Should deadbeat dads be turned in by relatives?


Well-Known Member
JPC sr said:
:jameo: What is the "Mattias debate"?

Is there no link?

Was the debate there about family members betraying their own other family members over to the State?
It's not about family members betraying family members. It's about family members helping other family members who are victims of their dead beat parents like yourself. How is your son doing with all of your fatherly nurturing?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

dawn said:
No its in the southern maryland fourm titled (right below this fourm (for now)

Charles County officer murders dog

Basically it is about an officer that shot and killed a dog that was chained up which alledgely bit the officer and the officer was at the house because he was trying to serve a child support warrant on a step-son that never lived at the address the officer was trying to serve the paperwork at.
:whistle: Thank you for telling me.

I looked over at that thread and now I plan to stay out of both of these. :jameo:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

tom88 said:
It's not about family members betraying family members. It's about family members helping other family members who are victims of their dead beat parents like yourself. How is your son doing with all of your fatherly nurturing?
:jameo: Helping others by betraying family members over to the State,

so no dogs need suffer any more. :biteme:


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
JPC sr said:
:jameo: Helping others by betraying family members over to the State,

so no dogs need suffer any more. :biteme:

You, sir (and I use the term VERY loosely), are the biggest POS I have ever come across on these boards. It's bad enough that you abandon your own flesh and blood, but to try to justify it by blaming the gubment, is down right despicable. Why don't you crawl back into your hole and save us from your misguided way of thinking. You missed seeing your son grow up, what a pity. It's because of deadbeats like you, that we have juvenile gang members and the endless cycle of welfare recipients.




New Member
PrchJrkr said:
You, sir (and I use the term VERY loosely), are the biggest POS I have ever come across on these boards. It's bad enough that you abandon your own flesh and blood, but to try to justify it by blaming the gubment, is down right despicable. Why don't you crawl back into your hole and save us from your misguided way of thinking. You missed seeing your son grow up, what a pity. It's because of deadbeats like you, that we have juvenile gang members and the endless cycle of welfare recipients.


This guy is really pathetic. Good call dude!


loving life
So glad there is only one of you, hopefully your son is not like you. Why don't you just admit you failed and the system worked, but you didn't like it. So sad to bad.


Lexib_ said:
The bottom line is that there needs to be a better data base so whoever is working on the warrants should be able to verify addresses and stuff before an officer is to go out there. I work in the criminal justice field and we do our best to make sure the information we have on a person is accurate. We take extra percautions to verify addresses and such before we send officers to a residence.

everytime you get a new job the fed data base gets updated

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In My Opinion
turn them in to the Jerks paying for Childcare AKA the JPC foundation.
I understand that the people there are very good at resolving child care payment issues.


Blah.. Blah...Blah
Lexib_ said:
The bottom line is that there needs to be a better data base so whoever is working on the warrants should be able to verify addresses and stuff before an officer is to go out there. I work in the criminal justice field and we do our best to make sure the information we have on a person is accurate. We take extra percautions to verify addresses and such before we send officers to a residence.

Why would someone give neagative karma to this? If correct info isn't given.. the system won't be updated.. Acess is not always available to all " federal" systems. Obviously you don't know what your talking about
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New Member
JPC sr said:
:jameo: Helping others by betraying family members over to the State,

so no dogs need suffer any more. :biteme:
You are a despicable man! It is a joke that you believe you are qualified to lead anyone when you can't even take care of your own family. So you felt the courts decision to pay was too much. How much did you feel was enough and did you pay that amount?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

marybek said:
You are a despicable man! It is a joke that you believe you are qualified to lead anyone when you can't even take care of your own family. So you felt the courts decision to pay was too much. How much did you feel was enough and did you pay that amount?
:jameo: I see you are kind of new to this "Community Forum" so here is the link to much of my position on the subject;

Click HERE, that link goes to the "Election" section of this SoMd forum.

You can also access my campaign website in my profile or below in my Signature section.

Rock and Roll. :larry:


Lem Putt
JPC sr said:
:jameo: I see you are kind of new to this "Community Forum" so here is the link to much of my position on the subject;

Click HERE, that link goes to the "Election" section of this SoMd forum.

You can also access my campaign website in my profile or below in my Signature section.

Rock and Roll. :larry:
You've never once answered the question, so redirecting her to your ramblings does not help. Why don't you try answering what she asked?

marybek said:
How much did you feel was enough and did you pay that amount?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

MMDad said:
You've never once answered the question, so redirecting her to your ramblings does not help. Why don't you try answering what she asked?
:jameo: I guess even I get tired of it after a while.

This thread is about betraying the family members over to the State for child support which is about as cheap dirty chicken crap as it gets, and she is going to ask about my personal business while ignoring the thieving child support itself, and so there is no real answer to her question.

The child support laws are evil and any honest citizen has a duty to fight the child support and to assist the parents in resisting the thievery.

The sad fact that I did pay some of the child support in my past does not mean that it was right as I was just ill informed as most other people are today.


Well-Known Member
MMDad said:
You still have not answered her question. It's really a simple question. Try it.
He blatantly refuses to take responsibility for his inaction towards his child. After how many hundreds of posts, I finally boiled it down to him what he did, and he ignored it as just "my opinion". Yeah, mine, the state's, 99% of the posters who talk with him, the dictionary's, reality's...... Once you get him to a "well, what did YOU do" question, he refuses because somewhere, deep in the bowels of his "brain", somebody taught him morals and he knows what he is and did is disgraceful and disgusting. Ask and ask again, and he'll never give a reasonable answer, because there isn't one. After all, the separated parent is not morally obligated to give extras to anybody, not even their own child! And don't forget, "...if a parent does not pay the thieving child support because of their own morality says it is wrong to do so - then that parent is one of my heros."
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JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

This_person said:
He blatantly refuses to take responsibility for his inaction towards his child. After how many hundreds of posts, I finally boiled it down to him what he did, and he ignored it as just "my opinion". Yeah, mine, the state's, 99% of the posters who talk with him, the dictionary's, reality's...... Once you get him to a "well, what did YOU do" question, he refuses because somewhere, deep in the bowels of his "brain", somebody taught him morals and he knows what he is and did is disgraceful and disgusting. Ask and ask again, and he'll never give a reasonable answer, because there isn't one. After all, the separated parent is not morally obligated to give extras to anybody, not even their own child! And don't forget, "...if a parent does not pay the thieving child support because of their own morality says it is wrong to do so - then that parent is one of my heros."
:jameo: I really like this "TP" post as it gives his dribble and links to my words - so again I like it.

There is the answer "MMDad" - for the lady that wanted to know.

Thanks "TP". :howdy: