Originally posted by vraiblonde
I agree. If Reagan got word about some terrorist having to wear panties on his head in a POW camp, he wouldn't have cried and bawled about it like Bush did. Reagan would have come out with some grave, yet charming, way to say, "If these guys would behave, they wouldn't be having these problems."
Bush is a wuss. Reagan was THE MAN.
But Dub is like Reagan in that he doesn't take stuff personally and get bent with the Democrats. He said he was going to change the tone of Washington and, by golly, he's definitely done his part.
Reagan, like Bush, believed in a few principles and stuck to them. Reagan has his "evil empire" ... Bush had his "axis of evil". Reagan's enemies were the Communists... Bush's enemies are the terrorists.
Reagan, like Bush, believed that it was America's responsibility to liberate those peoples who are oppressed by dictators, and to bring freedom to the world. Both men had policies of massive spending in a military build-up. Both men had to battle the effects of recession in their first terms... time will tell (if Bush is elected) if Bush's next four years will be on par with Reagan's second term.
Both were/are men of deep religious faith. Both served in the military. Reagan was a man of charisma ... Bush... well... he's better than his dad... and better than Carter ever was.
Both men initiated sweeping policy changes. Reagan... during those years of recession... was criticized very much for his economic policies, just as Bush has been.
Reagan was a man of deep compassion for those suffering. He was sincere. And like Reagan, I think you have to admit Bush shares that same compassion and sincerity.
I didn't say Bush = Reagan. Reagan had a charisma and a humerous outlook that few presidents have matched. But certainly if you look at their first terms, you have to admit there are many similarities. And, I think both Reagan and Bush have hearts of lions in their chests.