California Converts Carpool Lanes Into Rioters' Lanes
SACRAMENTO, CA—Governor Gavin Newsom announced Executive Order #14,203 today, converting all carpool lanes in the state into lanes reserved exclusively for rioters.

Activists Get In Violent Struggle With Police While Marching Through Oregon Suburb, Confronted By Residents
A group of “racial justice protesters” only made it roughly half-an-hour into their demonstration before their event reportedly turned violent and ended with confrontations with residents and law enforcement officials.
“Racial justice protesters had marched through part of Springfield’s Thurston neighborhood without incident for only about a half an hour Wednesday night before they found themselves met with a wall of police behind barricades blocking their progress,” the Register-Guard of Eugene reported. “Just before 9 p.m., police pushed back. The scene devolved into a shoving match. Officers and protesters went to the ground. Black Unity’s Tyshawn Ford was dragged away and arrested.”
Videos showed the activists marching into the suburbs, where they were quickly met by law enforcement officials who declared the event to be “unlawful.” The activists began to attempt to push through a barrier that police put up to keep them out of the residential neighborhood.
Maybe we can advertise in Russia for temporary, part-time, crowd dispersal experts. The Russkies don't play.water cannon, skull cracking police ......
China brings in troops from other provinces and uses machine guns on protestors and local military not engaging
Make no mistake, those pro-cop protesters were in danger from these screaming nutjobs, but there’s a far deeper problem in the hearts of Black Lives Matter and antifa protesters than anger over real or imagined social injustice. When they finally toss these clowns in jail, Americans should be on their knees praying for their souls.Burning the Bible fits this destructive narrative, and it also provides yet another powerful contrast with the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Rather than burning Bibles, Martin Luther King Jr. quoted them, in order to galvanize peaceful protesters and shame the segregationists who opposed them. Rather than attempting to burn down federal courthouses, King appealed the consciences of Americans — using the very Bible that Portland rioters burned.
The Bibles that Portland rioters burned also inspired the abolitionist movement of the 1800s, a movement that culminated in the abolition of slavery.
FIFYYou come in a black hoodie in the summer time you aint peaceful.
You come to talk with the mayor??? Go to her office and not her home.
It's time all neighborhoods treated these a-holes to a load of #000 buckshot.
That's bird shot isn't it? For big birds the size of humans?FIFY