I want cheif!:
I hope he finds a great home. I really wish Molly could find a good family too, she is a beautiful dog.
Is this the Molly you are referring to? She is my foster and a really sweet girl with people but wouldn't be good with very young kids or other pets as she is insecure. She is very easy to train and follows us all over the yard. She loves to play with her toys and will entertain herself by throwing them in the air and then running after them.
Yep, that looks like the Molly we looked at. Our son was two and KK said that she wouldnt be the right fit with the baby (plus we didnt have a fenced yard), but she is a beautiful dog.
What a great day! KK said I needed a bigger store but I think we had plenty of room for all the doggies and handlers there. In fact, there was room for more
I had to mop the floor 3X last night. Hubby asked why I was so late getting home- told him *you would have had to have been there to understand*![]()
Hi MB, did you find a brown coat there by chance.....![]()
Yes...I would guess it belongs to your charming daughter...
I remember when you stopped by. KK is right. Molly is hand-shy, especially with new people, so it wasn't a good match for her. She is fine with us now but sudden movements can make her cower. Also, I believe you have (had) other dogs so that wouldn't be good either. Thanks for saying she is beautiful. These pictures don't do her justice. We'll have to have her sit for some professional pictures....Oh, Loper...
Yes , thank you. Glad she had an extra one today cause it's COLD out there!!!
MB, even with the weather it turned out to be a pretty successful day!! Thanks!!![]()
Second Hope Rescue Pups from today Feb 22, 2009 at Pepper's Pet Pantry!
I didn't get any great ones of Nyla other than to show that she's NOT treat/toy agressive! You can take anything out of this girls mouth!!!!! And she is a Sweetie! The hands belong to Cattitude's son and he hadn't met her before today!
What a great day! KK said I needed a bigger store but I think we had plenty of room for all the doggies and handlers there. In fact, there was room for more![]()
I had to mop the floor 3X last night. Hubby asked why I was so late getting home- told him *you would have had to have been there to understand*![]()
then I MUST get a bigger vehicle to bring MORE next time.... We only had 7 from my house and I have plenty more where they came from.....
Dogs just wanna have fun..... (and it was cold outside....
Well, I am thankful that there were no leg hikes...![]()
Not even big ol' studly Chief.![]()
We as in you and Ott? Or the rescue?![]()