Lawful neutral
Really? Professionals or service workers?
Professionals, more than just one, they used to get a table together. I don't know if it still happens but it soured me on that gig.
Really? Professionals or service workers?
RacistDepends on what Christmas means to YOU.
I HATE black Friday
And let me plug my Christmas charity recipient, Fisher House.The money that I've never spent buying crazy expensive junk for my kids and friends, that's where it goes.
There is also so much frenzy involved in Christmas. I get super-involved for Thanksgiving, that by the time Christmas comes around, I am just burnt out and I feel like I have nothing to celebrate. All I want to do is rest, watch really bad Lifetime movies on tv, eat deliciously 'bad' food, and nap when I want, and - generally - just have a lazy day.
Professionals, more than just one, they used to get a table together. I don't know if it still happens but it soured me on that gig.
to giving presents that were an ill-fit for the recipient, despite me making my best effort to find the perfect gift.
It's a balance thing. Pick the parts you want to do, skip the rest, and ignore anyone who thinks you aren't doing it right.
Professionals, more than just one, they used to get a table together. I don't know if it still happens but it soured me on that gig.
Even as a Child, I didn't care for Christmas. It was a depressing time of year, especially for my Mother. She was the only child, and we lived far from her Mother. I remember her Mother (my Grandmother) calling on Christmas day, speaking to each of us to find out what my Dad's parents got us. She'd revel in the thought that she got us the "best" gifts. Even as a child, I hated that. I even remember arguments about that. If there was a favorite part of Christmas for me, it was the tree, and the snow. That's about it.
As an adult, my Husband worked seven days a week, up to 16 hours a day providing for the family. I was a Student, and didn't work outside the home. I did everything from putting up the tree, to shopping & wrapping, as well as the cooking. We had two Children, so I made the best ever effort to make Christmas very special for them. I was a great actress, and both our Children LOVE Christmas, and carry on some of the traditions that I made as time went along. I'm proud of that. Now that they are grown, and out of the house, I no longer decorate. To me Christmas is a big lie. Though I am not a religious person, Jesus was not born December 25. From what I know, he was born in June. Forgive me if I'm wrong. We teach our Children not to lie, but it's OK for us to lie about there being a Santa, who brings gifts to all the good little boys & girls.? I find that disgusting. There were times we couldn't afford to buy the kids what they wanted, and it broke our hearts. So forgive my bahumbug attitude. My true celebration is when it's all over.
Think about it: who would have dinner at a soup kitchen if they had friends and family they could be with? I'd more feel sympathy for them and be pleased that they were able to come be with other people for Christmas dinner.
Sorry, I should have been clearer. I volunteered M-F daily during my lunch hour for a year .
Everything seems to say Christmas is the best time of year.
If you're single, have no family (local anyways) I can imagine this time of year sucks out loud.
When I was a Paramedic, suicides were prevalent from October, until about mid-January.That's the perception they want to make, but isn't it also the highest rate of suicide time of year?
If you're single, have no family (local anyways) I can imagine this time of year sucks out loud.
That's the perception they want to make, but isn't it also the highest rate of suicide time of year?
If you're single, have no family (local anyways) I can imagine this time of year sucks out loud.
That's the perception they want to make, but isn't it also the highest rate of suicide time of year?
If you're single, have no family (local anyways) I can imagine this time of year sucks out loud.