Sean Taylor shot!


Active Member
Dayum..I knew T.O. was scared of him but did he have to resort to this??? :lmao:

Sean, you are in my are my favorite player. Skins forever!!


New Member
Sean Taylor shot! 11-26-2007 01:06 PM Take your stupid comments elsewhere. Idiot.

Aaw, can pussified no-balls karma giver not take criticism.

The Redskins have played horrible the past three games. I mean, Jason Campbell throwing interceptions isn't near the worst of it. Santana Moss seems to be suffering from Butterfinger disease lately. I don't know what Portis' deal is. Betts runs with one arm outstretched with his ball in that ONE hand. Antwann Randel El hasn't done anything this season.

I call it as I see it, the Redskins are totally effed. I'm hoping the Jaguars can make it to the Super Bowl, but that's a longshot dream.


My Sweetest Boy
Sean Taylor shot! 11-26-2007 01:06 PM Take your stupid comments elsewhere. Idiot.

Aaw, can pussified no-balls karma giver not take criticism.

The Redskins have played horrible the past three games. I mean, Jason Campbell throwing interceptions isn't near the worst of it. Santana Moss seems to be suffering from Butterfinger disease lately. I don't know what Portis' deal is. Betts runs with one arm outstretched with his ball in that ONE hand. Antwann Randel El hasn't done anything this season.

I call it as I see it, the Redskins are totally effed. I'm hoping the Jaguars can make it to the Super Bowl, but that's a longshot dream.

Really Andy, if you want to biatch about the Skins, do it in another thread. Show a little class.


Really Andy, if you want to biatch about the Skins, do it in another thread. Show a little class.

I just keep thinking what a difference 24 hours makes :frown: Just yesterday he was okay, and then this morning, he gets shot, and probably losses his career and maybe even his life. This is all really, really sad. :frown: For anyone, for any team, its a sad story. :frown: My thoughts and prayers are with him!!! :frown:


Cleopatra Jones
Maybe he has some OJ memorabilia in there.


Andy, if you had an ounce of the athleticism in your entire body that ST, Campbell or Santana Moss have in their little toes you MAY have some room to talk. Until then, zip it. I'm not even a Red Skin fan but will give credit where credit is due.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I just keep thinking what a difference 24 hours makes :frown: Just yesterday he was okay, and then this morning, he gets shot, and probably losses his career and maybe even his life. This is all really, really sad. :frown: For anyone, for any team, its a sad story. :frown: My thoughts and prayers are with him!!! :frown:

..but Shawn Taylor, multi millionaire football star, isn't the only person who suffered a tragedy in the last 24 hours and I have an ugly suspicion that this wasn't some random thing that he had nothing to do with. Maybe that's not fair, but...


Active Member
I put my jersey on this morning after I heard the news. Of course all the haters had to comment. I told them one of our best players had been shot. I had to represent for him. Redskins fans show your love!!:buddies:


..but Shawn Taylor, multi millionaire football star, isn't the only person who suffered a tragedy in the last 24 hours and I have an ugly suspicion that this wasn't some random thing that he had nothing to do with. Maybe that's not fair, but...

I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. :shrug: I think if there was more to the story than this, the media would have been all over it by now or rumors flying based on a slight scrap of truth... but there's nothing. It's been almost 12 hours and nothing has surfaced whether true or speculation other than robbery or burglery from the original statement. :shrug: He now has a son to care for too and not to mention a good future ahead of him. Too many things going in his favor :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Where was taylors gun when he really needed it?

...why I wonder WTF?

I mean, I can't imagine checking on what sounds like someone breaking and and not being armed myself.

And why only two shots? And why didn't they run away before shooting? Did Taylor catch them and they felt he was gonna shoot them?

We're not being given the details and I doubt it's gonna be 'heard break in, went to check, bad guys shot him, ran away...'

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You have no idea of whats going on ... so don't speculate. The man has been shot. Have a bit of ####ing sympathy., I don't even know Shawn Taylor. Do you? Is he some sort of deity where no one can make any comment whatsoever about anything in terms of speculating what might have happened? Do you even know who Shawn Taylor is? If so, you gonna honestly claim zero suspicious thoughts?

Come on, let's here your story where you feel justified to your self righteous indignation.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And PS...

...for what it's worth, I feel bad for Shawn and his people.

Past that, I'm curious as to what happened.


Active Member
I heard one report that said ST shot back and wounded the intruder in the leg (ESPN News on XM). Did anyone else hear that?