Rural town may block Muslim site


New Member
Allah = God

Yahweh NEVER commanded His angels to bow down prostrate to Adam.
Al’lah Did: Qur’an: (002.034) (007.011) (015.028 - .030)

Yahweh NEVER authorized mankind to honor and kiss a stone. (Ka'ba)
Muhammad Did and Muslims still do to this day as a prescribed ritual during their pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca.
(Sunan Muslim, Book 007, Number 2912 - 2916)
(Malik’s Muwatta: Book 20, Number 20.34.116)
(Qur’an: 022.027-.030)

Yahweh NEVER authorized men to beat their wives.
Al’lah Did: Qur’an: (004.032)

Yahweh NEVER authorized His prophets to have multiple wives- as many as the prophet desired, nor did Yahweh authorize men to have up to four wives.
Al’lah Did: Qur’an: (033.050) (004.003)

Yahweh NEVER promised a “paradise” filled with dark-eyed voluptuous women (virgins) as a “reward” to the “righteous.”
Al’lah Did: Qur’an: (037.040-.049) (056.035-.036) (078.031-.033)

Yahweh NEVER said the women were second-class citizens and comprised the greatest amount of residents in hell.
Muhammad Did: (Sahih Bukhari: Vol. 7, Book 62, No. 126)

If Muhammad is a prophet of Al'lah, Muhammad definitely cannot be a prophet of Yahweh.

Conclusion: Al'lah Is Not Yahweh and when Islamic theology says they are the same, (Qur'an 029.046) it is another lie that has been permitted in Islamic theology in order to deceive unsuspecting/uninformed non-Muslims; Christians and Jews.

Muslims Permitted To Tell Lies
Lying IS Permissible in Islam:

Excerpt from Book 17 of Prohibited (and Permissible Acts)
Chapter 261 - Falsehood that is Permissible:

The learned compiler of this book has put forth some arguments to prove that it is lawful to tell a lie under the stress of circumstances. An example of this is the case of a Muslim who hides himself or his money from a tyrant who is bent on killing him or taking his money from him. If one knows the whereabouts of this Muslim or his money and is asked about it, it is permissible to lie in this case to save a Muslim's life or his property, but it is better to give an equivocal answer, that is one which is not clear or definite in meaning, and that can be interpreted in more than one way in order to shun lying altogether. The sum and substance of discussion has been derived from the narration ascribed to Umm Kulthum (May Allah be pleased with her). She said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "A liar is not the one who tries to bring about a reconciliation between the people and speaks good to avert dispute or to convey good.''
It may be concluded that falsehood is permissible in the following three cases:

(i) While fighting Jihad in the Cause of Allah.

(ii) To conciliate between people.

(iii) For the husband to please his wife and the wife to please her husband.
Source: Falsehood that is Permissible

More Info: "Questionable Teachings of Islam"


Harley Rider
so you love him to no end, but tell people that we must be extra vigilant towards his kind?
that makes no sense.
To you it doesn't. Remember the VA tech kid. Quiet, loner type? This kid is too. I care deeply about him but, if I don't show him some serious love & attention, he could be the next one. So, yes, I love him but I must be vigilant.


New Member
cite your passages.

I can do it just as well if not better.

either way, I highly doubt we need to defend ourselves from a worship center in Walkersville.

Comparison - Islamic Theology Regarding Jesus:

"Allah's Apostle said "How will you be when the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you and he will judge people by the Law of the Quran and not by the law of Gospel." (Fateh-ul Bari page 304 and 305 Vol 7)
(Sahih Bukhari: Volume 4, Book 55, Number 658: Narrated Abu Huraira)

The Qur’an teaches that it is blasphemous for anyone to believe that Jesus was God in human form:

"In blasphemy indeed are those that say that Allah is Christ the son of Mary. Say: "Who then hath the least power against Allah, if His will were to destroy Christ the son of Mary, his mother, and all every - one that is on the earth? For to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between. He createth what He pleaseth. For Allah hath power over all things." (The Qur'an: 005.017)

"The Jews call 'Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth!" (Qur'an: 009.030)

Islam teaches that Allah will call Christians liars and will send them to hell for worshipping Messiah (Jesus).
"Then it will be said to the Christians, 'What did you use to worship?' They will reply, 'We used to worship Messiah, the son of Allah.' It will be said, 'You are liars, for Allah has neither a wife nor a son. What: do you want (now)?' They will say, 'We want You to provide us with water.' It will be said to them, 'Drink,' and they will fall down in Hell (instead)"
(Sahih Bukhari: Volume 9, Book 93, Number 532s, Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri)

Compare Islamic Teaching to The New Testament Account of Jesus:

(Note: When the Qur'an's accounts of Christ are compared to the New Testament, one will see that Islam believes in a completely different Jesus.)

"And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." (1Timothy 3:16)

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (1 John 2:22)

I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life, No Man Can Come Unto The Father Except Through Me. (John 14:6)
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Well-Known Member
Slightly confusing quote here:

"button-mushroom-in-the-britches? "

If you are discussing Islam with Mike...and reference actually translates into ....
"Mushroom clouds"

and did nothing to refute any of his statements: So, that would indicate you can't.

Thanks for playing,...we have a lovely fruit basket as a parting gift.


New Member
To you it doesn't. Remember the VA tech kid. Quiet, loner type? This kid is too. I care deeply about him but, if I don't show him some serious love & attention, he could be the next one. So, yes, I love him but I must be vigilant.

.... or he could be just fine.

look I'm all for love and attention, but saying that if you don't then he may shoot up a school is kind of silly.


Well-Known Member
"button-mushroom-in-the-britches? "

If you are discussing Islam with Mike...and reference actually translates into ....
"Mushroom clouds"

and did nothing to refute any of his statements: So, that would indicate you can't.

Thanks for playing,...we have a lovely fruit basket as a parting gift.

there is no refuting mikes hate, he just has it....
and for a teacher you aint very quick.

she saying he is compensating for being hung like a squirrel.
but thanks for keeping the hate alive, christ appreciates it


Well-Known Member
Thank you Starman! I never thought I'd be arguing with people here about the #1 security threat to this country and having them side with the enemy. Let me put it in perspective: We have a Muslim boy at our club on Friday night and I love him to no end. He is ridiculed by some for being Muslim and one girl's parents won't allow him to date her for that reason. When I try to tell people here that we must be extra vigilant with many muslims here, how quickly they point to me as a hateful person. Oh well, God knows my real intentions so let the scoffers scoff!:yahoo:

so you are saying that the hate and bigotry you and yours point towards this child is just?

again, god loves a hater.

BTW, the jews believe it is blasphemous to claim chirst was the son of god as well, thats why they aren't christian.


Well-Known Member
This much is true...

"BTW, the jews believe it is blasphemous to claim chirst was the son of god as well, thats why they aren't christian."

and thus they fund & form terror groups to kidnap, behead, and kill Christians everywhere they can find them. Right? They demand global war, call all Christians sub-human and spread this propaganda to their kids in cartoons & kiddie shows.

The scenario is ridiculous...but...substitute ISLAM in that statement and...yup, it becomes amazingly accurate.

Regarding the Mushroom analogy...I guess I spend very little time considering perverted inuendo...perhaps a lot less than you so,...yeah, I didn't follow the mind-in-the-gutter insult. Thanks for the brief tutorial.

BTW...not all "jews" disbelieve the claim of Christ...hundreds of Thousands have taken that step of Faith.
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Well-Known Member
BTW...not all "jews" disbelieve the claim of Christ...hundreds of Thousands have taken that step of Faith.

while they may believe that he was a person that lived, you can't be jewish and accept christ as the son of god. Jews believe the messiah hasn't yet come..... so as you guys are so fond of saying about christians who belive differntly than you, "they may say they are jewish, but their actions show they are not"

as for your hate speech there, please go back and review nuckles post detailing the atrocities commited by christians and you will see the falicy of your argument. or you can stick your head in the sand and keep up the hate.:bigwhoop:


New Member
"BTW, the jews believe it is blasphemous to claim chirst was the son of god as well, thats why they aren't christian."

and thus they fund & form terror groups to kidnap, behead, and kill Christians everywhere they can find them. Right? They demand global war, call all Christians sub-human and spread this propaganda to their kids in cartoons & kiddie shows.

The scenario is ridiculous...but...substitute ISLAM in that staement and...yup, it becomes amazingly accurate.

Regarding the Mushroom analogy...I guess I spend very little time considering perverted inuendo...perhaps a lot less than you so,...yeah, I didn't follow the mind-in-the-gutter insult. Thanks for the brief tutorial.

BTW...not all "jews" disbelieve the claim of Christ...hundreds of Thousands have taken that step of Faith.

You are completely wrong and you should be glad you are. Muslims make up over 1/5th of the worlds population and control the majority of the oil. If they were as bad as you say they are then we'd be a lot worse off now.


Bookseller Lady
"button-mushroom-in-the-britches? "

If you are discussing Islam with Mike...and reference actually translates into ....
"Mushroom clouds"

and did nothing to refute any of his statements: So, that would indicate you can't.

Thanks for playing,...we have a lovely fruit basket as a parting gift.

My gawd you are dense. :doh:

I know what I know about Islam from actually being around Muslims.

And if you think Muslims are all that bad I suggest you try not requiring treatment at one of the local hospitals any time soon.
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New Member
BTW...not all "jews" disbelieve the claim of Christ...hundreds of Thousands have taken that step of Faith.

Exactly Right!
"Christianity" is a Jewish Sect! Jesus' Apostles - All Jewish. The first several thousand believers (followers) of Jesus - All Jewish.

Jesus did not chide the "general population" of Jews; He chided the religious leaders who envied His popularity and who disagreed with His teaching of Love and compassion for mankind including the enemy. Jewish religious leaders were looking for a religious/military leader to overthrow Rome and establish God's Kingdom right then and there. Jesus didn't qualify for the job, in their opinion plus His claim to be The Son of God was considered blasphemous. Thus, it was the religious leaders, not the general population of Jews, who influenced the Roman government to put Jesus to death.

However, it had to be this way in order for Jesus to fulfill His mission to become the Saviour of mankind, as ordained by God. (John 3:15-17)
Thus, His comment, "Father, forgive them - for they know not what they do."

BTW: Orthodox Jews believe in the appearance of two (2) Messiahs; Moshiach ben Yosef and Moshiach ben David. The first Messiah will make an appearance and be killed at which time Jews will undergo great persecution. Then, after a short while, Moshiach ben David appears to set up God's Kingdom on earth and rule from Jerusalem.

Thousands of Jews believe and know that Jesus (Y'shua) is the True Messiah who gave His life as the acceptable atonement for the sins of mankind and who will return as the Messiah who establishes the Kingdom of God on earth for His Millennial reign.

God Did For Mankind What Abraham Was Going To Do For God.


Well-Known Member
Exactly Right!
"Christianity" is a Jewish Sect! Jesus' Apostles - All Jewish. The first several thousand believers (followers) of Jesus - All Jewish.

by the same argument, you could say that christians are mormon, doesn't make it so......

starman said:
Jesus didn't qualify for the job, in their opinion plus His claim to be The Son of God was considered blasphemous. Thus, it was the religious leaders, not the general population of Jews, who influenced the Roman government to put Jesus to death.

you can say what you want, the fact of the matter is that the majority of jews DO NOT believe that christ was the son of god. That is one of the major differences between the two religions.


New Member
by the same argument, you could say that christians are mormon, doesn't make it so......

Correcto Mundo! However, the actual test of "True Christianity" is to compare theological teaching of the historical Jesus account from the New Testament compared to the teaching of any other denominational religion -even those who claim they are Christian. As you may know, the Mormon "Jesus" is not the same Jesus as the New Testament. A comparative theological study will prove this out - just like the Islamic Jesus "Is'a" is not the same Jesus as the New Testament account.

Midnightrider said:
you can say what you want, the fact of the matter is that the majority of jews DO NOT believe that christ was the son of god. That is one of the major differences between the two religions.

Yes, that is because the majority of Jews are prevented by religious Orthodox indoctrination, coercion and influence to disbelieve the claim of Y'shua being the Son of God. Orthodox refuses to accept the claim that Y'shua is the Saviour of mankind and Moshiach who will return to establish True Peace of Earth and reign from Jerusalem for one thousand years.

Much the same as how Muslims are indoctrinated to disbelieve the claim that Jesus was/is The son of God - and there are certainly more Muslims than Jews! And, as you know, the eventual goal of Islam is to do away with all Jews and Christians as well as do away with all other non-Muslims.

God Did For Mankind What Abraham Was Going To Do For God.


Well-Known Member
Correcto Mundo! However, the actual test of "True Christianity" is to compare theological teaching of the historical Jesus account from the New Testament compared to the teaching of any other denominational religion -even those who claim they are Christian. As you may know, the Mormon "Jesus" is not the same Jesus as the New Testament. A comparative theological study will prove this out - just like the Islamic Jesus "Is'a" is not the same Jesus as the New Testament account.

Yes, that is because the majority of Jews are prevented by religious Orthodox indoctrination, coercion and influence to disbelieve the claim of Y'shua being the Son of God. Orthodox refuses to accept the claim that Y'shua is the Saviour of mankind and Moshiach who will return to establish True Peace of Earth and reign from Jerusalem for one thousand years.

Much the same as how Muslims are indoctrinated to disbelieve the claim that Jesus was/is The son of God - and there are certainly more Muslims than Jews! And, as you know, the eventual goal of Islam is to do away with all Jews and Christians as well as do away with all other non-Muslims.

God Did For Mankind What Abraham Was Going To Do For God.

what a freaking double standard. when its christianity its 'faith' when its any other religion its 'they are indoctrinated to disbelieve'

how about its faith either way, and you have no way of knowing who is right. is your book? is theirs? is it someone elses? no one can answer

BTW, orthodox jews make up only a small portion of the religion, and of the rest, most dont believe jesus was any more than a man.


Bookseller Lady
Muslims don't believe that Jesus is the Son of God because they are not Trinitarians- they are Unitarian. They don't believe God can have a human child. They believe in the Immaculate Conception, that Mary was an exceptionally devout and pious woman, and that God said "Be!" and the child was in her womb.


Well-Known Member
Midnight rider...

please use your headlights:
"you can't be jewish and accept christ as the son of god."

In many instances they are referred to as "Completed Jews."
Am I to believe that you think that if a Jew believes in Salvation through Jesus Christ: He/She ceases to be Jewish? Do they have to change their name? Check a different box on applications?
We will have to change the name of the massive organization..
"Jews for Jesus."

Dense Veggi?
How about those Drs in England who were assisting in the Terror plot?
Silly Brits,...they needed those toxic chemicals/explosives/parasitic bacteria
to cure hair loss or treat in-grown toe nails.

When I got a referral to a local Moslem MD know where it ended up.
"Marked for Deportation" has such a sweet ring to it.


Well-Known Member
please use your headlights:
"you can't be jewish and accept christ as the son of god."

In many instances they are referred to as "Completed Jews."
Am I to believe that you think that if a Jew believes in Salvation through Jesus Christ: He/She ceases to be Jewish? Do they have to change their name? Check a different box on applications?
We will have to change the name of the massive organization..
"Jews for Jesus."

Dense Veggi?
How about those Drs in England who were assisting in the Terror plot?
Silly Brits,...they needed those toxic chemicals/explosives/parasitic bacteria
to cure hair loss or treat in-grown toe nails.


i dont know the ins and outs of jews for jesus, but i do know that the jewish religion does not recognize jesus as the son of god. you can play all the word games you want, but if you accept jesus as your savior, you are a christian.
the only ones calling them 'completed' or 'perfected' jews are religios bigots like yourself and old anne ####ler

bigottedigit said:
When I got a referral to a local Moslem MD know where it ended up.
"Marked for Deportation" has such a sweet ring to it

what a freaking bigot


Bookseller Lady
When I got a referral to a local Moslem MD know where it ended up.
"Marked for Deportation" has such a sweet ring to it.

So you would rather suffer with whatever problem then deal with a Muslim doctor?

No worries- your hate will eat you from inside like the cancer it is. That is more of a threat to you than a doc with a Middle Eastern surname.