For some curious reason, Liberals think that if you label thngs "Hate speech"
or "Bigot" or whatever social label you want to throw out has a stunning affect. That people will be shocked & intimidated into silence.
They think that if you hang that label on anyone, you don't have to counter their arguments, you get to reject factual evidence, ignore reason why?
Because you found a label that you hope will silence & discredit them.
It is downright funny

to watch this rather childish method. No different that a child making faces at someone who is trying to bring something to their attention or correct them.
They don't like the there they are with their hands over their ears yelling "I'm not listening you dumby head!!!!"
So, now that we are done with our petty little labels...
Let me ask for your collective wisdom:
Regarding Islam:
US Policy should be...
a) No change...its ok...maybe forced tolerance classes for Bigots.
b) We must stop the "war on terror" because it only inflames them more.
c) Drop support for Israel...they are the true oppressors.
d) Allow for more moslems in to add more diversity in our intollerant society.
e) Since they have not been a threat, never have been a threat, -they never will be a threat...we must spend more in foreign aid to their countries, allow more student visas, and drop this silly patriot act.
f) Crack down on these really dangerous Christian groups that want to destroy this nation. All these Fundamentalists are the real problem.
g) All the above.
h) None of the above