly who and what it is.
Willamette Week called it “the protest support and mutual aid group … that’s provided resources for almost 100 days of protests across Portland.”
Along with
organizing its own events, Snack Bloc has been at seemingly every protest, march and vigil around the city over the past three months, providing snacks, water and supplies to protesters at the
Stripper Strike,
BLM Art Therapy and rallies across Portland.
In a
video the group made – your tax dollars at work – the group called for “burning it down” for the “revolution.”
When the awards were made in September, the head of the OHA said they were fully aware of the group’s receiving the money and noted how “vital” they are to “their communities” for the “collective work” to end racism, “especially relating to COVID-19.”
“We look forward to partnering with these remarkable organizations and communities, who do such vital work to serve their communities,” said Patrick Allen, OHA director. “We are deeply aware how these organizations’ linkages and knowledge of their communities and the challenges they face are so important to bringing resources to help. We look forward to the collective work to continue to meaningfully address the systemic racism and structural inequities that have caused so much health disparity, especially relating to COVID-19.”
Patrick Allen claimed that the money would go to groups “disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.”
The grants focus resources on communities most disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and programs that will address health and economic disruptions, food insecurity and housing, and safety and violence prevention, among other aspects of need.
OHA said that its criteria for doling out funds are:
- Health and Economic Disruptions
- Food Insecurity and Housing
- Safety and Violence Prevention
One of these things is not like the other.
The loosely formed “SNACK BLOC” can hardly be supportive of “violence prevention” when it literally fed antifa and BLM rioters violently trashing the city.
The State of Oregon also granted money to another group with terror ties. The Center for Cultural Organizing received $275,000 in funding from U.S. taxpayers for COVID relief. This is the group that supported the
imam from a Portland mosque, Al Saber “the sword,” which produced more than seven terrorists who supported Jihad in Afghanistan and elsewhere, including the Portland “
Christmas Tree Bomber.”
From the
group’s webpage:
Founded by Portland-area immigrants and refugees, the Center for Intercultural Organizing (CIO) was originally established to combat widespread anti-Muslim sentiment after 9/11. On September 8, 2002, authorities arrested a well-known Portland Imam at the airport—Sheik Mohamed Abdirahman Kariye, spiritual leader of the As-Saber Mosque (Masjed As-Saber)—falsely claiming his brother’s luggage contained traces of TNT. CIO’s founders organized a multicultural march and protest outside the federal building in downtown Portland, attended by local Muslims and other activists.