JPC sr said:
Others brought this up and so I am bringing it out.

So how is it that a six year old would know anything about the child support?
As you were told, this wasn't written by a six year old. Child support is obvious once one grows up.
How could a child think of himself in the above quoted way? Whether the child was 6 years old or 21 years old then how does he see "sinful eyes" in himself? except that mama told him so. Why would any child of any age see some other "mellow complexion", a "deceptive smile", and a "narrow mind" in himself? and it can only happen if the mama told him so, as mama certainly did not deny it. She bad mouthed the father to the son and the children believe slander coming from their custodials.
Ask your son about this. When a parent abandons a child (in the case of the poem, the abandonment wasn't just financial, but clearly emotional, physical, and moral as well, much like yours!), the child feels it. A child knows whether the abandoned parent is dead, off to fight war, or just chooses to not be around the child. When it's a choice to just not be there, the child feels like less of a person, and every day that goes by, they feel less and less good about themselves. After all, if their own flesh and blood, their parent that is supposed to be there for them always, chooses to not be around, why would anyone else want to be around them, why would they be worth it. Now, as adults, we can explain to them that this is not true, it's a problem with the other parent, not the child. But, a child's mind sees it all on their own this way, no matter how much truth you try to put into them.
This boy says that he the six year old child then 10 years and 21 years old and it is he the child reminding his "mama" about his daddy's "departure" his "exit" his "demeanor" and it does not work that way because the custodial is the adult and it is the custodial that did the reminding to the child.
How, please tell me, do you know how it works? Were you there for a child while another parent wasn't? No, you weren't. You were the abandoning parent. Don't presume to know how it works, because from personal experience as the child of an abandoning parent and the parent of abandoned kids, I can tell you this is exactly how it works - the child needs no reminder of the parent who is not there. Their absence is more than reminder enough.
The child does not know anything about child support unless the custodial tell the custodial's own opinion.
Nope. Once the child becomes mature, he/she begins to think about being a parent. When a responsible individual thinks about being a parent,
being there for the child is a huge consideration. So, the child begins asking questions of him/herself, like, why wasn't my non-custodial parent there for me? What did they do to make my life better like I want to for my kids? When they realize the answer (often, without the direct opinion of the custodial parent), they realize all on their own what a piece of crap a non-custodial parent is that doesn't call, doesn't write, doesn't provide in any way.
How can a child say his "life's existence" was "an accident" because of the child support that mama "didn't see"...
Read it again until you understand English. The child felt his life's existence was an accident because of the abandonment, regardless of the child support. Next line, "the support she didn't see was debited from the
support given to me". In other words, the child (as an adult looking back) realized that the support unsent cost him/her in material ways and in loss of time with the parent willing to be there for the child because that parent was gone making up for the non-supporting parent's failure. The lack of child support debited the child. Oh my goodness, an actual person's experience completely disputing your theory.
And the point remains the same that the child support is interfering in the families and the child support is the excuse given here in that quoted post above for the child to affront his own father and put the father's supposed guilt onto the child himself and the whole slander is totally based on those unjust child support laws, and on the slander by the custodial to the child.
There is nothing here that puts the blame on child support alone. The blame is being put on the abandonment - financial, emotional, physical, and moral - done by the separated parent. The point here remains that the separated parent, by choice, is not a part of the child's life (including financial support, but not limited to that) and that makes a child grow up with emotional issues of low self-worth. Again, ask your son, I'm sure he can explain this to you thoroughly.
The unjust child support laws divide and further separate the family unit and that text quoted above is giving proof that the child is self defacing himself and self degrading his own God given father totally on the unjust child support imprinted on him in this case by "mama" as he says "mama."
Your homework is to read the poem again, with the thoughts given you by HPV and myself and your son, and try to understand it again. As I said, eventually, I will teach you English as well as morality.