I know when i was in middle school, mom gave me $200 for clothes each year.. Ever since i got into high school and got jobs, i pretty much pay for my own things now. Mom will give me money here and there if i do chores around the house.. Even though i just graduated, I just went to the mall this week for a couple new outfits, and spent about $300... I have not had new cloths since the begining of school year last year, so i deserved it!!
Kids these days like to fit in and wear what everyone else is wearing, it makes them feel better about them selves.... Get him a couple outfits from where he wants to satisfy him, then get the rest from JCpenneys (Sales going on right now), Macy's even has good deals this week..... Or Target, they have fine clothes.. I took my neighbors school cloths shopping yesterday, and they went to walmart and got cute outfits!! Just gotta look around