Roommates sue Maryland county over death of pet dog shot by police


Well-Known Member
No, but you definitely pay when they break the law and if you want to argue that I can show you as many examples as you need.

When it comes down to criminals vs. cops, I will always take the cops' side. Always. You will never find me taking the side of a criminal.
That is because your mind is not capable of acting beyond ranting!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And your black and white always side with the cop stance assumes that there are no bad officers that ever do anything bad.

I have criticized overzealous cops on here plenty of times. Now you're just pissed and making sh*t up because you can't stand for anyone to disagree with the internet stranger who wrote that story and told you what to think.

Now we've got Gurps trying to say it wasn't even the right dog because he wants so badly to believe what he was told to believe by the people whose job it is to tell us what to think. :crazy:

Anyway, I've said all I have to say about this story. Have at it, mindless mob.


Well-Known Member
All these people had to do was amswer the door.

If the person bit was in the hospital shouldn't the dogs vet visits be checked to make sure it was up to date on all shots. Can't do it if you don't answer the door.
They are under no obligation to answer the door, the cops have the obligation to secure a warrant before proceeding, the maintenance man should be unemployed.


PREMO Member
So if it wasn't their dog, why wouldn't they just come to the door and say so? Why hide?

Hiding that is YOUR ASSUMPTION .... do you hear EVERYONE that knocks on your door ?

News Articles stared the owners WERE IN THE BED ROOM .... maybe the TV was on, you are making wild assed guess that fit your bias

Dayri Amaya was in her bedroom one night in early June when she heard a knock on her door and voices on the other side announcing themselves as the Prince George’s County police.

Amaya, 24, panicked. She asked the officers why they were inside her apartment but she said they gave no answers. Instead, they commanded her to come out of the bedroom, and, she said, she complied with her hands up because the officers had their weapons drawn.

Soon, her roommate, 27-year-old Erica Umana, was in the apartment, too, pinned to the ground with a Taser pointed at her head. Umana’s friend started recording on her phone. Then their dog, 6-year-old Hennessy, ran out of the bedroom.

The officers were ALREADY IN HER APARTMENT, before she heard the police ...

So now you're siding with criminal illegals and their biting dog because a stranger who writes stories told you to.

Go on making ASSUMPTIONS ... the reporter told me how what to do ... do you hear yourself you sound like StMary's

Police are called because a dog bit a woman who required medical attention.

More Assumptions, yes the person went to the hospital, that does not mean her injuries were any more sever than read makes on the skin or that she was Bitten the WaPo story said the woman was ' jumped on ' no mention of any bits

how any bites do you have now from your new dog, would any necessitate a police investigation if your dog bit a neighbor

Cops show up, knock at the door, people inside don't answer. Now what? Just go "Oh well" and leave? Better luck next time?

Yeah it is called an investigation

Police often miss someone that wish to talk to, they leave a card, talk to the property management company - leave a message - ask the tenet to call us, GET THE TENET'S PHONE NUMBER and call them ...

I always ask that question - "what should have happened instead?"

I already said the police had no business entering anyone's apartment a dog bit is NOT Exigent Circumstances to enter someones apartment guns drawn

- when you all take nonsensical positions because you were groomed by a conniving biased news article, and not one single person has ever answered it.

For Fox Sake .. take extreme stances much GROOMED BY A NEWS ARTICLE .... yeah ok WTOP is Biased .. WaPo sure
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PREMO Member
Now we've got Gurps trying to say it wasn't even the right dog because he wants so badly to believe what he was told to believe by the people whose job it is to tell us what to think. :crazy:

No one is telling me what to think ... damn have you gone off the deep end this morning


Well-Known Member
They are under no obligation to answer the door, the cops have the obligation to secure a warrant before proceeding, the maintenance man should be unemployed.

You could possibly have a person getting set for rabies shots because these 2 couldn't answer the door. Maybe medical emergency was the reason.


Well-Known Member
You could possibly have a person getting set for rabies shots because these 2 couldn't answer the door. Maybe medical emergency was the reason.
Possible, but no emergency, rabies vax doesn't have to be given the same day. Plenty of time to secure a warrant.


Power with Control
Sorry if I believed you
I have criticized overzealous cops on here plenty of times. Now you're just pissed and making sh*t up because you can't stand for anyone to disagree with the internet stranger who wrote that story and told you what to think.

Now we've got Gurps trying to say it wasn't even the right dog because he wants so badly to believe what he was told to believe by the people whose job it is to tell us what to think. :crazy:

Anyway, I've said all I have to say about this story. Have at it, mindless mob

No, but you definitely pay when they break the law and if you want to argue that I can show you as many examples as you need.

When it comes down to criminals vs. cops, I will always take the cops' side. Always. You will never find me taking the side of a criminal.

Sorry if I believed you when you said always.

Pissed? What indicates that I'm pissed? Please, you have no way to judge my emotional state. As for making stuff up, please. I will always label conjecture as such. The facts are all there. Body camera included. They didn't get a warrant, they did not have any exigent circumstances that would have allowed them entry without a warrant. They did enter illegally, and then illegally attempted to detain the residents. Because once you commit one illegal act, everything you do after that is illegal as well.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sorry if I believed you when you said always.

That was a huge fail. Maybe read both this time and try again.

Here, I'll give you a hint:

Criminals vs. cops. Not innocent people just minding their business vs. overzealous cops.

I'm somewhat surprised you're digging in like this, to the point of pretending to misunderstand what I wrote plainly in simple language. Do criminals really mean that much to you, or do you just hate cops so blindly that you can't see reason?

Which I find fascinating. Human behavior and all. Why do people get so invested in strangers that they'll just throw their credibility and dignity away like so much trash? Will make all kinds of fool of themselves trying to defend the indefensible.

It's a mystery for the ages because people who think irrationally don't know why they do it, and they surely won't enlighten me. :kicksrocks:


Power with Control
That was a huge fail. Maybe read both this time and try again.

Here, I'll give you a hint:

Criminals vs. cops. Not innocent people just minding their business vs. overzealous cops.

I'm somewhat surprised you're digging in like this, to the point of pretending to misunderstand what I wrote plainly in simple language. Do criminals really mean that much to you, or do you just hate cops so blindly that you can't see reason?

Which I find fascinating. Human behavior and all. Why do people get so invested in strangers that they'll just throw their credibility and dignity away like so much trash? Will make all kinds of fool of themselves trying to defend the indefensible.

It's a mystery for the ages because people who think irrationally don't know why they do it, and they surely won't enlighten me. :kicksrocks:

Even with criminals, I expect cops to follow the law. In fact, its a bit more important so the damn case doesn't get thrown out. Sucks when a dirtbag gets away because cops didn't follow the law. I love cops and want them to do great cop stuff. Not sure why you are ignoring the facts that these cops ignored the law.

You say foolish, and irrational, and throwing away dignity and credibility all because someone thinks a different thing that you. I find that fascinating.


Power with Control
That was a huge fail. Maybe read both this time and try again.

Here, I'll give you a hint:

Criminals vs. cops. Not innocent people just minding their business vs. overzealous cops.

I'm somewhat surprised you're digging in like this, to the point of pretending to misunderstand what I wrote plainly in simple language. Do criminals really mean that much to you, or do you just hate cops so blindly that you can't see reason?

Which I find fascinating. Human behavior and all. Why do people get so invested in strangers that they'll just throw their credibility and dignity away like so much trash? Will make all kinds of fool of themselves trying to defend the indefensible.

It's a mystery for the ages because people who think irrationally don't know why they do it, and they surely won't enlighten me. :kicksrocks:

Search warrants, they are great.



Well-Known Member
Except of course, your story ignores a few facts.

And that they entered the apartment without a warrant.

And that the country tried to buy thier silence. People in the right of a thing dont need to buy silence.

Its PG County, its all shite from one end to the other.

Always has been. I have this opinion from personal experience with their finest years ago. The maintenance worker should have never given them the master key to enter without a warrant. Hard to believe they're still pulling this crap for decades.