Should deadbeat dads be turned in by relatives?


Salt Life
Richard Cranium said:
I'll gladly help out....if I'm allowed to maintain contact and visitation with my kid.
THAT is ridiculous! You'll punish the child because his/her mother is a loon ball at times? :lol:


New Member
Chasey_Lane said:
THAT is ridiculous! You'll punish the child because his/her mother is a loon ball at times? :lol:
Yep it sounds like his perception of child support is paying for the services of his child. No visitation, no check! Meanwhile child is wondering why he can't have an extra serving of potatos. :buttkick:


Well-Known Member
and don't try getting your passport either; someone had paid(non-refundable) for a trip to cancun only to go get his passport and they told him, no passport here buddy you're delinquient in child support :buttkick:

don't know the whole story but if you're ordered to pay, pay.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Do we know the entire Mattias story? Doubt it.

I'm not ordered to pay support. I do it because I know my kid would suffer without it. I'll be the first to tell you that there are months that go by and I won't give the mom a dime, because she doesn't answer the phone....doesn't return calls...doesn't want to let my kid come up and spend some time with me...whatever.

I'll gladly help out....if I'm allowed to maintain contact and visitation with my kid.

I only know three mothers that will not except and did not ask for child support. They all wanted away from the guy they were married to so bad they would all sell their souls before taking a dime. I said hmmm go figure when I read your post.

As for the subject...Yes turn their sorry no account azzes in.


24/7 Single Dad
Richard Cranium said:
I'll gladly help out....if I'm allowed to maintain contact and visitation with my kid.
Punish your child for the actions of their mother. Good plan :yay:


Well-Known Member
tom88 said:
I'm tired of listening to the Mattias debate. People are saying it isn't about the child support but I wonder, should the parents be turning the deadbeat dad in?

guess i should have stayed on topic; i'm not familiar with the debate but by all means the deadbeat should be turned in.

in my case, you won't turn him in, but you'll pay the $2500 cash bond when he's finally picked up; that's not even what his sorry @$$ has to pay for the year!! maybe he should get picked up once a year and then you all can pay the cash bond and he won't become delinquent.


Well-Known Member
Richard Cranium said:
I'll gladly help out....if I'm allowed to maintain contact and visitation with my kid.

so you're saying that the only time your child should be fed, clothed, or sheltered is when you speak or have visits with him/her :smack: ; be the bigger person and provide in spite of


I've never heard of a court not ordering child support of some kind. :confused: Even when custody is 50-50 there is typically something.


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
I've never heard of a court not ordering child support of some kind. :confused: Even when custody is 50-50 there is typically something.

some sorry a$$e$ use that "i'm not working" and you have the same type of masters/judges that may buy it. and i also now of a case where the person was declared disabled--and i use that word very loosely; claimed to have back problems(how many of us don't). the judge stopped the child support order


New Member
Pete said:
I've never heard of a court not ordering child support of some kind. :confused: Even when custody is 50-50 there is typically something.

My uncle has custody of my cousin, and his witch of an ex-wife only has visitation a couple weekends a month (she pretty much sold my cousin to get the material things from the marriage). Anyway, my uncle doesn't get any child support what-so-ever. I don't think he pushed for it though, not knowing what she would do to get back at him (she's a very evil woman, loooong story).

Anyway, my young cousin said to his daddy "Daddy, please fix it so I can stay with you" (and not his mother), so he did whatever he had to to fix it for his child, even if it meant no support.


Well-Known Member
Richard Cranium said:
I'll gladly help out....if I'm allowed to maintain contact and visitation with my kid.
She should have helped you out and given you a hand job instead of having sex with you. Then it wouldn't be an issue.

I hope you reconsider your actions regarding child support. The child shouldn't suffer because of the mothers actions. Why don't you try being the bigger person and pay the child support on a regular basis. Childish games being played between the parents doesn't help the child one bit. Sounds like the child is more mature than the parents.


New Member
those child support checks were the
only reminder of you we had-
and they stopped coming when I turned six.

but unfortunately

I had your sinful eyes
your mellow complexion
your deceptive smile
& your narrow mind

and I continued to remind mama of

your departure,
your exit, and
your stoic demeanor towards our survival-

and the support you never sent,
made my life's existence an accident,
and the support she didn't see,

was debited from the
support given to me

Mark Anthony Thomas


Little ol' Me
Pete said:
I've never heard of a court not ordering child support of some kind. :confused: Even when custody is 50-50 there is typically something.

I do not receive child support, never have. However this was what I wanted father is a dead beat, all I wanted was him out of my life. Judge agreed with me and said no child support if you sign over your parental rights and he did right there on the spot. AMEN

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

tom88 said:
I'm tired of listening to the Mattias debate. People are saying it isn't about the child support but I wonder, should the parents be turning the deadbeat dad in?
:jameo: What is the "Mattias debate"?

Is there no link?

Was the debate there about family members betraying their own other family members over to the State?


Well-Known Member
JPC sr said:
:jameo: What is the "Mattias debate"?

Is there no link?

Was the debate there about family members betraying their own other family members over to the State?

No its in the southern maryland fourm titled (right below this fourm (for now)

Charles County officer murders dog

Basically it is about an officer that shot and killed a dog that was chained up which alledgely bit the officer and the officer was at the house because he was trying to serve a child support warrant on a step-son that never lived at the address the officer was trying to serve the paperwork at.


Lem Putt
And now for the retarded opinion we are joined by correspondent JPC:

JPC sr said:
:jameo: What is the "Mattias debate"?

Is there no link?

Was the debate there about family members betraying their own other family members over to the State?