Scooter Libby


Board Mommy
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forestal said:
Actually Armitage was only one of many that leaked classified information. It appears that he did it unknowingly, and actually feels bad about the mistake he made, unlike the rest of the Bush Cabal.
Do you just sit around and daydream all day? :confused:


New Member
forestal said:
False accusation? Iraq had NO WMDs. Wilson was blowing the lid off Bush's lies and for that his wife has her career ended, the CIA has a major program shut down, and Iran is much closer to getting WMD's.
Still, one has to wonder how the United States commits billions of tax dollars to the CIA yet not a single person within the agency was qualified to sail off to Africa to “sip sweet mint tea” with the locals. Still more puzzling is how a retired second-tier diplomat is supposed to convince anyone to admit to providing uranium to one of the most dangerous men in the world.


Super Genius
T.Rally said:
Still, one has to wonder how the United States commits billions of tax dollars to the CIA yet not a single person within the agency was qualified to sail off to Africa to “sip sweet mint tea” with the locals. Still more puzzling is how a retired second-tier diplomat is supposed to convince anyone to admit to providing uranium to one of the most dangerous men in the world.
But the fact is that Joe Wilson did find that Iraq tried to buy yellow cake uranium from Nigeria. They just refused to sell it to Iraq.


Board Mommy
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Nucklesack said:
Regardless of what you think of the case, the fact is that Libby lied to investigators. Not once but several times.
Agreed. But Presidents pardon people all the time.

So why is this particular pardon so worthy of outrage, yet Clinton pardoning the FALN terrorists and drug dealers is no big deal?


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ylexot said:
But the fact is that Joe Wilson did find that Iraq tried to buy yellow cake uranium from Nigeria. They just refused to sell it to Iraq.
Which in itself ought to be good reason to just about crap your pants - it means that despite not finding WMD's, or being forbidden to embark on a nuclear program, they WERE there to get uranium to make a bomb.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nucklesack said:
if you supported Clintons impeachment, you have to be honest and support Libby's prosecution.
Had Libby happened before Clinton, I'd probably have supported his prosecution. But the charming Clintons set a new standard for corruption and lawlessness, so piddly things like perjury are not only no longer impressive, but we learned from Clinton himself that they aren't even crimes.

And since perjury is no longer a crime (and we know this because the Democrats told us so), I'd like to know how Fitzgerald got a conviction in the first place.


Common sense ain't common
forestal said:
It's very easy to link Republicans to Bush when the John Q. Public's sons and daughters are dying and no progess is being shown in Iraq. That's probably one of the reasons why the Dems haven't been so forceful with ending this war: they think it will benefit them when the elections roll around in 2008.

Sooo...the war is going bad, people are dying...but Dems think it'll help them when elections roll around again so they're not going to try to stop it.... But we Repubs are just flat out evil aren't we... :lmao:


vraiblonde said:
The hypocrisy is stunning, isn't it?

Fortunately for the Democrats, their constituents aren't real big on history or even current events.
When, even after the elections are over, they have the power to effect change all they still have in their bag of tricks is citicism of Bush.

Fortunately for Americans (as indicated in the polls) they are beginning to see the mistake of giving them power.
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Main Streeter
vraiblonde said:
Had Libby happened before Clinton, I'd probably have supported his prosecution. But the charming Clintons set a new standard for corruption and lawlessness...
<st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Clinton</st1:place></st1:City> went to trial and was acquitted.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
And since perjury is no longer a crime (and we know this because the Democrats told us so), I'd like to know how Fitzgerald got a conviction in the first place.


Well, it's either one of two reasons. Either you're correct, and the entire legal and judicial system of the United States is wrong. Or you're wrong, and perjury actually is still a crime.


New Member
ylexot said:
But the fact is that Joe Wilson did find that Iraq tried to buy yellow cake uranium from Nigeria. They just refused to sell it to Iraq.

You're not one of the 40% of Americans that still think Saddam was connected to 9/11....are you?


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Kerad said:
You're not one of the 40% of Americans that still think Saddam was connected to 9/11....are you?

Doesn't matter - the fact is, Wilson was wrong. This isn't really in dispute any more.


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Kerad said:

Well, it's either one of two reasons. Either you're correct, and the entire legal and judicial system of the United States is wrong. Or you're wrong, and perjury actually is still a crime.

This is tongue in cheek, bud. The most common refrain for supporters of Clinton is that he was impeached over something that wasn't a crime (sex). Of course, if you're not a dyed in the wool Clinton supporter, you know that he was impeached over perjury, suborning perjury and obstruction of justice.


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awpitt said:
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Clinton</st1:place></st1:City> went to trial and was acquitted.

Even you must admit, an impeachment trial isn't quite the same as a jury trial - the sentence is always the same, removal from office. And you can be removed from office for something that is most emphatically not a crime - something that can't happen with a jury trial.

He was not removed from office, even though many of those who voted to keep him publicly acknowledged that what he did WAS a crime, did deserve removal from office and that he DID commit it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
awpitt said:
<st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Clinton</st1:place></st1:City> went to trial and was acquitted.
How can that be when he *admitted* he lied to the Grand Jury and there was solid evidence of such?

How did Clinton get acquitted, with solid evidence AND a confession, yet Libby gets convicted?

I dont understand these things and wish you would explain them to me.


New Member
SamSpade said:
Doesn't matter - the fact is, Wilson was wrong. This isn't really in dispute any more.

Really? This is news to me.

When/how did we prove Iraq tried to buy the yellowcake from Niger? It must have been very recently, because even the White house admitted they were wrong and should never have included it in the State of the Union. And you know how Bush feels about admitting being wrong.

You're not referring to the 1999 trip the Iraqi delegation took down there...are you?