Say a prayer for hubby


We went up there on Monday....they had been planning to move him on Monday to another rehab...BUT he now has a bowel infection and the other place will not take him till it is diarrhea and with being bed ridden that is not good...Physical therapy said he has not progressed any he will sometimes stand at the bars for a few seconds will not try to walk though. He is now eating mushed foods not sure if he is feeding himself yet he had not .... I have gone to calling once a day or ever other..He has no attention span and wants to hang up as soon as you call.. He is still restrained with mittens on. He would not even talk to us on Monday very few words..not sure if it was his medicine or his mood..They say he fights them most of the time.. He is hard to work with. That is just him. It took them 4 days to draw blood for an HIV test and it drove me nuts I was worried for a week but it was NEG. This happened the 6th of June so we are pretty far along and getting no where I think..thanks for all the prayers...Hospice has dropped mom..our last visit from them will be on Friday....

Why did they drop her? Sorry anout the your man Paso. :huggy:


Thanks for the update. What rehab is he going to be transferred to? One close to your home, I hope? And like camily just asked, why is hospice ending their visits with your Mom?

You sure are a strong lady. I, like so many others, really admire your strength.


Does my butt look big?
Why did they drop her? Sorry anout the your man Paso. :huggy:

Thanks for the update. What rehab is he going to be transferred to? One close to your home, I hope? And like camily just asked, why is hospice ending their visits with your Mom?

You sure are a strong lady. I, like so many others, really admire your strength.

He will stay in Baltimore..he is in restraints and St Marys and Calvert will not take him in restraints as I understand it..

:yeahthat: That has me curious also

Well the way I understand it Hospice is for terminal patients..They need an ending diagnosis...Moms was renal failure...Well they say she did not meet the criteria for being renewed this marking period to say..It is a good thing I guess.. They said she is doing too well not going down hill fast enough I guess. They were really nice while they came 3 times a week. Tomorrow is their last day. Mom was usually up and clean when they were here..They said I was doing a super job with them. They said if she nose dives again to call them and they will re evaluate her...I took her to a BBQ Sunday..Have a great pic of her and daughter..something wrong with wearing a bib and drinking beer..:lmao:

I do not know if I said this but hubby had long hair and a pony got all knotted up the road..I took my dog grooming clippers a couple weeks ago and stood behind the bed and when he was not paying attention I shaved all his hair off..I now tell him his hair looks great..did one of the nurses shave it off..:lmao:


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He will stay in Baltimore..he is in restraints and St Marys and Calvert will not take him in restraints as I understand it..

Well the way I understand it Hospice is for terminal patients..They need an ending diagnosis...Moms was renal failure...Well they say she did not meet the criteria for being renewed this marking period to say..It is a good thing I guess.. They said she is doing too well not going down hill fast enough I guess. They were really nice while they came 3 times a week. Tomorrow is their last day. Mom was usually up and clean when they were here..They said I was doing a super job with them. They said if she nose dives again to call them and they will re evaluate her...I took her to a BBQ Sunday..Have a great pic of her and daughter..something wrong with wearing a bib and drinking beer..:lmao:

I do not know if I said this but hubby had long hair and a pony got all knotted up the road..I took my dog grooming clippers a couple weeks ago and stood behind the bed and when he was not paying attention I shaved all his hair off..I now tell him his hair looks great..did one of the nurses shave it off..:lmao:

Ahhh yes Hospice not coming any more is a good thing. Hospice patients have to have a life expectancy of 6 months or less.

That picture is priceless!!! :huggy:

Nanny Pam

He will stay in Baltimore..he is in restraints and St Marys and Calvert will not take him in restraints as I understand it..

Well the way I understand it Hospice is for terminal patients..They need an ending diagnosis...Moms was renal failure...Well they say she did not meet the criteria for being renewed this marking period to say..It is a good thing I guess.. They said she is doing too well not going down hill fast enough I guess. They were really nice while they came 3 times a week. Tomorrow is their last day. Mom was usually up and clean when they were here..They said I was doing a super job with them. They said if she nose dives again to call them and they will re evaluate her...I took her to a BBQ Sunday..Have a great pic of her and daughter..something wrong with wearing a bib and drinking beer..:lmao:

I do not know if I said this but hubby had long hair and a pony got all knotted up the road..I took my dog grooming clippers a couple weeks ago and stood behind the bed and when he was not paying attention I shaved all his hair off..I now tell him his hair looks great..did one of the nurses shave it off..:lmao:

that picture is priceless! Treasure that forever. :huggy:


Free to Fly
Paso, I'm sorry things are so frustrating and so hard for you. Glad to hear your daughter moved in to help. I loved the pic of her and your Mom! Will keep all of you in prayer.


Does my butt look big?
that picture is priceless! Treasure that forever. :huggy:

The kids were drinking root I think was reading the can...she had two sodas and about 6 cookies..then she said to the neighbor girl that watches her alot "Get me a beer" I said hell she's over 18. I have a pic too with our Dems and Mom driking a beer on the 4th of July..Let me look for it too..Can't find the one of us eatting crabs and mom driking the blue can with Dems but here she is with the fire works...right before Dems burt her hand off..:lmao: "I'm from WV I know how to do fire works..........boom....OUCH" :lmao:


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Rocky Mountain High!!
The kids were drinking root I think was reading the can...she had two sodas and about 6 cookies..then she said to the neighbor girl that watches her alot "Get me a beer" I said hell she's over 18. I have a pic too with our Dems and Mom driking a beer on the 4th of July..Let me look for it too..Can't find the one of us eatting crabs and mom driking the blue can with Dems but here she is with the fire works...right before Dems burt her hand off..:lmao: "I'm from WV I know how to do fire works..........boom....OUCH" :lmao:
WHAT a great picture! :lol: Mom oughtta be the woman yelling..."where's the BEEF?" Or BEER in her case :lol:
did she drink a beer??? inquiring minds want to know.


He will stay in Baltimore..he is in restraints and St Marys and Calvert will not take him in restraints as I understand it..

Well the way I understand it Hospice is for terminal patients..They need an ending diagnosis...Moms was renal failure...Well they say she did not meet the criteria for being renewed this marking period to say..It is a good thing I guess.. They said she is doing too well not going down hill fast enough I guess. They were really nice while they came 3 times a week. Tomorrow is their last day. Mom was usually up and clean when they were here..They said I was doing a super job with them. They said if she nose dives again to call them and they will re evaluate her...I took her to a BBQ Sunday..Have a great pic of her and daughter..something wrong with wearing a bib and drinking beer..:lmao:

I do not know if I said this but hubby had long hair and a pony got all knotted up the road..I took my dog grooming clippers a couple weeks ago and stood behind the bed and when he was not paying attention I shaved all his hair off..I now tell him his hair looks great..did one of the nurses shave it off..:lmao:

Great pic of your Mom and daughter! :lmao: I guess if hospice feels as though she is doing well enough that they aren't needed, that's a good thing.

As for Bill's hair, that is too funny. Did he ask you about it or does he not really even know that it's been chopped off?


Does my butt look big?
Great pic of your Mom and daughter! :lmao: I guess if hospice feels as though she is doing well enough that they aren't needed, that's a good thing.

As for Bill's hair, that is too funny. Did he ask you about it or does he not really even know that it's been chopped off?

The nurses asked me to do it. He knew enough to fight me on it.. He kept putting up his hands. But something would catch his attention and he would forget and I would take another swipe on him.

I have not gone to see him or called this week (except for today) as they moved him last week and they said my calls were upsetting him and he would cry and cry and then not get back to therpy..I called today he talked for 10 sec cryed and said he had to go he would call later. He does not even know I did not go this week. He really does not understand much at all.


Happy Camper
Paso, thanks for the updates. The pics of your Mom are great!! You are one remarkable woman. Keep on hanging in there!! :huggy:


I feel so sorry when you hear that all he does is cry. Makes me want to go and hug him and tell him it will all be better soon. I can't imagine what it does to you! You keep hanging in there like Belvak says. We all know your putting up one hell of a front but what are you really going through? :huggy: If you ever need to just go off or just let it all hang out you know you can call me. :huggy:


The nurses asked me to do it. He knew enough to fight me on it.. He kept putting up his hands. But something would catch his attention and he would forget and I would take another swipe on him.

I have not gone to see him or called this week (except for today) as they moved him last week and they said my calls were upsetting him and he would cry and cry and then not get back to therpy..I called today he talked for 10 sec cryed and said he had to go he would call later. He does not even know I did not go this week. He really does not understand much at all.

Wow, what a tough road you've been travelling. How are you holding up? :huggy:


Steelers Fan 4-life
New to the forums and just finished reading all of this. How is your Hubby doing now? You mom looks great in that picture.

You are in my prayers.:huggy:



how are your mom and bill doing? Hope all is well with you


Does my butt look big?
Mom is doing well...Bill does not seem to be improving any...still will not even feed himself and will not even sit at the side of the bed...he has almost quit talking too...will say a few words but not many just wants to sit and be quiet and that is NOT like him..thanks for asking..