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PREMO Member
🔥🔥 The Canadian Broadcasting Network ran an encouraging story yesterday headlined, “UBC looks into prof's social media posts after Trump shooting.” The story is getting a surprising amount of coverage in Canadian media, for reasons that will become obvious. The gist is that Dr. Pinder, who teaches fledgling doctors the Foundations of Medical Practice in the Department of Cellular and Physiological Services at the University of British Columbia, which is located somewhere in Canada, whose Prime Minister resembles a Cuban dictator, literally, is now under disciplinary ‘investigation’ at her school.


As a reminder, right after President Trump was shot, and right before she permanently deleted her ‘X’ account, showing an impressive lack of impulse control and judgment, Dr. Pinder tweeted, “Damn, so close. Too bad,” and “What a glorious day this could have been!” Dr. Pinder presumably expected to receive “liles” and digital high-fives from other liberal Canadians. But this article, as well as the others about Dr. Pinder’s posts, were packed with quotes condemning the tweets — very politely (it’s Canada, after all).

Who knows whether University administrators —sitting in the socialist utopia of Canada— may legally take any action against Dr. Pinder professionally for what were, after all, Karen’s private comments on her personal Twitter account. I assume University officials prefer to purge her and her insane rants. By and large, Canadians fussily avoid the kinds of violent rhetoric rumbling around Karen’s feverish brain, preferring instead to express their dissatisfaction with stern looks, pursed lips, and quick shakes of the head. At least we can be confident that Karen is fully boosted.
