Should you wait?

Before or after marriage if love is involved?

  • If they love each other its ok.

    Votes: 27 48.2%
  • Hellz no wait until marriage.

    Votes: 15 26.8%
  • Other.

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • Not sure...

    Votes: 4 7.1%

  • Total voters


Football addict
Originally posted by Nickel
I love that movie...I always ask Joshua if he's seen my baseball...he says no. :ohwell:

Is Joshua your son? Don't go looking for it behind his ear. Do you remember what happened in the movie?:roflmao:


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by BuddyLee
Is Joshua your son? Don't go looking for it behind his ear. Do you remember what happened in the movie?:roflmao:
Yup, he's my little boy. He gets pissed off if anyone touches him, he's an independent guy.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Chasey_Lane
Forget that. You're not getting me involved in this tread...:nono:
Aw,C'mon! You know you have sound advice to offer on the subject... And they're counting on you.


Originally posted by BuddyLee
If two people have been going out for atleast a good year or two and they both love each other should they indulge in the act of sex or put it off and wait until marriage?

Voice your opinions.:yay:

Wait until you know sex is right for both of you. You asked for my opinion, and there it is...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Wenchy
Wait until you know sex is right for both of you.
With the exception of Janey, I don't think young people ever know when sex is right for them. They think if they get horny, sex must be right.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
With the exception of Janey, I don't think young people ever know when sex is right for them. They think if they get horny, sex must be right.

Janey didn't know when sex was right for her, and this is why the debate is going on. She was with guys for a maximum of three months who had their jollies and basically moved on. I believe sex is right if you really care about someone, and know what precautions to take. (Broken heart included.)


Twenty Something
It's also hard when sex is everywhere (your friends, tv & movies, all over the news). When you're 12 or 13 years old, you still have that innocence where you believe what your parents say is how you should live your life. So for me, I kept that mentality until I went to college. There, everything was so different from what I knew, and I figured it wasn't as big of a deal as my elders claimed it to be. And then I got I'm re-evaluating how I want to view it...and I may wait until I'm engaged/married now.


Originally posted by janey83
It's also hard when sex is everywhere (your friends, tv & movies, all over the news). When you're 12 or 13 years old, you still have that innocence where you believe what your parents say is how you should live your life. So for me, I kept that mentality until I went to college. There, everything was so different from what I knew, and I figured it wasn't as big of a deal as my elders claimed it to be. And then I got I'm re-evaluating how I want to view it...and I may wait until I'm engaged/married now.

In college everything is very different, and you have learned how to protect yourself. However, this doesn't mean that all guys are the scumbags you met at college...You need to believe in yourself Janey, and everything will come together.


Football addict
Originally posted by janey83
It's also hard when sex is everywhere (your friends, tv & movies, all over the news). When you're 12 or 13 years old, you still have that innocence where you believe what your parents say is how you should live your life. So for me, I kept that mentality until I went to college. There, everything was so different from what I knew, and I figured it wasn't as big of a deal as my elders claimed it to be. And then I got I'm re-evaluating how I want to view it...and I may wait until I'm engaged/married now.

Just one simple question I have to ask here. If you honestly loved a guy and he honestly loved you and you two were going out for a sufficient amount of time you wouldn't try to explore the last domain of your relationship before marriage?

And I'm talking about real love here not some puppy dog 3 month old love like we've had in past relationships. What would be so bad about that is all I'm asking if you know this guy/gal is the one or really really close to being the one?


Football addict
Originally posted by Wenchy
In college everything is very different, and you have learned how to protect yourself. However, this doesn't mean that all guys are the scumbags you met at college...You need to believe in yourself Janey, and everything will come together.

:yeahthat: I hate most guys! I hate them I hate them I hate them! I don't expect anyone on these boards including Janey to believe that I'm not some sleezebag dude just like most of the other guys. It ERKS me so much that gals go out with some a$$h0les and get burned and then when some good guy comes along he gets crapped on. The only thing I want is for Janey to get to know me so that we can build up some much needed trust. Month's will not do! This will have to be awhile in order for me to seriously get to know what type of gal she is and for her to get to know what type of guy I am. With that in mind, no one including Janey can predict what we as a couple will do until we've taken that long route of trust. When you get to know each other and trust one another and love one another then I believe it is ok for a couple to induldge in the act of sex.
Last edited:


Twenty Something
Originally posted by BuddyLee
:yeahthat: I hate most guys! I hate them I hate them I hate them! I don't expect anyone on these boards including Janey to believe that I'm not some sleezebag dude just like most of the other guys. It ERKS me so much that gals go out with some a$$h0les and get burned and then when someone good comes along they get crapped on. The only thing I want is for Janey to get to know me so that we can build up some much needed trust. Month's will not do! This will have to be awhile in order for me to seriously get to know what type of gal she is and for her to get to know what type of guy I am. With that in mind, no one including Janey can predict what we as a couple will do until we've taken that long route of trust. When you get to know each other and trust one another and love one another then I believe it is ok for a couple to induldge in the act of sex.

I see where you're coming from, I def. do. And I think I would have to spend a lot of time getting to know basically, if we're together in 2 years...ask me again how I feel on the subject.


Football addict
Originally posted by janey83
I see where you're coming from, I def. do. And I think I would have to spend a lot of time getting to know basically, if we're together in 2 years...ask me again how I feel on the subject.

Ok. :tap: I'll be here.


Twenty Something
Originally posted by BuddyLee
15 minutes. Whew! This is going to be awhile.:lmao: jk

sorry, it takes time to jump around section to section...and besides, my cousin was online & telling me about her upcoming engagement & I'm to be a bridesmaid! :biggrin:


Football addict
Originally posted by janey83
sorry, it takes time to jump around section to section...and besides, my cousin was online & telling me about her upcoming engagement & I'm to be a bridesmaid! :biggrin:

Not another wedding. I wonder what all of these weddings mean.:confused:


Twenty Something
Originally posted by BuddyLee
Not another wedding. I wonder what all of these weddings mean.:confused:

let's see...Sam & Luke got married in June, then it was Lindsey & Justin, now it's going to be Sarah & uh, forgot his name, Julie & Aaron, Rosa & Andrew, Beth & Greg, another Lindsay & her bf, my ex Justin & his gf Amber, oh and didn't Jody's brother Kevin get married? That's what I heard. :confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by BuddyLee
If you honestly loved a guy and he honestly loved you and you two were going out for a sufficient amount of time you wouldn't try to explore the last domain of your relationship before marriage?
Don't be silly. I've never put a time limit on sex. Hell, if we'd have had some place better than the back of his Suburban, Larry and I would have done it on the first date. :lol:

What I was getting at was that BOTH people have to be ready, not just one who's trying to pressure the other. I admire girls like Janey who stick to their guns and have better things to do than screw every guy that comes down the pike. That's a girl worth waiting for. :yay:

Plus that, my son is your age so I tend to talk to you like you're him rather than a peer. :shrug: