We went up there on Monday....they had been planning to move him on Monday to another rehab...BUT he now has a bowel infection and the other place will not take him till it is diarrhea and with being bed ridden that is not good...Physical therapy said he has not progressed any he will sometimes stand at the bars for a few seconds will not try to walk though. He is now eating mushed foods not sure if he is feeding himself yet he had not .... I have gone to calling once a day or ever other..He has no attention span and wants to hang up as soon as you call.. He is still restrained with mittens on. He would not even talk to us on Monday very few words..not sure if it was his medicine or his mood..They say he fights them most of the time.. He is hard to work with. That is just him. It took them 4 days to draw blood for an HIV test and it drove me nuts I was worried for a week but it was NEG. This happened the 6th of June so we are pretty far along and getting no where I think..thanks for all the prayers...Hospice has dropped mom..our last visit from them will be on Friday....
Why did they drop her? Sorry anout the your man Paso.