Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott Shows True Segregationist Colors



I've kept my big nose out of this thread because I'm sure some of you won't like what I have to say.... Personally I was shocked when I watched Lott make those comments. I'm white, Republican and for the most part pretty conservative. I'm embarrassed to have Lott represent my party.

It's important to note that it takes ALOT to shock me!

I know that some people will use anything jump on the Race bandwagon and gain a lttle ground, but this was so crummy he deserves whatever he gets.


Football season!
Give him heII dubya!

'President Bush sharply rebuked incoming Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott for comments that some have called racist, saying any suggestion that segregation was acceptable is "offensive and it is wrong." '

Now, if dubya gets on YOUR case for something you say, you know it must be pretty bad!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kyle, I'm not saying that Lott should resign as Senator - that's the voters' decision, not ours. They'll let him know when he runs for re-election whether they still want him or not. But I do think he should step down as Majority Leader.

I don't care what Robert Byrd says or does - he's not my guy. If the Dems want to have a KKK member on their team, that's their business. If they want to kiss Clinton's feet after all the unethical, immoral and downright criminal things he's done, that says something about them, not me.

I'm not expecting perfection - if I liked Lott before this, I might hold my nose and say, yeah, keep him, he's still better than them. But he's not been a fit leader for the Republicans for quite some time now and this is the last straw for me.

If Lott didn't really mean that he was in favor of Jim Crow laws, then he needs to come out and say what he DID mean by that comment.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown - good for Bush! I was wondering if he was going to say any more about it than to trot ol' Ari out there to say, "We have confidence in Senator Lott." Now Bush needs to put his money where his mouth is and ask Lott to step down as Majority Leader.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
... I'm not expecting perfection - if I liked Lott before this, I might hold my nose and say, yeah, keep him, he's still better than them. But he's not been a fit leader for the Republicans for quite some time now and this is the last straw for me...
I'll agree that he's been a poor leader of the GOP majority. That's primarily what I have against him. He compromises too quickly and gives away too much. That aside...

I simply don't want to give them the satisfaction of winning this one either.

Do you realize the impact of letting the commies win this one too?

First... I found no "RACIST" remark. He offered praise to someone retiring and didn't "ACTIVELY" chastise him for earlier positions or votes.

Second... Let's say Lott goes! Democrats step 2.... Demonize and use the vacated Lott as a rallying point. They will be able to legitimately say, "See! He's a racist! Otherwise why did he leave?", and they'll have a point.

Never give in to something contrived.


b*tch rocket
Maybe I've just been smokin too much crack, or just plain sick of political BS in general, but I really could care less what Lott said.

I guess I'm more concerned with the "peaceful" Muslim folk sending their love our way in whatever creative package they care to bundle it in. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.

Lott being a racist just seems trivial in comparison to the millions of racists hell bent on wiping us off the face of the Earth. It's not like you'll ever have to worry about Lott strapping on some explosives and booking himself for an interview on BET. :twitch:

And yeah I know, everyone is going to say I'm comparing apples and oranges. I just think it is foolish to be (as a country) bickering over this when we have much bigger issues at hand.


Football season!
Originally posted by Kyle

I simply don't want to give them the satisfaction of winning this one either.

Do you realize the impact of letting the commies win this one too?

I thought we already covered that this was not a "Dems Vs Repubs" thing? Considering the president of the US, which just happens to be of the same politcal party as Lott, has even come out and said it was wrong.. Time to cut your losses and move on.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't see it as "giving in". If Lott steps down and the Dems still want to make hay, we can say, "Yeah, but at least we get rid of OUR trash." If Lott stays, the Democrats can rightfully say that we are a party led by a racist.

And the remark WAS racist. You know I'm all for discrimination when it comes to our private and personal concerns - I think everyone, regardless of ethnicity or gender, should be able to choose who they associate with. But back in the day, Strom Thurmond was strongly for discrimination on a government level, which is wrong. And for Lott to lament that Thurmond wasn't elected President at that time tells me he's sorry that we don't still have federal and state Jim Crow laws.

As to giving the Dems the "satisfaction", I'd rather have the satisfaction of knowing my party did the right thing, regardless of any childish antics on the left. I don't think of it as them winning - I think of it as the Republican party winning on moral authority.


Football season!
Man, looks like Lott doesn't like anyone..

"Gays are like alcoholics, kleptomaniacs

"It is [a sin]....You should try to show them a way to deal with that problem, just like alcohol...or sex addiction...or kleptomaniacs." - Senate Republican Leader Trent Lott, Associated Press, June 15, 1998. "

At least he was a little more candid with those remarks, give him credit for that.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
I thought we already covered that this was not a "Dems Vs Repubs" thing? Considering the president of the US, which just happens to be of the same politcal party as Lott, has even come out and said it was wrong.. Time to cut your losses and move on.
I see it as nothing less than that.

As for Bush... He's been gettin into that same wishy-washy crap his old man did, here lately.

Well... I've said my peace. Time will prove this out!

Anyone want to take bets on how well "throwing him to the wolves" is going to work for the GOP?



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Originally posted by SmallTown
Man, looks like Lott doesn't like anyone..

"Gays are like alcoholics, kleptomaniacs

"It is [a sin]....You should try to show them a way to deal with that problem, just like alcohol...or sex addiction...or kleptomaniacs." - Senate Republican Leader Trent Lott, Associated Press, June 15, 1998. "

At least he was a little more candid with those remarks, give him credit for that.

I would just like Lott to honestly say what he meant by "we would be better off".

Is he referring to the economy or what?

Of course, the dirt is just looking for anything to get back at the GOP.


Football season!
Originally posted by Kyle
I see it as nothing less than that.

As for Bush... He's been gettin into that same wishy-washy crap his old man did, here lately.

Well... I've said my peace. Time will prove this out!

Anyone want to take bets on how well "throwing him to the wolves" is going to work for the GOP?




Will show they do have honesty and integrity as a whole.


New Member
More about Lott...It has been reported that while campaigning in the early 1980s with Thurmond, Lott uttered similiar words to the one that he said just recently. "A slip of the tongue," eh? Some of the Republicans have discussed Bobby Byrd in this forum and his KKK membership. Let's look into this. When Byrd was a klansman (which was for one month only) it was the thing that all white males in West Viriginia did. Yet Byrd noticed that the KKK was not for him and he withdrew his membership after one month. He has used the n word when referring to blacks but my father did that his entire life. He grew up in the same circumstances as Byrd and the n word was the term for blacks then. Today Byrd is a supporter of hate crimes legislation as well as other issues that are of key interest for the black community. Yet Lott was a klansman for a much greater time and he marched with the Klan. Today he still feels that segregation did more good than bad (supporting a segregationist candidate is just that). His remarks were racist, he called for the election of a segregationist. Is there any other more racist thing to say? He has said this on several occassions as well. This was not an isolated incident. It is time for this bigot to resign as party leader. (But I don't know, you guys can keep him and continue to stay in the spotlight as the party of racism.)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dems :biteme:. If you voted Clinton or Gore, you have no right to take issue with anything ANY Republican does.

At least the Republican President isn't selling military technology to the Chinese, isn't letting drug lords sleep in the White House, isn't cheating on his wife, isn't turning private property into federal land so he can sell it too, isn't pawing through his opponents' FBI get the picture. The worst you've ever been able to pin on OUR President is a 25 year old DWI.

Until you're ready to clean your own house, you can shut up about anyone else's.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by demsformd
More about Lott... This was not an isolated incident. It is time for this bigot to resign as party leader. (But I don't know, you guys can keep him and continue to stay in the spotlight as the party of racism.)

Demsformd: How long ago was it that you graduated from elementary school? That post smacks of "nanner,nanner,nanner! I'm gonna pull your chaainn!" Grow up and get a life, meet a woman -- she'll change your perspective on life. You obviously don't have either one.

:frown: penn


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hey, Maynard, I just call a hypocrite a hypocrite. If you're without sin, cast away. But if you only cry and scream when it's someone else who does something wrong and ignore it or make excuses for it when it's your guy, then you're going to catch flak.

The reason Clinton's name gets brought up so much is that we had 8 very long years of watching him do every unethical and illegal thing he could get away with and we had to grit our teeth when the Democrats said ignorant things like, "It's just sex." So we're naturally going to throw it back in your faces if your criticize a Republican for anything.

Ya'll should have thought about how it would make you look before you voted that idiot into office. Ya lie down with dogs, ya wake up with fleas - nome sane?