Rural town may block Muslim site


Well-Known Member
So you would rather suffer with whatever problem then deal with a Muslim doctor?

No worries- your hate will eat you from inside like the cancer it is. That is more of a threat to you than a doc with a Middle Eastern surname.



Well-Known Member
Liberal buzzwords.

For some curious reason, Liberals think that if you label thngs "Hate speech"
or "Bigot" or whatever social label you want to throw out has a stunning affect. That people will be shocked & intimidated into silence.
They think that if you hang that label on anyone, you don't have to counter their arguments, you get to reject factual evidence, ignore reason why?

Because you found a label that you hope will silence & discredit them.
It is downright funny :killingme to watch this rather childish method. No different that a child making faces at someone who is trying to bring something to their attention or correct them.

They don't like the there they are with their hands over their ears yelling "I'm not listening you dumby head!!!!"

So, now that we are done with our petty little labels...
Let me ask for your collective wisdom:

Regarding Islam:
US Policy should be...

a) No change...its ok...maybe forced tolerance classes for Bigots.
b) We must stop the "war on terror" because it only inflames them more.
c) Drop support for Israel...they are the true oppressors.
d) Allow for more moslems in to add more diversity in our intollerant society.
e) Since they have not been a threat, never have been a threat, -they never will be a threat...we must spend more in foreign aid to their countries, allow more student visas, and drop this silly patriot act.
f) Crack down on these really dangerous Christian groups that want to destroy this nation. All these Fundamentalists are the real problem.
g) All the above.
h) None of the above:coffee:


Well-Known Member
For some curious reason, Liberals think that if you label thngs "Hate speech"
or "Bigot" or whatever social label you want to throw out has a stunning affect. That people will be shocked & intimidated into silence.
They think that if you hang that label on anyone, you don't have to counter their arguments, you get to reject factual evidence, ignore reason why?

Because you found a label that you hope will silence & discredit them.
It is downright funny :killingme to watch this rather childish method. No different that a child making faces at someone who is trying to bring something to their attention or correct them.

They don't like the there they are with their hands over their ears yelling "I'm not listening you dumby head!!!!"

So, now that we are done with our petty little labels...
Let me ask for your collective wisdom:

Regarding Islam:
US Policy should be...

a) No change...its ok...maybe forced tolerance classes for Bigots.
b) We must stop the "war on terror" because it only inflames them more.
c) Drop support for Israel...they are the true oppressors.
d) Allow for more moslems in to add more diversity in our intollerant society.
e) Since they have not been a threat, never have been a threat, -they never will be a threat...we must spend more in foreign aid to their countries, allow more student visas, and drop this silly patriot act.
f) Crack down on these really dangerous Christian groups that want to destroy this nation. All these Fundamentalists are the real problem.
g) All the above.
h) None of the above:coffee:

its not a liberal buzzword, its an accurate charecterization of your position.

i dont care how it makes you feel to hear it, thats just the way it is.......


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It cracks me up how you all bust on Hessian for his "hate" by being....hateful.


By not accepting Hessian's viewpoints and opinions, are you all not being bigots yourselves?



New Member
It cracks me up how you all bust on Hessian for his "hate" by being....hateful.

I haven't been hateful of the christian faith. Nor will I ever.

By not accepting Hessian's viewpoints and opinions, are you all not being bigots yourselves?

that isn't what a bigot is. There is a difference between being intolerant of a belief (Hessian) and arguing against misconceptions about said belief (i.e. all muslims are terrorists and seek to destroy our country (which is false)).


Well-Known Member
It cracks me up how you all bust on Hessian for his "hate" by being....hateful.


By not accepting Hessian's viewpoints and opinions, are you all not being bigots yourselves?


just because i dont accept something doesn't mean i hate the person and all people assocaited with that person's religion. I can see that hessian and his ilk are individuals and do not represent christians as a whole. I know they never talked hate like he does at the church i went to....

i have only seen "kill 'em all" coming from one side in this argument. While those shouting that the loudest 'claim' the muslims feel that way about us, i haven't seen one post from a muslim saying thats the way they feel. If i did, i'd call them bigots too.

Plan B

New Member
... I can see that hessian and his ilk are individuals and do not represent christians as a whole. I know they never talked hate like he does at the church i went to....
i have only seen "kill 'em all" coming from one side in this argument. While those shouting that the loudest 'claim' the muslims feel that way about us, i haven't seen one post from a muslim saying thats the way they feel. If i did, i'd call them bigots too.

It is unlikely you will, either. Most Moslems are just... people. Like us. As for hate, y ou are right. Only those wrapped in the flag and chickenhawks seem to feel that all children of Islam are evil.
They are tought to preach, just like us. In the USA, they can. Freely.
Remember the Japanese internment camps? Didnt work so well, huh?


New Member
what a freaking double standard. when its christianity its 'faith' when its any other religion its 'they are indoctrinated to disbelieve'

how about its faith either way, and you have no way of knowing who is right. is your book? is theirs? is it someone elses? no one can answer

BTW, orthodox jews make up only a small portion of the religion, and of the rest, most dont believe jesus was any more than a man.

OK. Followers of Y'shua have faith that He is whom He claimed to be: Son of God, Saviour of mankind and Moshiach who will return to establish God's Peace on earth from Jerusalem. What's more, the Spirit of God has been sent to witness the Truth of Jesus' Deity and indwells the life of born-again believers.

All other teachings (indoctrinations) have "faith" that Jesus is none of the above.


Well-Known Member
just because i dont accept something doesn't mean i hate the person and all people assocaited with that person's religion. I can see that hessian and his ilk are individuals and do not represent christians as a whole. I know they never talked hate like he does at the church i went to....

i have only seen "kill 'em all" coming from one side in this argument. While those shouting that the loudest 'claim' the muslims feel that way about us, i haven't seen one post from a muslim saying thats the way they feel. If i did, i'd call them bigots too.
While I consider myself a Christian, I have very different attitudes about this situation tham Hessian.

However, I haven't seen a post from a Muslim, regardless of the content. The closest I've seen is messages from bin Laden saying "convert or die". that's kind of a "kill 'em all" attitude, don't you think?

Don't get me wrong, the bigotry of a town denying a permit for a religious institution because of the religion of the religious institution is wrong.

You were most right when you said don't lump everyone of ANY religion together.


Well-Known Member
However, I haven't seen a post from a Muslim, regardless of the content. The closest I've seen is messages from bin Laden saying "convert or die". that's kind of a "kill 'em all" attitude, don't you think?

You were most right when you said don't lump everyone of ANY religion together.

It is, but i wouldn't judge all muslims by the remarks from an extremist like him any more than i would judge all christians by hessian's rantings.


Bookseller Lady
One thing I might add is that Mulims have no priesthood, no central church, no pope, etc.

They are far from being a homogenous group and are not sworn to follow any central religious authority.

This group in Walkersville are pretty much the Muslim equivilent of Mormons (claim another prophet after Muhammed and suffered persecution in Pakistan like many of John Smith's original followers did here). There are as many "denominations" among Muslims as Christians.


New Member
So where is the diatribes against Hindu's/Buddhists/Jews and any other belief?
They feel your just as equally wrong, some have a Jesus figure, but he was a man not Godly. And most also have lines or passages in their Instruction Manual about doing away with unbelievers.

No real need to mention them; you just did. And, yes, that is what they truly believe, however, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists are not presently active in commanding their followers to slay those who do not agree with them. Nor do we see Hindus, Buddhists and Jews committing suicide bombings as a show of faith for their religious devotion.


Bookseller Lady
No real need to mention them; you just did. And, yes, that is what they truly believe, however, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists are not presently active in commanding their followers to slay those who do not agree with them. Nor do we see Hindus, Buddhists and Jews committing suicide bombings as a show of faith for their religious devotion.

One word for you: INDIA. :smack:


Well-Known Member
Are Muslims commanding their followers to slay those that dont agree, or are Terrorists, who happen to be Muslim?

And maybe you should look up the Sikhs and rethink that position

and dont forget, isreal has an army, they dont need to act like terrorist. they can fire rockets into palistinian apartment buildings and drive over the opposition in tanks instead :whistle:


New Member
No real need to mention them; you just did. And, yes, that is what they truly believe, however, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists are not presently active in commanding their followers to slay those who do not agree with them.

well hey! neither do muslims!

Nor do we see Hindus, Buddhists and Jews committing suicide bombings as a show of faith for their religious devotion.

this is not common of the vast majority of muslims.

there are 1.5 billion muslims in the world. If they were ALL suicide bombers most of the world would be a crater.


New Member
Are Muslims commanding their followers to slay those that dont agree, or are Terrorists, who happen to be Muslim?

And maybe you should look up the Sikhs and rethink that position

The Qur'an, Islam's "Holy Book" and the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, command faithful Muslims to slay those who do not agree.

Thank God, literally, that the majority of 1.3 Billion Muslims are not faithful to following the tenents of fundamental Islam, yet, they live in fear of their own fundamental Muslims who view them as "apostates" and of which Muhammad declared that they should be killed as well for befriending Jews and Christians.

Please feel free to read the Qur'an for the true perspective of what is expected of "faithful Muslims" and the teaching of fundamental Islam.