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Allah = God
Yahweh NEVER commanded His angels to bow down prostrate to Adam.
Al’lah Did: Qur’an: (002.034) (007.011) (015.028 - .030)
Yahweh NEVER authorized mankind to honor and kiss a stone. (Ka'ba)
Muhammad Did and Muslims still do to this day as a prescribed ritual during their pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca.
(Sunan Muslim, Book 007, Number 2912 - 2916)
(Malik’s Muwatta: Book 20, Number 20.34.116)
(Qur’an: 022.027-.030)
Yahweh NEVER authorized men to beat their wives.
Al’lah Did: Qur’an: (004.032)
Yahweh NEVER authorized His prophets to have multiple wives- as many as the prophet desired, nor did Yahweh authorize men to have up to four wives.
Al’lah Did: Qur’an: (033.050) (004.003)
Yahweh NEVER promised a “paradise” filled with dark-eyed voluptuous women (virgins) as a “reward” to the “righteous.”
Al’lah Did: Qur’an: (037.040-.049) (056.035-.036) (078.031-.033)
Yahweh NEVER said the women were second-class citizens and comprised the greatest amount of residents in hell.
Muhammad Did: (Sahih Bukhari: Vol. 7, Book 62, No. 126)
If Muhammad is a prophet of Al'lah, Muhammad definitely cannot be a prophet of Yahweh.
Conclusion: Al'lah Is Not Yahweh and when Islamic theology says they are the same, (Qur'an 029.046) it is another lie that has been permitted in Islamic theology in order to deceive unsuspecting/uninformed non-Muslims; Christians and Jews.
Muslims Permitted To Tell Lies -
Lying IS Permissible in Islam:
Excerpt from Book 17 of Prohibited (and Permissible Acts)
Chapter 261 - Falsehood that is Permissible:
The learned compiler of this book has put forth some arguments to prove that it is lawful to tell a lie under the stress of circumstances. An example of this is the case of a Muslim who hides himself or his money from a tyrant who is bent on killing him or taking his money from him. If one knows the whereabouts of this Muslim or his money and is asked about it, it is permissible to lie in this case to save a Muslim's life or his property, but it is better to give an equivocal answer, that is one which is not clear or definite in meaning, and that can be interpreted in more than one way in order to shun lying altogether. The sum and substance of discussion has been derived from the narration ascribed to Umm Kulthum (May Allah be pleased with her). She said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "A liar is not the one who tries to bring about a reconciliation between the people and speaks good to avert dispute or to convey good.''
It may be concluded that falsehood is permissible in the following three cases:
(i) While fighting Jihad in the Cause of Allah.
(ii) To conciliate between people.
(iii) For the husband to please his wife and the wife to please her husband.
Source: Falsehood that is Permissible
More Info: "Questionable Teachings of Islam"