Settle a fight


b*tch rocket
Larry Gude said:
...and I was WRONG. It is not a metaphysical FACT that she WAS rude.

It is my PERCEPTION that she was and it is my perception that any one of you would have observed this tender moment and said "Huh, Vrail must be pizzed at her!" Or 'that was rude. She gave you a present and you couldn't be bothered past waving? What's the story!"

Or some similar response or...PERCEPTION.

If I'd done it and said it wasn't rude Vrail would have said "BULL####".

It is also my perception that Vrail knows it was a bit rude and she feels guilty about it or it would never come up again.

It was, again, my perception, one of those "I wasn't rude to her and the reason I was is because she let me down and hurt me first"

To which I say "I know that. I was freaking married to her. All I'm saying is that you were rude (my PERCEPTION) and it is only of note because A, I know you and that was out of character and B, it was Christmas morn and C, she gave you a gift and D, she seemed, my perception, to take it as being blown off."

:smack: Now will you listen to yourself Larry! :smack: :smack:

It is my observation that the Ex has created a LOT of friction between the both of you. You both need to stop giving her that kind of power. She should be irrelevant PERIOD. Her feelings, perceptions, whines, gripes, shoulder shrugs..... should be put pretty low on the totem poll as far as caring is concerned. And that goes for both of you. :waggingfinger: :nono: :lol:


professional daydreamer
Christy said:
:smack: Now will you listen to yourself Larry! :smack: :smack:

It is my observation that the Ex has created a LOT of friction between the both of you. You both need to stop giving her that kind of power. She should be irrelevant PERIOD. Her feelings, perceptions, whines, gripes, shoulder shrugs..... should be put pretty low on the totem poll as far as caring is concerned. And that goes for both of you. :waggingfinger: :nono: :lol:

:yeahthat: I especially like the triple :smack: Vrai needs a few of those as well.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

cattitude said:
Then stop it. If it's just THAT specific conversation or is this point 47 of "why Vrai is rude" ?

...right. I just got my azz ripped this afternoon because I dared question an accounting problem and then I learn part of my chewing was becasue if this crap.

I'll just stop it any day now.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...yeah, right. That's mean. I'm never wrong.

LARRY = Larry's Always Right. Really? YES! :lol:

So what was the gift and who was it for? :tap: And did the ex mention it you or Vrai that SHE thought it was rude the way Vrai treated her?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Go ahead hot shot...

vraiblonde said:
Oh, you are so full of it! :smack:

...tell 'em who brought it up this pm and why. I'll stand by with
my 'perception' of how that went down. Just in case.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...Vrail made a point of saying she likes it straight, no bull ####. Had I done what she did in the same circumstances and claimed it was not rude, it is my percpetion that Vrail would have said "Bull####".

Then, she would havce started a thread saying "Larry doesn't like it when I point out things he does that weren't so nice. In fact, he was rude the other day to ex. On Christmas no less. She even gave him a gift! And he's like turning his back, ignoring her..."
You just completely made that up because you're pissed that you're the only one that thought my actions were rude. AND you're calling people who disagree with you "butt kissers". Because obviously there's no reason for them to agree with my point other than that, right?

You, unlike me, have an obligation to speak to your ex about your children's welfare and whereabouts. I spoke to her for 8 years while you either walked past her like she didn't exist or stayed upstairs to avoid her. I waved and acknowledged her - that should be enough. Had I completely ignored her, I could see your point.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

cattitude said:
Ahhh...I missed this in the flurry of posts. So M did walk over to Vrai..put a gift in front of her? Hmmm...can I change my vote? Knowing the players...
we know Vrai isn't one be all up in a conversation with her mother...she and M did have a close relationship at one time..knowing Vrai can be "charming" just like me...I'd say she was trying to make a point that she'd been snubbed by what's good for the goose...I see where you, Larry, could call that rude...

...a picture is developing...


Now, remember, this is just merely my perception of how this played out, perception mind you.


Dancing Up A Storm
Larry Gude said:
...the woman walks up to Vrail who is on the phone. She stands there with what one might PERCIEVE as an interest to chat on a Christmas morn, peace good will and all that, puts a gift down right in front of Vrail who either saw it or ignored it. Vrail turns her back, walks away and continues the phone call. Ex shrugs, turns away with what one might PERCIEVE as a dismissed expression and gathers the girls and leaves.

My PERCEPION was that it was rude. I have mistakenly called it a 'fact' that it was rude. For whatever their relationship is or is not, it was Christmas morning and, for Vrail, it stuck out like a sore thumb because it was decidedly not a Vrail like normal reception.

Oh yeah, the other side of the story!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't even...

vraiblonde said:
Something she obviously picked out especially for just me!

Tell him what the present was, Larry. :smile:


Wait, some coffee crap that she probably got at a Chinses auction back befoe the war.

Of course, you knew this without evening looking, intent as you were on long distance with ma, which of course, changes everything.


professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said:
...a picture is developing...


Now, remember, this is just merely my perception of how this played out, perception mind you.

So, was she supposed to hang up on her mother on christmas day to make up with M? If M really wanted to make up, she would have waited until vrai got off the phone, or maybe picked a more reasonable time to try and work things out. Hell, it probably would have gone a lot better if M had called and suggested they get together for a beer and talk.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jazz lady said:
So what was the gift and who was it for?
It was a basket with coffee and biscotti in it. There was no card that said "To Vrai" or anything like that. As far as I'm aware she just set it on the counter - no, "Hey, I brought you something" or anything like that. Or at least that I heard because...I was on the phone.

river rat

vraiblonde said:
You, unlike me, have an obligation to speak to your ex about your children's welfare and whereabouts. I spoke to her for 8 years while you either walked past her like she didn't exist or stayed upstairs to avoid her. I waved and acknowledged her - that should be enough. Had I completely ignored her, I could see your point.

Well.......if this is the case can be as rude as you like :jet:
Larry just knows you are capable of being nice to her and now he expects it unless there is cause to act otherwise.
Is ex reading this and getting her rocks off?