Roommates sue Maryland county over death of pet dog shot by police


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You say foolish, and irrational, and throwing away dignity and credibility all because someone thinks a different thing that you. I find that fascinating.

It's not because you think a different thing than me, it's that you're pretending to be illiterate and obtuse in order to make your case when I know you are neither of those things. When Hemi or whats her face does it, well, sure, I expect nothing less. But when you do it I'm interested in why.

Do you feel like cops may come kick in your door because someone commits a crime and they think it's you?

Do you know someone that has happened to?

Those are real questions. I'm interested in where these fears come from.


the poor dad
I’ve watched too many videos of cops ruining the lives and properties of innocent people - I don’t back the blue 100% with no questions asked. This dog bite case is one of those where cops violated the civil rights of the dog owners. I hope lawsuits are filed and the cops lose their qualified immunity. We all lose when we allow the cops to get away with this.


Power with Control
It's not because you think a different thing than me, it's that you're pretending to be illiterate and obtuse in order to make your case when I know you are neither of those things. When Hemi or whats her face does it, well, sure, I expect nothing less. But when you do it I'm interested in why.

Do you feel like cops may come kick in your door because someone commits a crime and they think it's you?

Do you know someone that has happened to?

Those are real questions. I'm interested in where these fears come from.
By illiterate, you mean reading the available information? Do I think cops are going to kick my door in because a neighbor heard me rapid firing my AR-15 behind the house a few days back? Not really, given where I live. But if they get in the habit of kicking in doors illegally, the chance of that happening does increase. Here in St Marys, things are pretty good. But I do travel a lot, and I would hate to end up on the wrong side of an officer who decides I'm a bad guy because someone called something in.

And its not fear. Its concern over a slippery slope. Just like years of not disciplining kids leads to undisciplined adults who cannot control themselves, years of letting officers do illegal things increases the amount of officers who think doing anything, even illegal stuff, to get what they think is a bad guy. And that's bad.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
By illiterate, you mean reading the available information?

No, I meant misrepresenting my two posts to support your flawed gotcha.

So walk it through. Dog bites someone; owner takes it inside. Cops come to check it out; owner won't let them in. Then what happens?

Cop gets a warrant, right? Or not bite.... 🤷‍♀️ Anyway, how long might it take to get a warrant? And what are some of the things that could happen in the meantime?

And forget the dog bite. Let's say Pooky shot someone and killed them, then ran in his house and wouldn't let police in. Then what happens?

Walk it through.

You mentioned the slippery slope, so let's see it from another angle.


Well-Known Member
No, I meant misrepresenting my two posts to support your flawed gotcha.

So walk it through. Dog bites someone; owner takes it inside. Cops come to check it out; owner won't let them in. Then what happens?

Cop gets a warrant, right? Or not bite.... 🤷‍♀️ Anyway, how long might it take to get a warrant? And what are some of the things that could happen in the meantime?

And forget the dog bite. Let's say Pooky shot someone and killed them, then ran in his house and wouldn't let police in. Then what happens?

Walk it through.

You mentioned the slippery slope, so let's see it from another angle.
Continuing your adventure in fantasyland again today blondie?


Power with Control
No, I meant misrepresenting my two posts to support your flawed gotcha.

So walk it through. Dog bites someone; owner takes it inside. Cops come to check it out; owner won't let them in. Then what happens?

Cop gets a warrant, right? Or not bite.... 🤷‍♀️ Anyway, how long might it take to get a warrant? And what are some of the things that could happen in the meantime?

And forget the dog bite. Let's say Pooky shot someone and killed them, then ran in his house and wouldn't let police in. Then what happens?

Walk it through.

You mentioned the slippery slope, so let's see it from another angle.

Your initial statement said "always". It did say criminals. These people were not criminals. You made these people criminals simply by saying they were. Normally, there's a process for that and until they are found guilty, they are suspects. And there are legal requirements to enter the houses of suspects. Its called a warrant or exigent circumstances. And some lady calling and saying one of two dogs bit me isn't an exigent circumstance. Watching the house while you get a warrant, no matter how long it takes, is the correct action.

What required them to enter the home? What evidence was going to be destroyed? What further crime was going to happen?

We know what happens if the suspect has shot someone. That's established law. The officers can pursue into a home. How long does it take to get a warrant? Who knows


the poor dad
Here is an example and explanation of police claiming exigent circumstances to enter a home without a warrant. Hats off to the homeowner for standing up for his rights.
