Should Non-Christians celebrate Christmas?


Same ol' song and dance, and it's all about what you (as a collective) want, and screw everybody else.

I'm not sure how me wanting you (meaning everybody) to be saved is saying screw everybody else.

But forget it! I take it all back. Stay unsaved, see if I care. :mad:


Harley Rider
considering i am dealing with people who say "the book is true cuz the book says it is true" i'd say you are not really in a position to throw stones. besides, if you were actually keeping up, IT was busy saying the bible commands him to judge other people, just judge them correctly. maybe you can provide the passages that back that up
How about quoting me correctly my dear? I've said (repeatedly) that the things (evidence) that the Bible speaks of is proof that it is true; not just because the Bible says so. Once you prove a source trustworthy, it no longer needs to be scrutinized and can be fully trusted.
And "to judge" is not a bad thing when you really sit down and look at it. I don't say that I'm soo much better than you. If I did, that would be self righteous/hypocritical judging and Jesus DID speak against it. I found the "pot of gold" and I want to share it with you and others FOR FREE. You call that hatred? :shrug:

Let's say that I've listened to you for a long while and realized that your lifestyle/attitude was going to get you killed one day so, then, I made statements that I was concerned about you and pointed out why your lifestyle/attitude was dangerous, what's wrong with that? I see it as caring, not hatred as you do. You would then check out my motives to find out WHY I did those things and you'd find that it was NOT hateful, judgmental or hypocritical. Btw, I'm still waiting for you to point out my words of hatred to you earlier. TYVM
Honestly, every christian I have encountered that could not sway my opinion, has ultimately had something nasty to say to anything I have said in defense of my opinion. Years ago I'd try to have discussions on here about why I feel the way I do, and I constantly got the same types of responses as I've been getting from the italianonion.
Again, perspective, my dear; perspective... Yours is waayyy off.
Is "nasty" really what they were to you? Just asking...
No. As long as they can throw their beliefs out there, then I can throw my lack of beliefs out there. What part of "public" forum do you not get? It's a place for "discussion" and enlightenment.
I agree! The problem is that not everyone can be right and we (Christians) are truly convinced that God has given us the truth, so we're accountable for what we do with it. Yes, I have seen what I call hatred from so called "Christians" but you ain't seen nothing yet on this forum. Try the Westboro Baptists; now there's hatred we can ALL agree on.


Harley Rider
I liked the analogy of the truck Penn used there, it fits quite well. You are certain the truck is not coming to run you down, I am certain it is. If I take no action to change your mind, how much do I have to hate you to allow you to get run down by the truck?
I don't hate you. I try, very hard (and sometimes fail) to not hate anybody. So, I'll try and help you get out of the way of the truck. THAT is as good a way to describe why Christians talk to you as any other.
WOW! That's one of the best reverse psychological statements I've heard in a long time! Thanks! I never thought of it as hate but how true! I'd really have to hate someone to NOT share God's truth with them and I can't find it within myself.:yahoo:


Harley Rider
...besides, if you were actually keeping up, IT was busy saying the bible commands him to judge other people, just judge them correctly. maybe you can provide the passages that back that up
I mistook your quote for mAlice's. Can't tell one atheist from another these days...:lmao:
Here's your verses; not that you'd believe them:
John 7 v 21-24
You already know the one against judging hypocritically (Matthew 7 v 1&2)


professional daydreamer
I mistook your quote for mAlice's. Can't tell one atheist from another these days...:lmao:
Here's your verses; not that you'd believe them:
John 7 v 21-24
You already know the one against judging hypocritically (Matthew 7 v 1&2)

Interesting how christians are always throwing scripture out there, but aren't willing to read anything else. I've read the bible, but I didn't stop there.


professional daydreamer
WOW! That's one of the best reverse psychological statements I've heard in a long time! Thanks! I never thought of it as hate but how true! I'd really have to hate someone to NOT share God's truth with them and I can't find it within myself.:yahoo:

You're a christian, and you've never heard that? :rolleyes:


professional daydreamer
Are you lumping all Christians together again? :nono:

You guys really need to stop doing that. For the sake of argument...I'm not intentionally making a blanket statement. Just assume I'm shortening my sentences. Are you really that dense? It's a given that not all christians are created equal.


New Member
Interesting how christians are always throwing scripture out there, but aren't willing to read anything else. I've read the bible, but I didn't stop there.
Sola Scriptura?

We read other things, but they are not the authority for faith and practice. :)


New Member
So your stance on things is to accuse ALL Christians of practicing hate by exercising hate? And you think that's not hypocritical? :ohwell:

No less hypocritical of only finding fault with a non-believer, while ignoring the same exact faults in other Christians.


New Member
Misquotes and misrepresentations

I'm surprised you didnt quote this great Christian :

My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.

In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross.