Sean Taylor shot!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Do you...

...have a clue or is this just some cute comment?

He lives in a nice neighborhood. His legal trouble was based on HIM being robbed and trying to retrieve his property.

There has not been one allegation, that I've heard, that Taylor hangs with thugs.


I bowl overhand
I would assume that someone that resolves conflict by spitting on someone is a thug.. and probably hangs out with the same ilk..


Set Trippin
The Latest...

Posted at 3:12 PM ET, 11/26/2007

<!-- date header ends here -->Sean Taylor "Clinging To Life"

</MTWEBLOGPOSTIFSHOW>[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]Richard Sharpstein, who has represented Sean Taylor in legal matters in the past and is a friend of the family, said moments ago that the player's life is hanging in the balance in the hospital. Sharpstein, speaking from the hospital, said Taylor is "nonresponsive and unconscious" and the doctors are "worried about a possible brain injury or death."[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]Sharpstein, who has been with Taylor's family at the hospital much of the day, said that there are major worries that Taylor may have lost oxygen to the brain, and that no other procedures are planned for right now. "They're waiting to see if he comes to," Sharpstein said. He was shot in the groin/thigh area near the femoral artery and lost copious amounts of blood. He was airlifted to the trauma center and endured several hours of surgery, Sharpstein said.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]Taylor is in intensive care, Sharpstein said, and his girlfriend and child were not injured in the attack. Sharpstein said Taylor was sleeping when he heard a noise in the living room. The intruders were at his bedroom and Taylor reached for a machete or other form of knife he keeps nearby in case of emergency, and two shots were fired, with one striking his leg.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]"Right now he's clinging to life and we're all praying he makes it," Sharpstein said.[/FONT]


Lem Putt
How sad :frown: This definately sounds more like a "hit" than a random burglery :frown:

:rolleyes: Hitmen don't shoot someone in the leg. Just because it happened to be a serious injury doesn't mean it is more than a robbery. If it were a head or chest shot, then I could see calling it a hit.

A leg shot sounds like he surprised somebody and they took a couple of wild shots, nothing more sinister than that.


:rolleyes: Hitmen don't shoot someone in the leg. Just because it happened to be a serious injury doesn't mean it is more than a robbery. If it were a head or chest shot, then I could see calling it a hit.

A leg shot sounds like he surprised somebody and they took a couple of wild shots, nothing more sinister than that.

Robber guy went to his bedroom. Why not rummage around the house for valuables if its a robbery :shrug: Why go to the room you know people are in and occupying :shrug:. Guessing by the numerous cars in the driveway from family and gf being there, it was obvious people were there and home :shrug:. It sounds like they made some noise (maybe tripped in the living room) and went straight to the bedroom. They also didn't steal anything. :rolleyes: Most robbers steal something or as Larry pointed out, see someone and run. I'm not going to argue this - it's petty right now. Right now I'm just wishing ST best wishes and hopes he can hang in there. :huggy:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Sounds like...

:rolleyes: Hitmen don't shoot someone in the leg. Just because it happened to be a serious injury doesn't mean it is more than a robbery. If it were a head or chest shot, then I could see calling it a hit.

A leg shot sounds like he surprised somebody and they took a couple of wild shots, nothing more sinister than that.

...Taylor was going after them with the machette and they shot and fled.

So, yeah, we're not talking ASSASSIN here.


...Taylor was going after them with the machette and they shot and fled.

So, yeah, we're not talking ASSASSIN here.

I'm not talking Sopranos or anything professional like "an Assassin". :lol: Just someone trying and very inexperienced. That's my guess on this because he was brazen to rob a home that was occupied (by a probowl NFL player at that), go to the master bedroom while occupied, shot someone a few times in the dark, and then not take anything :shrug:.


I bowl overhand Shawn the spitter got his, right?

Sean the thug, Sean the spitter, Sean the felon.. It all points to him being no more than a thug.

He's a MULTI Millionaire am I right??

So he can't own a gun, so what.. can he afford a GOOD secrutiy system?? Can he afford to hire someone that CAN own a gun??

Could his girlfriend own a gun?


I know nothing
Sean the thug, Sean the spitter, Sean the felon.. It all points to him being no more than a thug.

He's a MULTI Millionaire am I right??

So he can't own a gun, so what.. can he afford a GOOD secrutiy system?? Can he afford to hire someone that CAN own a gun??

Could his girlfriend own a gun?

Hell he could have called up his buddy Vick and bought some of his dogs for protection:whistle:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Sean the thug, Sean the spitter, Sean the felon.. It all points to him being no more than a thug.

He's a MULTI Millionaire am I right??

So he can't own a gun, so what.. can he afford a GOOD secrutiy system?? Can he afford to hire someone that CAN own a gun??

Could his girlfriend own a gun?

...we'll put you down as another satisfied customer of Shawn Taylors day.

Got it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Are you related to this guy or something? You seem to be very very concerned for his welfare and very adament that he's a standup guy, felony assault charges notwithstanding. should ask that. I was gonna ask what he did to you that was so personal. :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That's my guess on this because he was brazen to rob a home that was occupied (by a probowl NFL player at that), go to the master bedroom while occupied, shot someone a few times in the dark, and then not take anything .

Are you kidding? Burglars do that all the time. Twice on Sunday, even. Young Sean (not to be confused with Sean Young) was probably just getting home from choir practice and was getting ready to go off and feed the homeless. Maybe save a whale or two.

I don't know why anyone would find that burglary scenario strange - doesn't that happen to everyone?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Patron should ask that. I was gonna ask what he did to you that was so personal.

You are starting to lose it.

Why does this guy mean so much to you that you go to bat defending him, when he's a known criminal? Is it just because he's a Redskin? Are you going to have him dating one of the daughters now because he's such a great guy and upstanding citizen?