Should you wait?

Before or after marriage if love is involved?

  • If they love each other its ok.

    Votes: 27 48.2%
  • Hellz no wait until marriage.

    Votes: 15 26.8%
  • Other.

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • Not sure...

    Votes: 4 7.1%

  • Total voters


Football addict
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Don't be silly. I've never put a time limit on sex. Hell, if we'd have had some place better than the back of his Suburban, Larry and I would have done it on the first date. :lol:

What I was getting at was that BOTH people have to be ready, not just one who's trying to pressure the other. I admire girls like Janey who stick to their guns and have better things to do than screw every guy that comes down the pike. That's a girl worth waiting for. :yay:

Plus that, my son is your age so I tend to talk to you like you're him rather than a peer. :shrug:

Come now Vrai. You don't know me or what kind of person I truly am. You may think you know.:wink:

I was not setting a time limit on sex. I think we merely have to wait awhile before we do anything because the both of us have had relationships lasting only 3 months or so. I have in no way pressured her or any of the two other gals that I was intimate with to do something sexually. I hate that thought. I will not do much of anything unless I know absolutely if it's ok and we have already discussed this. I know that both people in the relationship have to be ready and I respect that and this is why I have said over and over that I'd be willing to wait. The question that I have to offer deals with sex before marriage and if it is legitimate if the couple actually loves each other. No puppy love here, just plain ole smack dab your in love kinda love. I just don't see what the big deal is.


Originally posted by BuddyLee
Come now Vrai. You don't know me or what kind of person I truly am. You may think you know.:wink:

I was not setting a time limit on sex. I think we merely have to wait awhile before we do anything because the both of us have had relationships lasting only 3 months or so. I have in no way pressured her or any of the two other gals that I was intimate with to do something sexually. I hate that thought. I will not do much of anything unless I know absolutely if it's ok and we have already discussed this. I know that both people in the relationship have to be ready and I respect that and this is why I have said over and over that I'd be willing to wait. The question that I have to offer deals with sex before marriage and if it is legitimate if the couple actually loves each other. No puppy love here, just plain ole smack dab your in love kinda love. I just don't see what the big deal is.
Just hit it and stop acting like a mansy pansy sensitive guy panty waste. If she will let you that is.

P.S. You are not old enough or experienced enough to know what real love is yet.
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Football addict
Originally posted by Pete
Just hit it and stop acting like a mansy pansy sensitive guy panty waste. If she will let you that is.

That's just not my call, it's her's too..:shrug:

P.S. You are not old enough or experienced enough to know what real love is yet.

I know I haven't experienced it yet but when it happens it happens and there is no stopping it, or so I've been told.:ohwell: Beats me how this whole thing will work out but I'm willing to give it a shot.


Football season!
Originally posted by BuddyLee
That's just not my call, it's her's too..:shrug:

I know I haven't experienced it yet but when it happens it happens and there is no stopping it, or so I've been told.:ohwell: Beats me how this whole thing will work out but I'm willing to give it a shot.

Just don't go out with a loaded gun :biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by BuddyLee
Come now Vrai. You don't know me or what kind of person I truly am. You may think you know.
I think, like any other person your age, you're still feeling your way and aren't above making impulsive decisions. But I also think of you as a sensible young man who tries to do the right thing and is a little more thoughtful than some other guys your age.

But you're right. I don't know you and could be totally wrong. :wink:


Twenty Something
Originally posted by Pete
Just hit it and stop acting like a mansy pansy sensitive guy panty waste. If she will let you that is.

P.S. You are not old enough or experienced enough to know what real love is yet.

:shrug: there's no age limit on could be late teens or 50 years old.......just happens


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by janey83
:shrug: there's no age limit on could be late teens or 50 years old.......just happens
Wait until you are at least 35 before jumping to that conclusion.


Originally posted by BuddyLee
:yeahthat: I hate most guys! I hate them I hate them I hate them! I don't expect anyone on these boards including Janey to believe that I'm not some sleezebag dude just like most of the other guys. It ERKS me so much that gals go out with some a$$h0les and get burned and then when some good guy comes along he gets crapped on. The only thing I want is for Janey to get to know me so that we can build up some much needed trust. Month's will not do! This will have to be awhile in order for me to seriously get to know what type of gal she is and for her to get to know what type of guy I am. With that in mind, no one including Janey can predict what we as a couple will do until we've taken that long route of trust. When you get to know each other and trust one another and love one another then I believe it is ok for a couple to induldge in the act of sex.
This post is gayer than Richard Lowell teaching a feltching workshop.

Techno Kat

New Member
BuddyLee, in one of your posts you said, "There are other things a couple can do that does not involve the act of sex itself." In my opinion, if a couple engages in any intimate sexual acts they are having sex. I don't think that just because they may be refraining from actual penetration means they are "saving themselves" for marriage. If you had a spouse and your spouse was caught doing oral. Would you say, "Whew. At least you weren't having intercourse. Let's go home, honey."


Football addict
Originally posted by Techno Kat
BuddyLee, in one of your posts you said, "There are other things a couple can do that does not involve the act of sex itself." In my opinion, if a couple engages in any intimate sexual acts they are having sex. I don't think that just because they may be refraining from actual penetration means they are "saving themselves" for marriage. If you had a spouse and your spouse was caught doing oral. Would you say, "Whew. At least you weren't having intercourse. Let's go home, honey."

Good point. According to most professionals sex is all of what you just exclaimed and not just the actual penetration. I kind of look at it as steps I suppose. Although it doesn't always work that way I think a couple should start off kissing and groping then move on to other steps such as fingering/hand job and blow job/eating out and ending with penetration sex. There are no time limits on any of these and many times one or several steps are skipped but I just think that when the couple is ready they should start out this way to get to know what each partner likes and dislikes. Also when it's time for penetration sex the couple shouldn't be as shy with they're bodies with each other if they do the steps accordingly.

Techno Kat

New Member
I believe you understand, but I get the feeling that Janey seems to think that penetration is some magical line in the sand and that as long as she doesn't cross it, she is protecting herself from emotional and physical ties. At least that is the impression I get from her posts.


Football addict
Originally posted by Techno Kat
I believe you understand, but I get the feeling that Janey seems to think that penetration is some magical line in the sand and that as long as she doesn't cross it, she is protecting herself from emotional and physical ties. At least that is the impression I get from her posts.

Maybe. I don't know what's going on in that head of hers. Maybe it's better for me not to know what's going on. :lol:

You bring up a good and legitimate point though. Just because you dont have penetration sex does not mean that all the other stuff is childs play. The couple should be ready for the other sexual acts just as they prepare for the actual act of penetration sex. When and if they are both ready they may do whatever they please but if one doesn't feel up to it then I don't think the couple should indulge. I am definately not the pressuring type and this would probably explian my limited sexual adventures.:lol: I am willing to wait for sexual stuff but I am positive that I do not want to wait until after I'm married to the girl.