Should Non-Christians celebrate Christmas?


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Prove it! :yahoo:
The following can indicate a delusion:
  1. The patient expresses an idea or belief with unusual persistence or force. Check
  2. That idea appears to exert an undue influence on his or her life, and the way of life is often altered to an inexplicable extent. Check
  3. Despite his/her profound conviction, there is often a quality of secretiveness or suspicion when the patient is questioned about it.
  4. The individual tends to be humorless and oversensitive, especially about the belief. Check
  5. There is a quality of centrality: no matter how unlikely it is that these strange things are happening to him, the patient accepts them relatively unquestioningly. Check
  6. An attempt to contradict the belief is likely to arouse an inappropriately strong emotional reaction, often with irritability and hostility. Checkaroo
  7. The belief is, at the least, unlikely, and out of keeping with the patient's social, cultural and religious background.
  8. The patient is emotionally over-invested in the idea and it overwhelms other elements of his or her psyche. Check here also
  9. The delusion, if acted out, often leads to behaviors which are abnormal and/or out of character, although perhaps understandable in the light of the delusional beliefs. (Matthew Ludgate)
  10. Individuals who know the patient will observe that his or her belief and behavior are uncharacteristic and alien.

6 of 10 markers you've demonstrated just in this one little thread. You might not be delusional but as the magic 8 ball says " signs point to yes "


New Member
Version is irrelevant but I'd better restate my point. The 5 books that Moses wrote have been around longer than any other since they were written shortly after the creation. I meant to say that the Bible has been the most printed book of all times; More copies than any other book.
And God is eternal; no one created Him.
I gave you ample proof; you chose to ignore it.

I did back it up. You're just not able to understand it. See mAlice's siggy line... :howdy:

The second most printed book of all times?

Chairman Mao (the real one) Little Red Book

Using your logic, that justifies his book too.


It is correct. The Immaculate Conception celebrates the birth of Mary without original sin. The Catholics decided that since Jesus was born without OS, Mary must have been as well.

Carry on.

I feel pretty ignorant about this subject. I'm sure it's been beat up pretty extensively in the forum, but I would like to hear from some Catholics on this.

How is Mary's concerption defined?

What Bible verses support this?

How does this pan with the verse: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." - Romans 3:23?


professional daydreamer
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." - Romans 3:23...has to be the stupidest thing ever written, obviously by a bunch of control freak men who would do anything to make women behave in an "acceptable" manner.

Do what I say, or the sinful baby dies!


"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." - Romans 3:23...has to be the stupidest thing ever written, obviously by a bunch of control freak men who would do anything to make women behave in an "acceptable" manner.

Do what I say, or the sinful baby dies!

You asked for examples of being combative?

This is one. :nono:

Instead of providing a practical argument to discuss the subject rationally you simply inject nonsensical platitudes.

I’m not sure how you interpret this verse to be aimed at women. The word “all” means EVERYONE. Men and women. You claim to have read the bible several times but don’t even attempt to understand the fundamental meaning behind sin as it applies to all people.


professional daydreamer
You asked for examples of being combative?

This is one. :nono:

Instead of providing a practical argument to discuss the subject rationally you simply inject nonsensical platitudes.

I’m not sure how you interpret this verse to be aimed at women. The word “all” means EVERYONE. Men and women. You claim to have read the bible several times but don’t even attempt to understand the fundamental meaning behind sin as it applies to all people.

This is not combative, it just disagrees with the way you see things. You see that scripture as a way to offhandedly say it's okay to kill babies...because all have sinned.

I say babies are incapable of sinning, and should not be killed because some man got a wild hair up his ass and and needed an excuse to kill a village.

How do you feel about abortion? Is that okay? I mean, we're talking about sinful babies here.


professional daydreamer
You asked for examples of being combative?

This is one. :nono:

Instead of providing a practical argument to discuss the subject rationally you simply inject nonsensical platitudes.

I’m not sure how you interpret this verse to be aimed at women. The word “all” means EVERYONE. Men and women. You claim to have read the bible several times but don’t even attempt to understand the fundamental meaning behind sin as it applies to all people.

There's a lot you don't understand.


This is not combative, it just disagrees with the way you see things. You see that scripture as a way to offhandedly say it's okay to kill babies...because all have sinned.

I say babies are incapable of sinning, and should not be killed because some man got a wild hair up his ass and and needed an excuse to kill a village.

How do you feel about abortion? Is that okay? I mean, we're talking about sinful babies here.

What the heck are you talking about “kill babies”?

Please try to stay on track here. I am trying to get a Catholic’s point of view on the Immaculate Conception and how Mary being absent of sin pans out with Romans 3:23. Bringing “killing babies” into this is nothing more than a distraction.

If you want to get into the spiritual concept of sin we can do that. You’re talking about the act of committing sin. I’m talking about being spiritually sinful from birth as stated in Romans 3:23. Asserting that I condone the killing of babies completely misses the point of spiritual sin. Of course babies are without sin, in terms of committing an actual sin. But, by nature of being human a baby is not without sin; spiritually.

I am against abortion; except in the most extreme cases. I am not for banning it but from a personal and spiritual standpoint I am against it; adamantly. I have always asserted that our unborn and babies are the most innocent among us. Abortion in its freest form has become THE abomination of today’s society. It epitomizes all that I am trying to say about spiritual sin.

Now… back to my questions about Mary?


professional daydreamer
What the heck are you talking about “kill babies”?

Please try to stay on track here. I am trying to get a Catholic’s point of view on the Immaculate Conception and how Mary being absent of sin pans out with Romans 3:23. Bringing “killing babies” into this is nothing more than a distraction.

If you want to get into the spiritual concept of sin we can do that. You’re talking about the act of committing sin. I’m talking about being spiritually sinful from birth as stated in Romans 3:23. Asserting that I condone the killing of babies completely misses the point of spiritual sin. Of course babies are without sin, in terms of committing an actual sin. But, by nature of being human a baby is not without sin; spiritually.

I am against abortion; except in the most extreme cases. I am not for banning it but from a personal and spiritual standpoint I am against it; adamantly. I have always asserted that our unborn and babies are the most innocent among us. Abortion in its freest form has become THE abomination of today’s society. It epitomizes all that I am trying to say about spiritual sin.

Now… back to my questions about Mary?

So, it's okay to wipe out all the babies in a village if your god commands it, (because they are born of sin) but it's not okay to have an abortion.

Got it.


New Member
Maybe god is working through the women who are compelled to have abortions.
Last time I checked, God doesn't give personal revelation to people anymore. (my pentecostal friends would disagree obviously)

(I also can't believe this thread is still going too)


New Member
I feel pretty ignorant about this subject. I'm sure it's been beat up pretty extensively in the forum, but I would like to hear from some Catholics on this.

How is Mary's concerption defined?

What Bible verses support this?

How does this pan with the verse: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." - Romans 3:23?

Is this limited to Catholics? Christians? Believers?