

PREMO Member
'Antifa Mayor' Says of Rioters Attempting to Murder Cops: 'I Understand Why They're Angry'

“Nearby businesses, some owned by people of color, were damaged and looted. Some protesters have shot off commercial-grade fireworks, and Wednesday night … we saw more fires set outside the East Precinct,” Porter continued. “Do you denounce this kind of behavior, separate from the larger, more peaceful protests, Sarah?”

Iannarone dodged the question.

“They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I would have to go back prior to this uprising to work on the issues that are causing these folks to be angry in the streets, working on police accountability,” she said. “And so I know that nobody controls a social movement, and the mayor really isn’t the person to quell popular protests.”

The antifa candidate then did something astounding. Even though Porter had distinguished between the protests and the riots, and asked Iannarone about the riots, the candidate added, “But we need to understand these protests are an important part of a healthy democracy.”

Porter, incredulous, pressed again, “But what about the criminal activity we’re seeing? Do you denounce that part of it?”

“I understand why they’re angry,” the antifa candidate replied.

“But lighting fires with people inside the building? Would you denounce that part of it with lighting fires, arson with people inside buildings?” the host asked again.

After a delay, the socialist candidate responded, “I’m not the person setting the fires, I’m not the person doing the graffiti, I’m not here to tell people how to protest.”

Porter cut her off, “But will you denounce it? So you won’t denounce it?”

“I don’t smash windows. I clean up when things are unfairly targeted, but here’s what I have to say. Their outrage at the police is valid and the problem of police brutality and executing black lives in the streets is more important than petty vandalism to me,” the antifa candidate replied.


Well-Known Member
Saw a story on the news about how black owned businesses are coping with the protests & riots. Many of them had posted signs saying, black owned business. If they are going to do that they should have wrote, black owned business, go burn down the white owned ones.


PREMO Member
Portland Rioters Set Fire to County Building Full of COVID PPE. Top Cop Begs Them to Stop.

Terrorists Are ‘Largely Peaceful’
Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury, who characterized the domestic terrorists as “largely peaceful,” gave a non-judgmental, dispassionate assessment of the damage from the rioters who set the county building on fire.0
We understand that the demonstration that took place in front of the Multnomah Building was largely peaceful, until some of those who were part of the demonstration broke windows and set a fire in the Office of Community Involvement.
… I’m incredibly relieved that nobody was in the building at the time. The broken glass, smoke, and water is limited to the first floor, where, since COVID-19, much of our region’s personal protective equipment [PPE] is being collected, distributed to our hospitals, and to our community members. If the fire had spread, or that life-protecting equipment had been damaged by smoke and water, then healthcare workers, patients, and seniors would have paid the price for the actions last night.
Those “largely peaceful” protesters are helping set the target and providing cover for the rioters.

Kafoury did not report that any of the PPE was harmed by fire, smoke, and the resulting water from the fire sprinklers.


PREMO Member
Facebook Removes Antifa Group That Incited Rioting Across the Country

“We already remove content calling for or advocating violence and we ban organizations and individuals that proclaim a violent mission. However, we have seen growing movements that, while not directly organizing violence, have celebrated violent acts, shown that they have weapons and suggest they will use them, or have individual followers with patterns of violent behavior,” Facebook announced in a statement Wednesday.

“So today we are expanding our Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy to address organizations and movements that have demonstrated significant risks to public safety but do not meet the rigorous criteria to be designated as a dangerous organization and banned from having any presence on our platform,” the social media company added. “While we will allow people to post content that supports these movements and groups, so long as they do not otherwise violate our content policies, we will restrict their ability to organize on our platform.”

“For militia organizations and those encouraging riots, including some who may identify as Antifa, we’ve initially removed over 980 groups, 520 Pages and 160 ads from Facebook. We’ve also restricted over 1,400 hashtags related to these groups and organizations on Instagram,” Facebook reported.


PREMO Member
Portland protester with long rap sheet who is on the run from cops after kicking unconscious a truck driver BEGS people on social media to give him money in case he gets jailed

A Black Lives Matter protester on the run from cops after being 'positively identified' as the man who kicked a truck driver in the face in Portland on Sunday is begging for cash.

Police are searching for Marquise 'Keese' Love, 25, after he fled the scene of a brutal attack on Adam Haner, who was knocked unconscious and suffered two black eyes in the vicious beating.

Haner was identified as the victim in a GoFundMe campaign, which claimed he was trying to defend a transgender woman from being robbed before he was set upon by protesters.

Since fleeing the scene, Love has been posting messages on Snapchat, according to The Sun.

'Might go to jail for murder tonight for a racist when all I did was fight him look it up on twitter put money on my books and come see me,' he allegedly sent from his account, alongside a selfie.

Justice might be served


PREMO Member
Minnesota: Mob Destroys Effigy of Journalist, in Her Driveway, Because She's Married to a Police Official

As violent attacks and endless riots continue to roil Portland -- I'll pause and note that the destructive and dangerous upheaval has continued in spite of the diminished federal presence, which was always an idiotic scapegoat for leftist politicians -- agitators in other cities are often overshadowed. But the radical Left in Minneapolis found a way to distinguish themselves this week by expanding the disturbing practice of descending upon the personal residences of "social justice" targets. In this case, it wasn't a politician, a senior official, a local police chief, or even a nationally-prominent political commentator. It was a local journalist whose sin is being married to the "wrong" person:

The state's journalism guild got around to condemning this: "The MNSPJ said it supported the protesters' First Amendment rights but considered destroying an effigy of Collin on her property 'a direct threat against her as a journalist.'" The mob included a Democratic candidate for office:

Twitter videos show John Thompson, a DFL activist who last week won his primary for House District 67A in St. Paul, shouting into a microphone to the group of protesters. One clip shows him saying “You think we give a [expletive] about burning Hugo down?” In another, he says “[Expletive] Hugo.” Activists also smashed piñata effigies of Kroll and his wife, WCCO reporter Liz Collin, before dispersing. The rally drew more than 100 people who urged that both be fired from their jobs. In a joint statement issued late Monday afternoon, Washington County Attorney Pete Orput and Sheriff Dan Starry, said that they found that Thompson’s comments, “though grossly inappropriate,” didn’t violate felony statutes.


Well-Known Member
They keep this up and someone is going to bust a cap in their ass.
I have no problem with that but that person will be severely punished while these people begging for it will not be.


PREMO Member
Portland Rioters and Agitators Now Targeting ICE Building and Residential Neighborhoods

At the ICE detention facility, agitators tried to disable the building's security cameras and banged on the fencing while ignoring the Federal Protective Service's warning to stop the criminal activity. This is separate from the Mark O. Hatfield Courthouse, which was heavily targeted by rioters in July after extra federal officers had to be deployed to protect the building.



PREMO Member
Leftists Storm Suburbs, Shine Lights Into Homes While Screaming: ‘Out Of Your House, Into The Streets!’

Videographer BG On the Scene captured numerous videos of the night’s action and identified those who were marching as Black Lives Matter protesters.

Journalist Andy Ngo identified them as being part of antifa. The far-left activists wore black and carried shields, at least one of which could briefly be seen with a hammer and sickle symbol on it.

“Out of your house, into the streets!” the activists screamed as they marched through the residential neighborhood. They repeated the chant countless times throughout the area.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Those police look like they are taking a stroll down the street. They need to take their cues from history. A good ole Greek or Roman phalanx with shield wall would clear the street very nicely.
Send in the scoops!
