Sean Taylor shot!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Taylor's... from his criminal case has said that, according to the girlfriend, they heard noise, Shawn got up to go see, the bedroom door was opened and then two shots were fired at Shawn and they shooter(s) fled. Nothing was stolen. The lawyer apparently said that Shawn is clearly a victim of an assault in his own home.

This from 980, Al Koken
How possible is it that something else went down and they are covering it up w/ this story of home invasion. Wasn't there something like this that happened w/ a bodyguard and someone else in the past few years?


Guest shot hit him, one missed.

I was just going to give you props on your call about it being two shots. LOL. Also, props for early on pointing out in the other thread about most bugleries when botched the robber runs off, the person doesn't shoot the homeowner. This is sounding a little fishy, especially if its true that the person left without stealing anything. :frown:


"Typical White Person"
How the heck can a guy in his posistion, with millions of dollars and trouble with shady dudes in the past not have an elaborate security system that would detect people before ever getting on his property?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If I could...

How the heck can a guy in his posistion, with millions of dollars and trouble with shady dudes in the past not have an elaborate security system that would detect people before ever getting on his property?

...afford it, you'd need more than a screw driver to get my doors open. Then, you'd need body armor. Then you'd need your pastor.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You are...

I was just going to give you props on your call about it being two shots. LOL. Also, props for early on pointing out in the other thread about most bugleries when botched the robber runs off, the person doesn't shoot the homeowner. This is sounding a little fishy, especially if its true that the person left without stealing anything. :frown:

...too kind. I'm still not wearing the sweater.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
That will...

However he wont be playing football for a while! the next big topic of discusion. A bunch of docs have been on discussing it and without any details, they've said it could heal fine or it could be career ending. There is also a nerve that runs with the femoral artery. It's been reported that the artery was severed.

In any event, I don't think one gets over gun shot wounds, artery or not, in 5weeks, so, he'd done for the year.