Should I feel guilty for hating Christmas?


RBF expert
I get really disappointed when people make rude comments about my trees :ohwell:

I'm an artsy person and I thoroughly enjoy planning and coordinating a beautiful tree. Something you'd see in Southern Living or in a window shop. I love it. It's fairly petty but it's kind of rude to tell me my tree and the time I spent decorating it was a waste bc you shouldn't "plan" your tree. It's not like I draw out diagrams :shrug: I just like having a theme and matching ribbon and coordinating ornaments. I feel like I'm allowed to do this now while I don't have kids. When they start bringing home some homemade ornaments, then my tree will start to resemble my parents' and I'll be perfectly fine with that. But there's always someone every year that looks at my pretty tree and tells me I'm ridiculous :ohwell:

The first year I ever got to do my own tree, I got a lot of backlash from my ex's family bc mine wasn't "homey" enough :confused: "It's gorgeous but all those ornaments came from target! you need some family ones and homemade ones to make this better!" huh.

This year is the first time I've been able to have a tree in a couple years and it's all me: I have shoe ornaments, high-heeled black boots and some multi-colored peep toe pumps and I have several Barbie collectors ornaments and lots of bird-themed ornaments. All in coordinating colors with matching ribbon. I love it :biggrin:


aka Mrs. Giant
I get really disappointed when people make rude comments about my trees :ohwell:

I'm an artsy person and I thoroughly enjoy planning and coordinating a beautiful tree. Something you'd see in Southern Living or in a window shop. I love it. It's fairly petty but it's kind of rude to tell me my tree and the time I spent decorating it was a waste bc you shouldn't "plan" your tree. It's not like I draw out diagrams :shrug: I just like having a theme and matching ribbon and coordinating ornaments. I feel like I'm allowed to do this now while I don't have kids. When they start bringing home some homemade ornaments, then my tree will start to resemble my parents' and I'll be perfectly fine with that. But there's always someone every year that looks at my pretty tree and tells me I'm ridiculous :ohwell:

The first year I ever got to do my own tree, I got a lot of backlash from my ex's family bc mine wasn't "homey" enough :confused: "It's gorgeous but all those ornaments came from target! you need some family ones and homemade ones to make this better!" huh.

This year is the first time I've been able to have a tree in a couple years and it's all me: I have shoe ornaments, high-heeled black boots and some multi-colored peep toe pumps and I have several Barbie collectors ornaments and lots of bird-themed ornaments. All in coordinating colors with matching ribbon. I love it :biggrin:

I think I need to hire you.


RBF expert
I think I need to hire you.

I'd die. I'd love to just decorate things for a living. all year long. birthday parties, kids and adults, weddings, holidays. I did about 75% of the décor for my cousin's wedding in Annapolis. I had so much fun.


Lawful neutral
I always loved Christmas, always. I grew up poor and I remember almost every single Christmas gift. I'd get a present from Santa - something that I had been wanting and wishing for all year - one year it was a hula hoop - don't judge; a present from my Dad - some mix of socks, underwear, pjs, school clothes; a present from my grandmother - always something homemade - I still have one of the dolls she made me; a present from my grandfather (different side of my family) - always a Barbie Doll. When my Mom was alive I'd get weird random things that were always fun at the time. My Aunt continued that and I think my absolute favorite gift from her was a pink parasol. I loved Christmas. It was about hope, and new beginnings, and food, and friends, and all that.

As an adult, far from home, with no immediate family, I still loved Christmas. I always put up a tree. I always bought or made gifts that said I was thinking of you. I always mailed Christmas cards. I always had a blast, even if I spent Christmas alone with my dog.

Then I married my husband. :ohwell: I fcking hate Christmas. Christmas has become a soul sucking holiday. I hate decorating. I hate buying gifts. I hate unappreciative jerk wads who want something expensive and can't be bothered to write a thank you note. It's all about the biggest price tag. Nobody likes "homemade" gifts" because they are "cheap". (In no way is anything I make "cheap). It's all about "me me me". It's all about spending money on people who can't even be bothered to mail a Christmas card. They don't even cook! Worst sin ever in my book. Worst Christmas ever was spent with foul mouthed children with parents who refused to correct them, eating the nastiest cold congealed food I have ever had in my life. I fcking hate Christmas. My first Christmas with my husband, even he didn't appreciate my inexpensive thoughtful gifts. They were shoved in a bag and I've never seen them again. My gifts from him were a bunch of "expensive" items I didn't want or need. So every year, I buy him some gawdawful expensive price tag gift and hate myself for doing it.

I fcking hate Christmas. It's not about what I thought it was about.

I'm with Roman, Jesus was born in the early summer and Christmas was all about co-opting a pagan holiday in order to get converts.

I couldn't have said it better. This year we're doing an anti-material Christmas. We can buy any present that you can't touch. I'm asking for an e-book, my son wants a video game download etc.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I couldn't have said it better. This year we're doing an anti-material Christmas. We can buy any present that you can't touch. I'm asking for an e-book, my son wants a video game download etc.

Go do something y'all never do and make a new tradition that is just y'alls. Go hiking, regardless of weather. make something really unusual for dinner. Play board games. Something that is JUST y'alls. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Well, I'm still at a stage in life where I love Christmas.

Mostly. My defining characteristic is anxiety. I worry. I worry about plans, gifts, food, guests and especially money.
Usually about a week before Christmas, it's all nailed down - presents are wrapped, plans are set, money is done.
The tree is up, decorations are up, and nothing is going to move until the New Year.

MOST times, work winds down so there's nothing to worry about (not so this year) so all is needed is a nice long peaceful
rest at home, all decorated with green and red. My little children in Christmas clothes giggling, playing and drinking cocoa
while Christmas music softly plays in the background.

The house smells of pine tree and apple cider. Yes, there's Christmas DINNER, which is work for everyone, but mostly
Christmas day and the few days that follow are easy, pleasant days. We watch typical Christmas fare, but generally
the TV is used less, largely because everything's on hiatus until the New Year, so we just relax.

We keep the gifts down - no more than three a child. My wife and I keep ours to each other at a bare minimum.
That's just money speaking - we just don't have it to splurge. It's enough we enjoy the day and our children are happy.


That said, my favorite holiday is still Thanksgiving. It's just one day, it's mostly unspoiled by commercialism and there's
no "Thanksgiving season". It's just family, food and football.


Well-Known Member
Hate is way too strong a word to not like something. That word should be reserved for the extreme, like Bin Laden, terrorism, ISIS, Satan, pure evil. That is hate. If you don't like how something has turned out, changed, etc., just say it no longer appeals to you. That will suffice.

Save the hate for where it belongs - evil.
Hate is way too strong a word to not like something. That word should be reserved for the extreme, like Bin Laden, terrorism, ISIS, Satan, pure evil. That is hate. If you don't like how something has turned out, changed, etc., just say it no longer appeals to you. That will suffice.

Save the hate for where it belongs - evil.
'Evil' is in the eye of the beholder. Fundamentalist Muslims believe that YOU represent pure EVIL. They believe the Quran is the one TRUE word of the creator of the universe. You, the infidel, are the one who is under the control of Satan. You will burn in hell for all eternity. They have just as much claim to the "Truth" as you do since both religions are based on writings and faith that those writings are correct. Jesus could have been a charlatan and Muhammad the messenger of God. There is no way to know that or to prove that. That's why Muslims and Christians have slaughtered each other for a millennia and will continue to do so.
So we have our tree up, looking forward to son coming home from college, cooking a feast, making eggnog, exchanging gifts, and sharing laughter and love with family and friends. Guess you might say I'm one Atheist that enjoys the hell out of Christmas!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I get really disappointed when people make rude comments about my trees :ohwell:

I'm an artsy person and I thoroughly enjoy planning and coordinating a beautiful tree. Something you'd see in Southern Living or in a window shop. I love it. It's fairly petty but it's kind of rude to tell me my tree and the time I spent decorating it was a waste bc you shouldn't "plan" your tree. It's not like I draw out diagrams :shrug: I just like having a theme and matching ribbon and coordinating ornaments. I feel like I'm allowed to do this now while I don't have kids. When they start bringing home some homemade ornaments, then my tree will start to resemble my parents' and I'll be perfectly fine with that. But there's always someone every year that looks at my pretty tree and tells me I'm ridiculous :ohwell:

The first year I ever got to do my own tree, I got a lot of backlash from my ex's family bc mine wasn't "homey" enough :confused: "It's gorgeous but all those ornaments came from target! you need some family ones and homemade ones to make this better!" huh.

This year is the first time I've been able to have a tree in a couple years and it's all me: I have shoe ornaments, high-heeled black boots and some multi-colored peep toe pumps and I have several Barbie collectors ornaments and lots of bird-themed ornaments. All in coordinating colors with matching ribbon. I love it :biggrin:

Phoooey on those idiots who are nasty about your tree. WTH is wrong with people anyway? I know someone who literally fills up every space in their house with a Christmas decoration figurine, floral arrangement, candle, yada yada. They fill the yard with electric blow up decorations. Their tree is up nearly right after the turkey leftovers are put away. OK, that's not my cup of tea, but whatever. :shrug:

I like simple decorations, and a lot of them now are things people have given me or special ones I bought many years ago that I love to bring out. This year, I didn't put a lot of things around the house, sometimes I do more, sometimes I do less. The tree is really pretty this year, and I like the simplicity of it. Less to put away later!

I always think I will decorate a tree with a theme some day. So far I still put up my tree with all the traditional ornaments either given to me or the glass colored balls I bought and have used since I was in my 20's. What the heck is wrong with planning out a tree? I see nothing wrong with that. Your shoe ornament tree sounds awesome - can you post a picture?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Go do something y'all never do and make a new tradition that is just y'alls. Go hiking, regardless of weather. make something really unusual for dinner. Play board games. Something that is JUST y'alls. :shrug:

:yay: Good idea!


mama to two
So we have our tree up, looking forward to son coming home from college, cooking a feast, making eggnog, exchanging gifts, and sharing laughter and love with family and friends. Guess you might say I'm one Atheist that enjoys the hell out of Christmas!

I have always liked your honesty on this forum. I identify. I just don't get why an atheist gets into Christmas. But, that could be just me. I did notice that another thread was started about a month ago, and people were slammed for not liking Christmas. I love hypocrisy. :lol: As for myself, I am not into Christmas now that my children are grown; we celebrate at their houses. I don't decorate at my home anymore. All I can think of at this point (current news is quite distressing) is the 'goodwill towards men' thing. That seems to be lost as well. I wish you happy holidays! :smile:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
'Evil' is in the eye of the beholder. Fundamentalist Muslims believe that YOU represent pure EVIL. They believe the Quran is the one TRUE word of the creator of the universe. You, the infidel, are the one who is under the control of Satan. You will burn in hell for all eternity. They have just as much claim to the "Truth" as you do since both religions are based on writings and faith that those writings are correct. Jesus could have been a charlatan and Muhammad the messenger of God. There is no way to know that or to prove that. That's why Muslims and Christians have slaughtered each other for a millennia and will continue to do so.

Which is why my bible is the Constitution of the United States of America and why I am cool with Christianity and not Islam. Christianity has evolved and grown to respect the individual as paramount including the right to choose ones faith and it has done so in concert with the right to choose no faith. Islam is obedience. I respect the right to choose that and live ones life that way but, not any right to impose it on others. At least not IN the United States of America.



Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I have fond memories of Christmas growing up. My dad sold Christmas trees and our house always smelled of pine. The house was all decorated with a tree, boughs of pine adorned the mirror and shelve. There were Christmas candles and stockings. Times were lean as just my dad worked. But my parents always went out of their way to make sure there were gifts. Some times on a birthday all I got was a cake but Christmas always had special gifts under the tree. My brother somehow managed to get up very early every year. He'd wake me and we'd head to the living room to open presents.

Today I hate to see people running all over the place buying stuff and getting stressed out. Better to make it about friends and family. Maybe make a nice meal. Sit down together and enjoy the season. Maybe bake some cookies or other treats to give to people. How many guys need another tie? Better to make some memories, especially if you have young children, that will last a lifetime.


New Member
I have fond memories of Christmas growing up. My dad sold Christmas trees and our house always smelled of pine. The house was all decorated with a tree, boughs of pine adorned the mirror and shelve. There were Christmas candles and stockings. Times were lean as just my dad worked. But my parents always went out of their way to make sure there were gifts. Some times on a birthday all I got was a cake but Christmas always had special gifts under the tree. My brother somehow managed to get up very early every year. He'd wake me and we'd head to the living room to open presents.

Today I hate to see people running all over the place buying stuff and getting stressed out. Better to make it about friends and family. Maybe make a nice meal. Sit down together and enjoy the season. Maybe bake some cookies or other treats to give to people. How many guys need another tie? Better to make some memories, especially if you have young children, that will last a lifetime.


My dad was Navy. We use to load up the green station wagon and make the trip from Gales Ferry, Conn to Front Royal, Va to my grandmother's house. Sometimes there was snow and we would sled down the hill. There was always a tree and great food. Then we would leave there and go to Charlotte, NC to my dad's family. There was always a party on Christmas Eve... we read the Nativity Story from the Bible and sang Christmas Carols, opened presents and then Santa would arrive during the night.... [Dad had stowed the presents under the pallet he made in the back of the station wagon]. There was always a great breakfast Christmas Morning.



Active Member
I'm actually pretty stoked about Christmas this year. I hauled the trees down from the attic last break and grudgingly started to decorate them; took me a couple of days because I had trouble finding some key components - my favorite garland, the tree skirts, the topper for the tree in the dining room, but they're finally done. Well, done as they're going to be, because I decided only to use about half the ornaments I usually use on the living room tree - since I'm the one who has to "undecorate" them afterwards.

I'm working 12 hours Christmas eve and Christmas night, so we decided to delay Christmas until Saturday. My husband and I agreed no presents for each other; we'd rather save the money for work on the cabin. Grandkids are not going to be here this Christmas and I've sent their presents off weeks ago and we set a pretty low limit for our daughter and our son and his wife. I'm having a good time putting together a gift basket for her that I know she'll love.

The pressure's off. We're not using credit cards; there isn't going to be a ton to wrap or return and "Christmas dinner" will be a breeze, now that I know I get to cook it on my day off, rather than cringing and not being able to sleep between shifts on the 25th because I'm sure my husband's in the kitchen destroying a perfectly good prime rib and not doing the sides the way I'd do them.

But the real clincher that made me decide this is a good Christmas came tonight as I backed out of the driveway to come to work - and you can think I'm silly if you want - I glanced at our house and realized my husband, all on his own, had turned on the Christmas tree lights. :)