Schiff's Hot Takes and Whining


Well-Known Member
Adam Schiff possibly the biggest piece of dog sht in the Congress going after the Supreme Court when the real term limits should be in Congress.
And California & New York Congress critters should only get one term


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Adam Schiff possibly the biggest piece of dog sht in the Congress going after the Supreme Court when the real term limits should be in Congress.
And California & New York Congress critters should only get one term
Someone on TV last week called MD's very own Jamie Raskin, the Dem's new Adam Schiff.


PREMO Member

Busted! Adam Schiff Funneled Millions To Defense Contractors After Taking Donations

While Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) campaigns for a Senate seat on a platform of earmarks for local causes, the 12-term Congressman has been busted steering millions in taxpayer dollars to for-profit defense contractors, many of whom have been political donors to his campaigns.

According to an investigation by Politico, Schiff "has offered an incomplete and potentially misleading account of his record on earmarks."

A POLITICO review of congressional earmarks and political contributions found that in addition to the money for homelessness and drug treatment, Schiff also steered millions to for-profit companies and raised tens of thousands for his House reelection campaigns from corporate executives and people connected to them. The review was mostly limited to publicly available data from the brief three-year window when corporate earmarks were disclosed.

In two particularly egregious cases, Schiff channeled millions in funding to Smiths Detection and Phasebridge, Inc., two defense companies within his district - with $6 million steered to Smiths Detection and $3 million to Phasebridge. Both moves would have been barred under reforms adopted in 2010. This financial maneuvering coincided with Schiff receiving $8,500 in contributions from PMA Group PAC and two family members of Paul Magliocchetti, founder and owner of the lobbying firm retained by both defense companies.

In 2011, Paul Magliocchetti was sentenced to 27 months in prison for making illegal campaign contributions.

Schiff claims not to have a full accounting of his earmarks.

The Congressman's campaign has been quick to minimize these connections, emphasizing the small proportion of these contributions in his overall fundraising and underscoring his commitment to ensuring Californians’ tax dollars work for their benefit. In a boilerplate response, spokesperson Marisol Samayoa said: "Californians know and trust Adam’s record of getting things done, and as a U.S. senator, he will do what it takes to ensure Californians’ tax dollars are put to work for them and their priorities," adding "These contributions amount to less than one tenth of one percent of what Adam has raised over 20 years in Congress, and were driven by what was best for our troops and his constituents. It is ridiculous to suggest otherwise."


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
These contributions amount to less than one tenth of one percent of what Adam has raised over 20 years in Congress, and were driven by what was best for our troops and his constituents. It is ridiculous to suggest otherwise."

Ahh's not graft or corruption if the amount is below a certain threshold. Maff.


Well-Known Member
Ahh's not graft or corruption if the amount is below a certain threshold. Maff.
Yeah I don't get that either. Gifts given among federal workers have a TINY threshhold - twenty bucks, and no more than fifty a YEAR.

This guy pockets tens of thousands, and his answer is, it's just a fraction?


Well-Known Member
Well the guy works cheap you have to give him that.
Just another indicator of how stupid he is.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the law will come for me for saying that Adam Schiff is one guy I would like to see someone grab and shake the piss out of.
The lying treasonous bassturd and his Russian Hoax, and his disruption of everything good that republicans try to do, his hate for trump.
He should have been tossed out of the Congress years ago for his ethics violations. I suppose he isn't the biggest turd in the Capitol punchbowl, but he sure is the stinkiest./


PREMO Member

California’s Adam Schiff Has Actually Been Living In Maryland For Two Decades, Docs Show

Democratic California Rep. Adam Schiff has reportedly been living in Maryland for two decades, documents that surfaced Wednesday showed.

Mortgage records revealed Schiff claimed his 3,420 square foot property in Maryland as his primary residence, according to CNN. The congressman also reportedly claimed his 650 square foot condo in Burbank, California, as his primary residence to reduce his $7,000 tax bill.



PREMO Member

Trump Tries to Dehumanize the Opposition ‘Just Like Hitler and Mussolini’

Anchor Jen Psaki said, “I also want to ask you about one of Donald Trump’s increasingly authoritarian rhetoric. It is so important to keep talking about this. He is echoing language used by Hitler and Mussolini. His campaign seems to be doubling down on that. A lot of Republicans, most Republicans are frankly quiet and silent on this. Ronna McDaniel refused to comment on it. What you think that is? Is a fear, is that they want Trump to get reelected? Do you think that they agree with him, what can you attribute it to?”

Schiff said, “It’s fear, and it’s cowardice. These elected officials, people that I served in Congress, who republicans behind Trump, they know exactly what he is. How can you listen to testimony of Georgia, that the president sought to remain in power, notwithstanding having lost, and support someone like that? But they are afraid. They see Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, they stood up for their principles, they expose the danger and were forced out of Congress.”

He continued, “For Liz and Adam, there was something more important than continuing to serve in Congress. It was the Constitution, it was their own character. But for all too many, those things don’t matter quite so much as holding their office or maybe getting better office one day.
So it’s fear and cowardice, and it’s craven, and it’s putting the country at grave risk to even contemplate electing someone who will cling to power the way that Donald Trump tired, who embraces the language of dictators, tries to dehumanize the opposition, calling them vermin, just like Hitler and Mussolini.”



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Adam Schiff Wants to Save ‘Democracy’ by Abolishing the Electoral College and Packing the Supreme Court

Rep. Adam Schiff has a new plan to save ‘democracy’ by abolishing the filibuster, getting rid of the Electoral College and packing the U.S. Supreme Court.

At this point, it’s pretty clear that when Democrats talk about ‘democracy’ what they really mean is anything that the far left likes.

Schiff trying to present this as a defense of democracy is pure hilarity and he is the only one who doesn’t get the joke.
