singles in st. mary's county


New Member

So I've been located down here in Lexington Park for about a year, getting settled and doing the work thing. Life's priorities have changed (amazing how that happens like the minute you graduate from college) and now I'm thinking I should start getting into the dating scene...

So my basic thinking is that I don't want to get involved with anyone from work, which isn't much of a problem since I'm at least a generation younger than the majority of the other workers. I'm not too into bars/drinking/the "fast" lifestyle and I'm fairly busy between work and graduate school. To say the least, this looks like a little bit of a challenge.

So - anybody have any advice/suggestions on where to meet other singles in St. Mary's County?


Pitty Party
waggles said:

So I've been located down here in Lexington Park for about a year, getting settled and doing the work thing. Life's priorities have changed (amazing how that happens like the minute you graduate from college) and now I'm thinking I should start getting into the dating scene...

So my basic thinking is that I don't want to get involved with anyone from work, which isn't much of a problem since I'm at least a generation younger than the majority of the other workers. I'm not too into bars/drinking/the "fast" lifestyle and I'm fairly busy between work and graduate school. To say the least, this looks like a little bit of a challenge.

So - anybody have any advice/suggestions on where to meet other singles in St. Mary's County?

therapist wanna be


New Member
good luck, not really any good places to meet if your not drinking, at least not that I know of. :buttkick:


Soul Probe
daisycreek said:
I will take the ones that you find that are too old 40 somethings :lmao:

You mean a May-December thing? A girl/boy-toy and sugar-momma/daddy thing? Such relationships have been known to exist and work fairly well. :lmao:


Soul Probe
daisycreek said:
I will take the ones that you find that are too old 40 somethings :lmao:

Radiant1 said:
You mean a May-December thing? A girl/boy-toy and sugar-momma/daddy thing? Such relationships have been known to exist and work fairly well. :lmao:

Oh...I misread your quote. Sorry, I must need more coffee... :blushing:


You could try internet dating? I'm sure some ppl from Southern Maryland are on there. Maybe if one of your coworkers has a kid that is single they could hook you up.


Well-Known Member
Can't help ya here (but if you find any males in the 30-40 age bracket that are worth it, throw them my way!)


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Ah... the quarterly "where to find a date" thread. :lol: Do a search, there's a lot of good suggestions floating around.

Radiant1 said:
Oh...I misread your quote. Sorry, I must need more coffee... :blushing:

Wonder what's on your mind this morning. :coffee:
