Regardless of what you think of the case, the fact is that Libby lied to investigators. Not once but several times.
Even the President acknowledges his wrongdoing.
This is no different than when Clinton was impeached, the reaction was "Now everyone can justify lying to a grand jury and obstructing justice."
All Bush has done is re-inforce it. Clinton wasnt impeached for the BJ, it was for Perjury, if you supported Clintons impeachment, you have to be honest and support Libby's prosecution.
And the DemocRATs are already intentionally misleading the public (as Forestool has already shown). Conyers released a statement saying that it’s wrong for Libby’s sentence to be commuted pardoned, since he leaked national security information…which would make sense, except for the fact that Libby didn’t leak anything and wasn’t charged for leaking anything.
Idiots like Forstool will eat it up and regurgitate the nonsense, while ignoring that it was Armitage that "outed" Plame,
If Treason was the real reason behind the investigation, Armitage would have been prosecuted, but since Plame wasnt an active Covert agent there wasnt a crime. (thats the point Forestool ignores).
Sandy Burglar was a bigger treasonous event, but you dont see any outrage from the LefTARDs about that crime.
Unfortunately for Libby, he was a victim of politics, by committing perjury during the investigation of a friggin non-crime. In the atmosphere in Washington, the Bush's showed political naivete by thinking Libby would be spared.
These guys, Bill Clinton, Libby, and the rest, are all lawyers. They know exactly what they’re doing. They have nothing to fear if they tell the truth. Is that too much to ask of our highest government officials?