RoseRed said:
but... the thought of my little girl (she will always be that to me) bum rushing some freak with a gun scares the crap outta me. Call me a coward, but I would rather that she try and hide than run into a blaze of glory.
I would think, that in most cases, these people running into classrooms with guns are generally cowards. ANY kind of agression, or reaction would scare them and probably result in their retreating.
BRAVE people don't shoot unarmed pacified children.
Someone told me once, when he had me at knife point, and I was staring at the knife. "Don't fear the weapon, fear the person holding it."
Don't fear a coward, don't fear the weapon he his holding, whether it be a knife, a gun or a box of uncooked spaghetti.
Right now if a psycho came into a classroom holding a single knife, they would do as he says. Would you feel better if she rushed someone holding a knife, instead of a gun?