

Main Streeter
Most of the people where I live are Democrats, except for a few die hards who would vote democrat if it was a rabid dog running as one, they mostly voted for Trump, Hogan and against Steny Hoyer.

Steny is carried to Annapolis by PG and Northern Charles, the refugee counties that the S.E refugees ran to when they left DC.

Steny doesn't represent in Annapolis. That's where state govt occurs. Did you not know that?


Main Streeter
The Dems are spoiling the CR effort by including DACA. The GOP is spoiling the CR effort by including "the wall". It is happening from BOTH sides. Does anyone here not realize that? All of that extra crap should be set aside so there can be a clean CR.


Well-Known Member
The Dems are spoiling the CR effort by including DACA. The GOP is spoiling the CR effort by including "the wall". It is happening from BOTH sides. Does anyone here not realize that? All of that extra crap should be set aside so there can be a clean CR.

Maybe I am hearing from the wrong members - what I hear is DACA or nothing. No clean bill. DACA or nothing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This seems really simple to me, although I admit to getting caught up in the eddy of blather from both sides.

DACA: Deport any "childhood arrival" who isn't fluent in English. Deport them if they have a criminal record or are on state assistance. Give them amnesty and legalize them if they're productive and have kept their nose clean. Anyone who doesn't want to become a US citizen, deport them.

"Dreamers": if they're not actively "dreaming", deport them. If they're going to college and not keeping up a reasonable GPA, back to their #### hole they go.

Chain migration: It's ridiculous that that's even a thing. Get rid of it because it's crazy. If immigrants want to be with their families so bad, stay your ass home and don't come here. Duh. If you're not a citizen you shouldn't be able to sponsor ####. That's like saying, "Okay, pal, you can come stay at my house for a year until you get on your feet," and he then invites all of his family members to come live in my house too. It's probably the most outrageous immigration thing I've ever heard of. So all gone with chain migration - no parents, no children, no siblings, no widowed aunties, no nobody.

The Wall: fund and build the ####ing thing, and enforce our immigration laws.

Sanctuary cities: Throw the Mayors of these cities in prison for breaking federal law. Not sure when we started letting the inmates run the asylum here.

And while we're at it:

Anchor babies: Be gone with that, too. That's almost as ridiculous as chain migration.

Anyone who disagrees with any of that is an unreasonable schmuck who should be disregarded as such.


Main Streeter
Maybe I am hearing from the wrong members - what I hear is DACA or nothing. No clean bill. DACA or nothing.

Yes, that is being said but what is being looking over is that Trump won't sign anything without "the wall". The wall of nothing.

Once again, it road blocks to a clean CR are coming from BOTH sides.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Yes, that is being said but what is being looking over is that Trump won't sign anything without "the wall". The wall of nothing.

Once again, it road blocks to a clean CR are coming from BOTH sides.

I'm of the opinion there is nothing "clean" about a CR in the first place. They reek of political dysfunction and create havoc in places like DoD. So I could care less about them passing another CR. I hope they don't.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yes, that is being said but what is being looking over is that Trump won't sign anything without "the wall". The wall of nothing.

So then give him the wall. It's called compromise, and I understand the Democrats aren't used to having to do that but guess what? They gonna have to learn.

I'm inclined to say #### it, let the Dems shut down the government. Let them send the message loud and clear that they care more about criminals from other countries than they do about their own constituents. That will surely play well come election time.


Well-Known Member
Yes, that is being said but what is being looking over is that Trump won't sign anything without "the wall". The wall of nothing.

Once again, it road blocks to a clean CR are coming from BOTH sides.

I believe Trump would sign a clean bill. He would be stupid not to.


Is DACA alive and well or is it expiring?

Actually trumps platform was a wall that MEXICO WILL PAY FOR. Mexico ain’t paying for #### and that’s why he needs to get our tax dollars to fund it. If trump ran on ‘I’m going to spend billions on a wall’ you might have a point.

Regardless, my point about spoiling the bill was directly in response to Sam intimating the dems spoiled it by including DACA. If we want a clean spending bill do it. But if one side is going to add #### so is the other. That’s how it works.

It's not expiring, as in a person slowly dying. It will expire on March 5th. Trump has done nothing to cause DACA to end. Obama set that date. I gave you a video where Trump said he wants to keep DACA, but he wants things in exchange for it.

I think it's fair to hold Trump to the letter of the word that Mexico will pay for the wall. When I first heard that I said to myself "what a crock". As he clarified that it could be through tariffs and other trade measures, I thought "that sounds reasonable". As to whether that will actually happen???? I'm not all that confident. But we need a comprehensive border security, which includes a wall; a good wall, cameras, motion sensors, drones, border security agents... I do not understand why people are so against a wall. We, unlike so many other countries, have a huge problem with people freely crossing into this country. Rampant drugs and criminal behavior committed by illegals is unacceptable.

Feinstein made it clear she wants a "clean" DACA bill. Trump has made it clear that if we do DACA, he wants to end chain migration and lottery immigration. Democrats refuse on that deal. Trump was willing to compromise on DACA, democrats are not interested in such compromise. Democrats have forgotten who is in the majority and why the GOP was put into the majority.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And while we're on the subject, I'm flat sick and tired of Congress' lazy bull####. CR? Pass a freaking bill, you worthless idiots! Do the work that we sent you there to do. Being a Senator or Congressman is more than just palm greasing and plowing your car into barriers because you're drunk. It means you sometimes have to, you know, WORK. We the People shouldn't tolerate continuing anything from these turds.

Does your boss let you "continue" and "defer" because you ####ed around and didn't get *your* job done?? I mean, come on. :smack:


Well-Known Member
So then give him the wall. It's called compromise, and I understand the Democrats aren't used to having to do that but guess what? They gonna have to learn.

I'm inclined to say #### it, let the Dems shut down the government. Let them send the message loud and clear that they care more about criminals from other countries than they do about their own constituents. That will surely play well come election time.

Caving to demands is not compromising. Getting something in return for giving something is. Usually with a compromise no one gets everything they want but every one gets something.


Main Streeter
DACA: Deport any "childhood arrival" who isn't fluent in English. Deport them if they have a criminal record or are on state assistance. Give them amnesty and legalize them if they're productive and have kept their nose clean. Anyone who doesn't want to become a US citizen, deport them.

"Dreamers": if they're not actively "dreaming", deport them. If they're going to college and not keeping up a reasonable GPA, back to their #### hole they go.

DACA and Dreamers are one in the same.


Well-Known Member
Caving to demands is not compromising. Getting something in return for giving something is. Usually with a compromise no one gets everything they want but every one gets something.

You are right. That is what a compromise is. Tell the Democrat. They seem to think a compromise is their getting everything they want while giving nothing.


Well-Known Member
It's not expiring, as in a person slowly dying. It will expire on March 5th. Trump has done nothing to cause DACA to end. Obama set that date. I gave you a video where Trump said he wants to keep DACA, but he wants things in exchange for it.

I think it's fair to hold Trump to the letter of the word that Mexico will pay for the wall. When I first heard that I said to myself "what a crock". As he clarified that it could be through tariffs and other trade measures, I thought "that sounds reasonable". As to whether that will actually happen???? I'm not all that confident. But we need a comprehensive border security, which includes a wall; a good wall, cameras, motion sensors, drones, border security agents... I do not understand why people are so against a wall. We, unlike so many other countries, have a huge problem with people freely crossing into this country. Rampant drugs and criminal behavior committed by illegals is unacceptable.

Feinstein made it clear she wants a "clean" DACA bill. Trump has made it clear that if we do DACA, he wants to end chain migration and lottery immigration. Democrats refuse on that deal. Trump was willing to compromise on DACA, democrats are not interested in such compromise. Democrats have forgotten who is in the majority and why the GOP was put into the majority.

If he is willing to trade DACA for
The wall then he needs to let congress know. They sure don’t think that’s what he thinks. Of course the leaders of the senate are on record as saying trump needs to tell them what he is willing to sign....

As for the wall, people are against it because it will Be expensive, can not be contiguous, and it will not work to stop illegal immigration.

The way to handle the immigration issue is to go after employers and refuse any public services to illegals. That will fix the problem and for a lot less than a stupid wall


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Caving to demands is not compromising. Getting something in return for giving something is. Usually with a compromise no one gets everything they want but every one gets something.

What do you think is being discussed here?

And while you're at it, explain to me why letting the Dems have everything they want without the GOP getting anything in return is "compromise" and not "caving to demands"?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
What do you think is being discussed here?

And while you're at it, explain to me why letting the Dems have everything they want without the GOP getting anything in return is "compromise" and not "caving to demands"?

Because... "#Feels and stuff!"


Well-Known Member
What do you think is being discussed here?

And while you're at it, explain to me why letting the Dems have everything they want without the GOP getting anything in return is "compromise" and not "caving to demands"?

The GOP wants wall funding and the dems want DACA in exchange. As far as I have heard the dems will agree to that deal. The right will not but still wants wall funding. Who is getting everything while the other gets nothing? :shrug:


Main Streeter
So then give him the wall. It's called compromise, and I understand the Democrats aren't used to having to do that but guess what? They gonna have to learn.

I'm inclined to say #### it, let the Dems shut down the government. Let them send the message loud and clear that they care more about criminals from other countries than they do about their own constituents. That will surely play well come election time.

Yes, it's called compromise. Give Trump the wall. Give the Dems DACA. Pass the CR. Compromise.