singles in st. mary's county


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Pete said:
Where did all you single women come from?

No s***. The main industries down here are male dominated. If you're a chick that can't find a date, you've got to be a hermit. :lol:


mv = margaritaville
Chain729 said:
:poorbaby: Just remember, skinny might equal arm candy, but a sack of bones is horrible in bed. :wink:
By no means am I a sack of bones. But nor am I in a weight watchers class. :frown:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
mv_princess said:
By no means am I a sack of bones. But nor am I in a weight watchers class. :frown:

What's the frown for :confused: Did you want to be in the weight watchers class?


Soul Probe
mv_princess said:
By no means am I a sack of bones. But nor am I in a weight watchers class. :frown:

Me either; however, St. Mary's does seem to have more than it's fair share of overweight women....and on their behalf my very outspoken GYN once told me fat women have tight vaginas...I'll leave it at that and let aps ponder that one. :lmao:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Dear Karma giver,

You're a moron. My sig has had that quote for well over a year. If you'd have been around that long, you probably wouldn't be sending gray karma.


P.S. I have no idea how the wheel can spin when hamster's dead; but I suggest replacing said hamster before it starts to stink up the place. You're welcome.


New Member
I wish you the best of luck looking for this mystery place... I've lived here multiple years, and I have yet to meet anyone, which is why I decided today to join these forums. (First post) Fact of the matter is, depending on your location (mine's calvert county...) the only thing around are stores or bars. Seems most people in this location are perfectly content with just drinking constantly. However, for people like myself, and obviously you, who grew up with different interests it is nearly impossible to be social here. But, if you do happen to find any place to meet nice, single people.... please, by all means, let me know about it. lol

Until then, I'll continue what I've been trying.... unicycling around Solomons Island. You'd be surprised how many people stop you to talk when they see you unicycle by. lol
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New Member
I'm a male for those who wondered...certainly contributes to the problem.

In any case, the replies have confirmed what I was already thinking with regard to this dilemma. I almost feel like the theme song for this topic should be the Mission Impossible music...