Simple Yes/No Question

Do you have negative feelings or opinions on Muslims, Arabs, or North Africans?

  • Total voters


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rocknroll said:
OK well maybe you can tell that to the Iraqi police, the Northern alliance, etc.
Okay, I will. Because they didn't seem to be particularly effective at stemming terrorism and violence prior to the US showing up in their country.

And how do you explain the fact that Hamas (the king of terrorist organizations) just won a major election?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have no feelings about people...

...I don't even know.

What I think about them is that, by and large, they live in shattered societies that are failing due to their profound dislike and outright hatred of things associated with western modernization, including minority rights, Constitutional government, elected representation and secular rule of law.

It seems a common thread is that their religion forbids a great many things that would enable them to compete more successfully in the global economy and enjoy the improved living standards that success would bring. This same faith seems to actually anchor them to the past. They don't seem to have a whole lot of humility or an ability to laugh at ones self either.

What do you think about people you don't know? Or do you just feel?


curiouser and curiouser
vraiblonde said:
And how do you explain the fact that Hamas (the king of terrorist organizations) just won a major election?
99% of the voters were like "Yeah okay, whatever." :shrug:


Routinely Derailed
I'll put it to you this way: I wouldn't go back to that region without a way to protect myself in a very effective manner. I sat at gunpoint at Dahran International Airport while our supposed buddies the Saudisconfiscated my papers, held me at machine-gun point for 3 hours, and stole all my stuff because I was an American. The same happened to all the Americans traveling with me. It continues to happen today, over 20 years later. It's not okay for us to do the same with them when they use our airports, though. Hmmm.

My "negative feelings" stop short of hatred, though. So I won't vote in your racism poll.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I just want to clarify. I do in fact have negative feelings toward the Muslim community-at-large. Does that mean I'm racist? I don't think so. I don't hate any one of them except the terrorists. My negative feelings are based on evidence of apathy among the Muslim community, either that or apparent condoning privately while condemning publicly. Honestly, I don't know what it is because I've never studied their religion.

I also have negative feelings toward many other minorities who shoulder the responsibility of their own poor conditions, and then try to blame it on someone else. And I have negative feelings toward those in their communities that sit by and watch this stuff happen and do nothing about it.

But there are a few among all the minorities that I admire. Those who stand up and try to better their lives by taking responsibility for their actions and encouraging their fellow citizens to take on the responsibility of theirs as well.

The only people I hate here are the ones that are strapping bombs to themselves and/or aiding those who want to do it. The rest of them, I just pity, and stand by wringing my hands wondering what it's going to take to get them up and off of theirs.


New Member
elaine said:
Could you please provide a link to your source?

Can I provide a link to my source that 99% of Muslims were like "Yeah OK whatever" when terrorists called for Jihad? Is that honest to God what you are asking me?


New Member
"Yeah OK whatever" meaning HELL NO!!! We're not going to declare a Jihad!!

In case you don't know, a Jihad is not just a war. It's something that all Muslims would be bound by their religion to participate in IF IT WERE REALLY A JIHAD.

So when any of these ####### terrorists has tried to call upon all of Islam to raise up in Jihad against the U.S. they've been ostracized by Muslims everywhere. The proof is in the numbers, the population, the enemies. There are over a billion Muslims in the world. There are probably a couple hundred, maybe a thousand or whatever blowing #### up in the Middle East. There is no Jihad. Our War On Terror isn't an Islam thing until racists in the U.S. make it one.


professional daydreamer
rocknroll said:
So when any of these ####### terrorists has tried to call upon all of Islam to raise up in Jihad against the U.S. they've been ostracized by Muslims everywhere.

They've been ostracized? :lmao: Are you freakin' serious? Are really this stupid, or did you stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night?

Ostracized? :lmao: