Should Non-Christians celebrate Christmas?


professional daydreamer
There's not one ounce of hatred in any of those words. Where is it mAlice? Show me! The only hatred is what you choose to read into it. The problem is YOU mAlice but you refuse to admit it. Many rescue boats have come your way but you waved them by.
I've spent the last three years on here trying to tell people the truth to save them from Hell. Many have rejected it, ridiculed me and listened to their father the devil, who deceives them daily. I've tried to help you but if you want to choose hell as your final home, you can do so but my conscience is clear because I have told you the truth.
You think that what I say is narrow minded? Wait until you meet the most narrow minded person of all time who lost His life trying to do what I'm doing.
This world is 180 degrees out of whack with God. Wait until He straightens it out. You'd better have the right God on your side then!
Why the heck do you think I do this every day? I get no brownie points for it. Many of you on here are hell bound FOOLS and I wish you'd wake up! When you do meet this Jesus (AND YOU WILL) that none of you believe in, you will NOT have a chance to change your eternal destiny! Then what?
Jesus said that you all would hate us, so it's to be expected but to say that you ALL have "done the research"??? BS! You've been lied to and misled! That doesn't sound like hate speech to me folks! That sounds like a rescue mission from a very concerned person.
Part of me wants to be compassionate to you and part of me wants to scream at you. Lady, you wouldnt know hatred if it shook your hand!
Rant over!
Isn't is SAD how the same people on here who regularly call me hateful are the same people who hate God and His message of love?



New Member
It's great that you have your family & traditions but if you believe the last 4 lines of your statement, you've contradicted the first one. You can study and know about every belief system out there but education means nothing if you deny the truth.
And if you really were "educated", you'd know that Jesus said not to judge wrongly and to judge correctly...but you're soo educated so I'm sure you knew that. :sarcasm: You should read up on Gnosticism and see the flaws of it....

I keep forgeting that you are god incarnate, the second coming and all, and that is how you know GOD's TRUTH and find yourself in a position to judge others :sarcasm:


New Member
I keep forgeting that you are god incarnate, the second coming and all, and that is how you know GOD's TRUTH and find yourself in a position to judge others :sarcasm:
This is the desperate post of somebody who has nothing to say except "I'm rubber and your glue". :yawn:


Christians are so filled with hatred. It's sad, really.

It's so true. It's why we established churches. So we can get together and express our hatred amongst those of our own kind who also want to express their hatred. The best ceremonies are those where nobody talks, we all just sit there and hate.

You can feel the hate in the air. It's electrifying.

Then we sacrifice a virgin*.

*If you know what I mean


New Member
This is the desperate post of somebody who has nothing to say except "I'm rubber and your glue". :yawn:

considering i am dealing with people who say "the book is true cuz the book says it is true" i'd say you are not really in a position to throw stones. besides, if you were actually keeping up, IT was busy saying the bible commands him to judge other people, just judge them correctly. maybe you can provide the passages that back that up


professional daydreamer
So your stance on things is to accuse ALL Christians of practicing hate by exercising hate? And you think that's not hypocritical? :ohwell:

I said "a", singular. I was speaking of what I would not be mistaken for. If you took it as a blanket statement, maybe there's some dark, sinister reason you're taking it that way. Maybe your father didn't love you. :shrug: That said, I do find the majority of christians I encounter to be hypocrites, but there's no reason why you should be bothered by what I think. The only thing that should be important to you is pleasing your god.


I said "a", singular. I was speaking of what I would not be mistaken for. If you took it as a blanket statement, maybe there's some dark, sinister reason you're taking it that way. Maybe your father didn't love you. :shrug: That said, I do find the majority of christians I encounter to be hypocrites, but there's no reason why you should be bothered by what I think. The only thing that should be important to you is pleasing your god.

So hostile?

I'm happy to remind you of what you posted:

You're exactly like the people who turned me off to "your" truth. Christians are so filled with hatred. It's sad, really.

No dark sinister interpretation here. YOUR own words. The word "a" is not there. Perhaps if you were more consistent I'd understand your point better.

I do agree there are a lot of hateful and hypocritical Christians. There are a lot of hateful and hypocritical non-Christians. There are an aweful lot of loving and caring Christians; just as there are plenty of loving and caring non-Christians.

Which are you?


professional daydreamer
So hostile?

I'm happy to remind you of what you posted:

No dark sinister interpretation here. YOUR own words. The word "a" is not there. Perhaps if you were more consistent I'd understand your point better.

I do agree there are a lot of hateful and hypocritical Christians. There are a lot of hateful and hypocritical non-Christians. There are an aweful lot of loving and caring Christians; just as there are plenty of loving and caring non-Christians.

Which are you?

I'm a hateful atheist.


professional daydreamer
I think she was referring to this:See, by calling Christians, as a blanket statement "so filled with hatred" that they "turned (her) off to ('our') truth", she doesn't see that as a hate filled comment from herself - therefore she cannot be confused with "a hypocritical Christian".


The two things of note here are that she sees being turned off to Christianity as sad (unless, mAlice, you meant your comment that "Christians are so filled with hatred" is sad - if so, please tell me.); and that she does not recognize a blanket statement like that as equally filled with negative emotion.

and that.

Honestly, every christian I have encountered that could not sway my opinion, has ultimately had something nasty to say to anything I have said in defense of my opinion. You can choose to believe that or not, I don't really care.

As for my posts...anymore I do it just to get a rise out of the self righteous. Just in case you didn't notice, it worked.

Years ago I'd try to have discussions on here about why I feel the way I do, and I constantly got the same types of responses as I've been getting from the italianonion.


professional daydreamer
In my opinion, faith is just that - faith. For me, personally, I do not try to get nasty with anyone for their belief system. That is true whether their belief system is in Catholocism, LDS, other protestant, Jew, Muslim, or random mutation. If I have been nasty with you in the past, let me whole-heartedly apologize here and now. I do have emotions, too, and they get worked up just like anybody else's.

I'm not going to convince you of God, Jesus, or anything else. Only you can have faith - and no one I know has faith because of a conversation they've had that convinced them. I'm not God's lawyer, you're not the jury. You're not nothingness's lawyer, and I'm not the jury - so the opposite is also true.

People believe and have faith because of the experiences in their life, and how they choose to perceive those things. There is no logic, scientifically speaking, to a void of design, nor to a God. Each has huge flaws from a logical standpoint - so people have to choose how to believe based on their attitudes towards (pardon me, Mr. Adams) life, the universe, and everything.

That's all fine and good. But it would be nice if christians didn't insist that everyone believe what they believe. They can stop trying to save everyone's souls any day now.

When christians get off my back, I'll get off theirs, and that includes posting their drivel on public forums.


Honestly, every christian I have encountered that could not sway my opinion, has ultimately had something nasty to say to anything I have said in defense of my opinion.

I, for one, would like to apologize for all the nasty things I have said to you for defending your beliefs.


New Member
That's all fine and good. But it would be nice if christians didn't insist that everyone believe what they believe. They can stop trying to save everyone's souls any day now.

When christians get off my back, I'll get off theirs, and that includes posting their drivel on public forums.
Ever watch Penn Jillette (atheist)? - Atheist/Magician Penn Jillette Describes Remarkable Encounter With Christian Fan

I love the part that he says this: "How much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize somebody if you believe they are going to hell?" (I'm paraphrasing)


professional daydreamer
Might I suggest not going to the forums where Christians are talking together about their beliefs, then?

No. As long as they can throw their beliefs out there, then I can throw my lack of beliefs out there. What part of "public" forum do you not get? It's a place for "discussion" and enlightenment.


I think she was referring to this:

Perhaps mAlice would be doing herself a favor if she were to keep track of the various conversations. I posted specifically what I replied to; which was a blanket statement that Christians (not “a”, not “some”, not “many”; Christians: meaning ALL) are filled with hatred.

Now… mAlice has humbled herself and admitted she is hateful. This is a bit of a breakthrough. Now she can possibly realize that if it’s okay for her to be hateful then it must be okay for others to be hateful OR………………. that maybe being hateful is just ugly and she is right to point it out in both Christians and herself. A lot of healing could happen here.


professional daydreamer
Well, you can't really complain that people are discussing something when that something is the point of the forum.

EDIT: My point is, you said you don't want to hear from Christians about Christianity. Then, don't wlak up and start a conversation (or join a known conversation) about Christianity, and we'll leave you alone about it.

Kinda like going to a strip club and then complaining about the naked dancers - there's not really much of a point except to TRY and get people to be dismissive of you, so you can claim victimhood.

How would you get your brownie points if you weren't trying to convert someone? I'm just helping. :shrug:


Honestly, every christian I have encountered that could not sway my opinion, has ultimately had something nasty to say to anything I have said in defense of my opinion. You can choose to believe that or not, I don't really care.

As for my posts...anymore I do it just to get a rise out of the self righteous. Just in case you didn't notice, it worked.

Years ago I'd try to have discussions on here about why I feel the way I do, and I constantly got the same types of responses as I've been getting from the italianonion.

For all of this you are right in your feelings towards Christians. We should try to remain above reproach. Not self-righteous; just above reproach. But try to keep in mind that we are not perfect little robots. I realize for non-believers there is a perception that Christians are required to live some sort of perfect life and to stray from that implies that our faith is flawed. Well, it is quite flawed. I’m no more human than you are.

I blame the Christian churches more than anything. The leaders of the Church have propped themselves up in high places, placing themselves above others, glaring down at those perceived as less, shaking their judgmental finger at us. I’ve read the posts where folks blame parents (particularly fathers) for one’s lack of belief in God. I primarily blame the church. As a collective we have no excuses when we prop people like Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Oral Roberts, Jim Jones, David Koresh, the numerous child predators of the Catholic Church, etc… only to watch them tear the church down with their transgressions, swindling of massive amounts of money, and deceiving thousands of potential believers. While many of them may have brought thousands to God, they simultaneously destroyed the credibility of the church.

So, don’t think there aren’t some of us that don’t understand why you are don’t believe. I want you to believe. I want you to understand that there are a lot of believers that aren’t all the things you perceive them to be. I’m certain you already know this. The battle is weeding out the noise and getting to the message. I decided a while ago that church was becoming noise to me. I couldn’t get past the money, rituals, fashion shows, and false preachings. I find more peace with God outside of any church.

As for the original question of this thread, I want Christmas to be a message, not a holiday. I want it to send the real message of Christ and in that, everyone can observe and celebrate it. Jesus would not want anyone exempt.


professional daydreamer
For all of this you are right in your feelings towards Christians. We should try to remain above reproach. Not self-righteous; just above reproach. But try to keep in mind that we are not perfect little robots. I realize for non-believers there is a perception that Christians are required to live some sort of perfect life and to stray from that implies that our faith is flawed. Well, it is quite flawed. I’m no more human than you are.

I blame the Christian churches more than anything. The leaders of the Church have propped themselves up in high places, placing themselves above others, glaring down at those perceived as less, shaking their judgmental finger at us. I’ve read the posts where folks blame parents (particularly fathers) for one’s lack of belief in God. I primarily blame the church. As a collective we have no excuses when we prop people like Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Oral Roberts, Jim Jones, David Koresh, the numerous child predators of the Catholic Church, etc… only to watch them tear the church down with their transgressions, swindling of massive amounts of money, and deceiving thousands of potential believers. While many of them may have brought thousands to God, they simultaneously destroyed the credibility of the church.

So, don’t think there aren’t some of us that don’t understand why you are don’t believe. I want you to believe. I want you to understand that there are a lot of believers that aren’t all the things you perceive them to be. I’m certain you already know this. The battle is weeding out the noise and getting to the message. I decided a while ago that church was becoming noise to me. I couldn’t get past the money, rituals, fashion shows, and false preachings. I find more peace with God outside of any church.

As for the original question of this thread, I want Christmas to be a message, not a holiday. I want it to send the real message of Christ and in that, everyone can observe and celebrate it. Jesus would not want anyone exempt.

Same ol' song and dance, and it's all about what you (as a collective) want, and screw everybody else.